Chapter 212

“How can’t it?” When the Supreme Heaven asked like this, the person had already appeared in front of Lu Chen.

At the same time, following the Supreme Heaven, there are still shadows in the sky.

Supreme Heaven raised his hand and dropped it toward Lu Chen’s forehead.

But when I saw Lu Chen, at this moment, he raised up the Spirit Sword Sect Mountain Gate token in his hand.

The supreme figure paused, his eyes widened.

“You don’t want to continue to lie to me, now that the Spirit Sword Sect has been dragged down by Canglan Mountain and Benlei Village outside the state, how can I come to rescue you?”

Having said that, his palm fell a bit slow after all.

Upon seeing this, Lu Chen immediately put away the token, and slapped down the other hand that had been behind him towards the Supreme Heaven.

It turned out that Lu Chen had already made preparations beforehand.

A palm is Lu Chen’s strongest palm.

After a palm, Lu Chen stepped back in succession.


That palm fell firmly on the chest of Supreme Heaven.

The Supreme Heaven took a palm, and his face flushed even more.

He said angrily: “Lu Chen boy, can you dare to face me?”

“Am I right now?” Lu Chen chuckled and asked back.

There is no choice but to approach again.

Lu Chen didn’t evade this time, pointing straight to Supreme Heaven.

Just now, with his palm, he has tentatively detected the truth and emptiness of the supreme heaven, and now he shot it to claim the life of the supreme heaven.

The two clashed one by one, and Lu Chen didn’t even retreat.

Wushangtian was a little surprised, and he analyzed the reason in a short time.

After using the extremely emperor’s secret method, Supreme Heaven was originally in a period of weakness, and his strength was not as good as before.

Coupled with the last breath that Lu Chen has just broken in front of him, this is what makes Lu Chen stand here now.

“Supreme, now the other way around, I want to take your life, can you dare to face me?” Lu Chen asked.

With a move in Wushangtian’s heart, he stepped back a few steps.

The next moment, Supreme Heaven took out a few soul lock nails and threw them in Lu Chen’s direction.

But never thought that those locked souls nailed to Lu Chen’s body, and they all died.

Not only couldn’t break into Lu Chen’s body, but he didn’t even touch the corner of Lu Chen’s clothes.

Looking at Lu Chen’s eyebrows again, there is actually a looming dragon scale.

“Gudong.” Wushentian swallowed with difficulty, and said to himself, “Is Nilin? Deep Sea Oath?”

Lu Chen raised his hand while nodding his head, and grabbed it towards the body of Supreme Heaven.

Supreme only feels that his own breath is locked instantly, as if he can’t escape.

A big hand directly restrained the breath of Supreme Heaven.

Lu Chen raised his other hand, squeezed his sword fingers, and then lowered his eyebrows towards the supreme heaven.

“You…can’t…” Supreme Heaven could only spit out the numbers, and felt a coolness in the heart of his eyebrows.

This is still not over, Lu Chen closed his fist again and sank on the spiritual platform of the supreme heaven.


Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief until he heard the sound of the shattering of the spiritual platform inside the Supreme Heaven.

Having cut off the vitality of the Supreme Heaven and shattered his spiritual platform, Lu Chen did not believe that the Supreme Heaven could bring back from the dead.

When he opened his palm, the figure of Supreme Heaven, like a broken kite, fell towards the forest.

At the end, Lu Chen raised his hand and removed the supreme storage ring.

After seeing the body of Supreme Heaven, falling on the forest floor, and no more aura fluctuations, Lu Chen used Spiritual Sense to explore the direction of Peacock and Linglong.

Seeing that Linglong had helped Peacock take out the soul lock nail, Lu Chen fell down.

After standing in front of Peacock and Linglong, he took out the previous Lingbao from the storage ring of the Supreme Heaven and handed it directly to Peacock…

“This is the spiritual treasure of the Supreme Emperor?” Peacock asked with a smile upon seeing this.

Immediately, she asked again: “Supreme is defeated?”

Lu Chen nodded lightly, turned around and looked at the ground in the forest.

Peacock and Linglong also followed his gaze. On the forest floor, it was the body of the Supreme Heaven.

Before the peacock took back the Lingbao, he was too happy to see a cloud of black mist falling from the sky.

The mist did not come here, but went straight to the body of the supreme heaven.

The peacock raised his hand and hurriedly reminded: “There are gangsters…”

Lu Chen and Linglong looked over, and immediately felt a familiar breath.

The black mist turned out to be the Hua Lingge who had fled before in the Lingyun Immortal Sect.

After Hua Lingge snatched her body, she didn’t stay for a long time before dispersing directly.

Peacock wanted to chase forward deeply, Lu Chen raised his hand to stop him and said: “Just let him go, without the supreme heaven, the extreme emperor can’t become a big climate.”

Lu Chen turned his gaze to the battlefield where the alien beast in the forest and the disciple of the Extreme Emperor Sect were located.

Now, the alien beast has lost half of its strength.

2.4  On the side of the extremely emperor, there are only four or five people left.

Lu Chen looked at Linglong and reminded: “Be careful.”

Linglong looked back at him, and rushed towards those people without hesitation.

As we move forward, it is already the main body.

She opened her huge mouth, and a mass of undissipated luck fell towards her.

Then, Linglong’s body fell in front of the Extreme Emperor Sect disciples, and easily swallowed all the Extreme Emperor Sect disciples.

After all this was done, Linglong called the pedestrian again and returned to Lu Chen’s side. .

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