Chapter 234

“Too good… Too good Elder?”

Yuantian Sect Leader stared at you in shock.

“You are the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Secret Sect? Why did you come here so hard?”

Yuantian Sect Leader seems to be quite afraid of you, because in his impression, the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Machine Sect is not one of the strongest in the Heavenly Machine Sect.

This legendary figure would come to their Yuan Tianzong to attack him?

Thinking of this, Yuantian Sect Leader suddenly laughed like crazy.

“I really didn’t expect that Elder, the Supreme Master of the Tianji Sect, would actually come to a small place like ours. It is really unexpected to me. It seems that our Yuan Tianzong is now a well-known immortal gate hahaha.”

Yuan Tian Sect Leader laughed at Lu Chen and Lu Qianrou like a duck.

The two of them looked at the crazy look of Yuantian Sect Leader like a fool.

“Are you okay with your brain?” Lu Qianrou couldn’t help asking.

When Lu Chen saw the other party, it seemed that he hadn’t finished pretending to be crazy, but he could probably guess that this kind of sand sculpture idea that the little Sect Leader wanted to fight for his own survival.

Lu Chen winked at Lu Qianrou, and signaled that she was left to her to deal with, and he himself wanted to investigate the little wolf dog.

A small Yuantian Sect Leader, he has already absorbed millions of fortune on his body. One can imagine how many people Yuantian Sect Leader let this Wind Demon Wolf eat before then.

But fortunately, Lu Chen stabilized the wind demon wolf by feeding his luck. It’s just that the huge Demonic Beasts in front of him took the wind demon wolf from Nanling thousands of miles away. Sealed in the own Sect.

It seemed that there was something unusual in Nanling Prefecture, otherwise, the people of Nanling Cangyu Sect would not let Demonic Beasts escape from Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

It even flows into the Yuantian Temple, which is so far away.

“Say! You Wind Demon Wolf, why did you come here~!” Lu Qianrou asked.

How could Yuantian Sect Leader betray the seller behind own, thinking that in order to find a breakthrough, he had to move step by step to the present, and finally thought that he had tamed the wind demon wolf but was directly surrendered by Lu Chen, what kind of strength this is.

Sect Leader Yuantian knew that he would not get any benefit if he said it, so he refused to speak.

No matter how hard Lv Qianrou rubs it, it won’t help.

Lu Chen at this time is also unambiguous.

“Since you can’t think about it, then we will fulfill you!”

“Little wolf dog, go.”

The Wind Demon Wolf, who was very docile in the last second, became very fierce in the next second. It opened its own blood basin and looked like it was about to swallow Yuantian Sect Leader.

Yuantian Sect Leader fainted on the spot.

Inside the Tianjizong.

Several Elders are waiting for your return.

“Too great Elder, Sect Leader, you are back, how is the situation?”

Lu Qianrou angrily pointed to the situation behind her.

Lu Chen rode on the wind demon wolf and galloped from the sky of the Heavenly Machine Sect.

“Wind Demon Wolf? Why does it appear here?”

The Elders present were all wary of this behemoth.

There has never been any Demonic Beasts around the Tianji Sect, and now this Wind Demon Wolf descending from the sky has scared many people present.

Linglong even directly intends to become the ontology.

Fortunately, Lu Chen saw her vigilant thoughts and raised his hand to stop them.

When Lu Chen rode the Wind Demon Wolf slowly and landed in front of the Great Hall of the Tianji Sect, everyone was shocked watching this Demonic Beasts rubbing against Lu Chen.

“Don’t worry, this Wind Demon Wolf is not as scary as you think.”

“¨~We just want to return it to its original owner.”

Not only Lu Chen came down from the Wind Demon Wolf, but also the Yuantian Sect Leader who had fainted.

Without saying anything, Lu Qianrou sent someone to imprison Yuantian Sect Leader in the jail.

“The master behind the rumors in the past few days has been found out, but we are now facing this bigger problem.”

Lu Chen told Sect about the Wind Demon Wolf, and now the entire Tianji Sect will blow up the pot.

The reason is simple. Everyone feels that returning Demonic Beasts to Nanling is a very stupid and wrong behavior. Some Elders will not hesitate to start arguing with you.

But Wind Demon Wolf is a person who always likes to live in groups and is suitable for survival in the environment (for money) of Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

There is no way for Tianjizong to keep it.

“Too good and old, we can build a place suitable for it to survive!”

“If we can also have Demonic Beasts as the town sect beast, then we are likely to be among the fourth rank fairy gate!”

Elders all agree on this, but you don’t agree with it at all.

Zhenzong beasts are generally divine beasts left over by Sects in the past. Demonic Beasts have been domesticated for thousands of years to become a guardian beast that can truly abandon animality.

But this Wind Demon Wolf grew up in a place like Ten Thousand Demon Valley, so how can it be the responsibility of being a guardian beast.

“No, the risk is too big!”.

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