Chapter 235

Your sentence was negative, and everyone who said it was speechless. Thinking of the fate of the last time you went out and acted recklessly with your back on your back, everyone didn’t dare to speak any more.

After all, what you are saying is the truth. The only person in the Tianji Sect who knows how to tame Demonic Beasts is Yang Jian’s snarling dog.

However, the Roaring Sky Dog was raised by Yang Jian since he was born, and Yang Jian himself did not know how to tame this kind of Demonic Beasts.

“Why don’t you let Yang Elder? Anyway, Snarling Skyhound and Wind Demon Wolf are of the same type.” Bai Qi asked tentatively.

Yang Jian quickly refused, and the snarling dog beside him seemed to sense whether his owner was going to take care of other pets, and quickly stepped forward and barked.

“Do you have any objections to this matter? Come and listen.” Lu Chen asked.

At this time Linglong thought about it, and asked about something that shocked everyone’s jaw.

“If I am willing to be the guardian beast of the fairy gate, will we hope to break through to the fourth rank fairy gate?”


“How can this be possible.”


“Linglong, don’t be joking. Everyone has already treated you. When you really become a guardian beast, then you have to guard one side and never regret it.”

Linglong didn’t think it mattered, anyway, she had spent thousands of years enjoying her life at the bottom of Nanhua Pool.

“I don’t think there is anything. Isn’t this also for the immortal gate?”

Lu Chen speechlessly saw that the people were so naive about this issue, and immediately planned their dispute.

“The matter of the fourth rank fairy gate, we are not in a hurry.”

“The real thing to do now is to send the Wind Demon Wolf back with an unmoving look, and then make the affairs of Yuantian Sect Leader public.”

Just when Lu Chen was in control of the general situation in Tianjizong.

An uninvited guest came to the Temple of Heaven.

Looking at the dilapidated Yuantian Temple, he knew that things were not easy.

“Yuantian Sect Leader, I’m here to collect the rent. The time limit for this Wind Demon Wolf has expired today.”

“If you still want to have it, you have to pay another Star Tianwan.”

Just when this person made a round in the Yuantian Temple, he found nothing.

“No, this sixth rank Xianzong actually played escape with me? Or is it backlashed.”

When the uninvited guest walked out of the Temple of Heaven, his attire did not belong to any immortal gate, instead, it looked like a shopkeeper’s casual clothes.

After returning to Longya Inn, the shop Xiaoer walked up to the proprietress’s side.

“The treasurer, the people of the Yuan Tianzong, all disappeared overnight.”

When the woman heard it, Liu Ye raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes sullenly leaking.

“How dare to play this game with our Longya Inn.”

“I think this Yuan Tianzong really has eaten Xiongxin Leopard’s guts!”

The shopkeeper on the side walked behind the woman with a flattering expression and pressed her shoulders.

“Treasurer, I heard that this Yuan Tianzong has offended many immortal gates during this period. It seems that these immortal gates may have troubled them first, and this Wind Demon Wolf may have already run away.”

“Huh! Dig out the bottom of these fairy gates one by one! I still don’t believe it, this Wind Demon Wolf can still grow wings Flying Daggers to the heavens!”

Nanling Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

“Who is here!”

“Tianjizong, too Elder.” Lu Chen said.


The guard standing in front of the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters, hearing Lu Chen’s identity, didn’t mean to stop him anymore.

Lu Chen went to the Nanling Garden, and the Sect Leader of Nanling Xianzong was waiting for Lu Chen.

“I don’t know if you are too good Elder came here, there is a long way to go.”

Suntech Sect Leader looked at his young age and showed his talents, but in the process of communication between Lu Chen and him, he found that this young man was very humble and courteous, and his maturity and stability did not match his current age, which made Lu Chen feel very comfortable. .

“Actually, I came this time to tell you that I found a Wind Demon Wolf who was fleeing outside. Now I want to return the item to its original owner. After all, this is Demonic Beasts of Ten Thousand Demons Valley.”

Suntech Sect Leader, seeing you take the initiative to return the Wind Demon Wolf, also responded very wittily.

“Presumably too, Elder should know what the end of this smuggling of Demonic Beasts will be. In fact, the escape or return of Demonic Beasts will have a lot of complicated processes.”

“I just believe that if you are too high on Elder, these things will be avoided. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, please don’t make too much publicity on Elder.”

Lu Chen carefully recalled the meaning of Suntech Sect Leader’s words.

According to Ten Thousand Demon Valley’s regulations, if any problems occur with any Demonic Beasts, it is an inevitable process to hold them accountable.

But no matter whether a matter is too simple to solve, and too impossible to have a solution, it is a bad omen.

Now that Suntech Sect Leader promised him so readily, there must be a problem.

However, what Lu Chen can do at this time is to follow his topic.

“Then thank Suntech Sect Leader.”

But just after Lu Chen’s front foot left, Suntech Sect Leader ordered.

“Lock up this Wind Demon Wolf, and immediately notify the treasurer! New products are here!”.

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