Chapter 211

The raging flames are constantly burning, seeming to be able to burn everything out.

The arrogant laughter of the supreme heaven also came out at the same time.

“You are all going to die, you can’t escape the burning of the extremely emperor’s flames.”

The flame really concealed Lu Chen’s group in front of them, preventing them from moving forward, only a way back.

But if you just retreat, wouldn’t it just happen-the way of the supreme heaven?

Although he had damaged a spiritual treasure, he was able to get rid of all the strange beasts in the forest by pushing the three of them back.

Only after they finish their cultivation, they come again. At that time, the three of them joined forces, but can they still be the opponents of the Supreme Emperor?

Lu Chen would not see such a situation happen, and Peacock would not want to see it either.

Those strange beasts are all the elites of Mo Bai Forbidden Land.

The fourth-rank fairy gates in the past did not dare to say the idea of ​​hitting the strange beasts in the depths of Mobai’s forbidden ground.

“How can I restrain it?” Peacock asked, squinting.

Lu Chen shook his head and replied, “I can only wait, I can’t restrain it.”

After he said that, he has already initiated a request for help from the system.

Although he knew it was the same result, he still held the last glimmer of hope.

“Ding, this flame can burn air transport, but the burning time is extremely short, and it can be prevented by temporarily avoiding it.”

After closing the system panel, Lu Chen said his own thoughts: “Peacock Immortal, I think this flame burns for a very short time, and the Supreme Heaven consumes so much, I’m afraid it won’t last long.”

“Once he has insufficient Spiritual Qi in his body, we can join forces to kill him.”

Peacock had no objection. Before the Supreme Heaven and Extreme Emperor Sect, they insulted her first, and the Supreme Lingbao was behind him.

For two reasons, the peacock is now completely standing on the opposite side of the supreme heaven.

The one that doesn’t stop and cannot be changed.

“Okay, kill him, that Lingbao belongs to me.” Peacock put forward the own condition.

Linglong, standing on one side, was not to be outdone: “You have got one for nothing, how can you be so greedy?”

Lu Chen smiled and persuaded: “Lingbao, I have never been short of the emperor, she wants to give it to him.”

Linglong snorted, no longer entangled.

Sure enough, the three of them evaded for a while, and the flames of the supreme heaven were no longer as luxuriant as before.

The madness on Wushangtian’s face was gradually dissipating.

Lu Chen seized the opportunity and said immediately: “It’s now.”

The peacock suffocated for a long time, and heard Lu Chen speak. There were hundreds of feathers immediately gathered in front of him.

Those feathers are like sharp knives, and they only need a peacock’s order to take the life of the supreme nature.

When the Supreme Heaven saw that the peacock had already had the means to fight back, he did not dare to entrust it.

The effective time of the extremely emperor’s secret technique is coming to an end.

At that time, he will fall into a brief state of weakness.

In such a battle, even the slightest difference, there may be life concerns.

But Supreme Heaven is not a person who is easy to subdue. Although he has a retreat, the peacock deceived his spirit treasure before, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

If he didn’t find some places back, how would he face all the disciples of Extreme Emperor Sect in the future?

“Do you think you can kill me without this flame?”

“If not?” Linglong asked.

The Supreme Heaven sneered, and the flames dissipated completely at the same time.

His figure did not retreat, but continued to approach the three of them.

At this time, the Peacock launched the Lingyu offensive.

The sky is full of feathers, almost blocking all the way forward for the heavens.

·· ····Find flowers······

The Supreme Heaven has only two choices, either to meet this offensive, or to return without success, and never to greedy for meritorious advances.

Obviously, Wushentian chose the former.

He took out the Soul Lock Net, and a large net opened in front of him.

Countless Lingyu slammed into the Soul Locking Net, unable to take one step forward.

After that, he withdrew the big net, and Qingming was seen before his eyes.

“Suffer!” Wushangtian took out a few soul lock nails and hit the peacock’s air pocket.

Lu Chen wanted to remind the peacock to avoid, obviously it was too late.

The Peacock didn’t know the power of the Soul Locking Nail, plus he hadn’t taken precautions before, so he said.

.. ……. 0

Several soul lock nails fell into the body of Peacock, and her figure immediately withered towards the forest.

In a short time, I am afraid that the peacock will not be able to break free from the shackles of the soul lock nail.

In front of Lu Chen and Linglong, there is the supreme heaven, obviously it is impossible to get out and help the peacock to remove the soul lock nail.

“Hahaha, Lu Chen, if you have done everything you can, you still have to die in my hands!” Wushangtian said with a smile.

Linglong approached Lu Chen’s side and asked: “This extremely emperor’s secret method is so powerful?”

Lu Chen shook his head and said in a serious tone: “It’s not like that. The Supreme Heaven is also holding on.”

“However, we still need to work hard to kill him.”

Linglong’s face improved a little after hearing Lu Chen’s explanation.

But when Linglong had just transformed her ontology, Lu Chen had already greeted the Supreme Form.

“Supreme, I’m standing here, can you kill me?” Lu Chen asked.

At the same time, Lu Chen has already spoken Linglong: “You take the opportunity to help Daxian Peacock and remove the soul-locking nail. I will hold it here first.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be big, if I can’t fight him, I will immediately retreat.” Yu.

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