Chapter 238

“Your Heavenly Jizong’s geographical location is really superior. Such a beautiful scenery is only comparable to that of Suzhou and Hangzhou.”

“Where, the treasurer Jin is polite.”

The treasurer Jin took a sip of Tianjizong’s wine and deliberately revealed a looming temptation.

“Since Elder is so reasonable, then I am not ambiguous with you. I only want my Wind Demon Wolf. I don’t care about other things.”

Lu Chen paused and responded very politely.

“This, I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult. As early as a day ago, we had already returned the Wind Demon Wolf to Ten Thousand Demon Valley. Now this Wind Demon Wolf is already playing freely in Ten Thousand Demon Valley.”

Shopkeeper Jin patted the table and got up and scolded: “I bought this Wind Demon Wolf at a high price! You are telling me that you released it now?”

“Then you have to pay for my loss!”

Lu Chen told the ins and outs of the matter lightly.

But when the treasurer Jin heard this, it became even more popular.

“You would actually listen to the hypocrite of Suntech. Thanks to you, you are still too on Elder. Don’t you know that being defensive is indispensable?”

At this time, inside and outside the Great Hall, Sect Leader and other Elders all hid behind and listened to the movement inside.

The treasurer Jin had a tantrum in it, but Lu Chen was calm.

“Are you finished? Now you can tell, when did Demonic Beasts start to be sold?”

Lu Chen thumped the tea cup in his hand in front of the treasurer.

“Come to the shopkeeper, please have tea.”

The shopkeeper Jin realized that he had lost his temper, and for Xianmen, Demonic Beasts trading was a taboo.

If she hadn’t dealt with immortal disciples rarely, she would naturally not understand so many things in the sidelines.

“This matter started when the Shangde Sect Leader of the Cangyu Sect took office.”

“Shang De, how can he deserve such a name!”

The treasurer Jin seemed to be very resentful of him.

“Forget it, I’ll take care of this matter by myself, let’s say goodbye!”

The reason why treasurer Jin had such a big change was because she knew from the bottom of her heart that the people of the Tianji Sect could not do this favor for herself. It was simply a fantasy to let a thriving immortal door mix with Demonic Beasts.

When the treasurer Jin was about to leave, Lu Chen stopped her.

“Wait a minute, Yuantian Sect Leader is still in my hands.”

“Besides, you brutally killed other immortal gates, do you think we can do that?”

The treasurer was a little surprised.

“What? Kill other immortals? What do you mean?”

“My gold shopkeeper has always done money trading. I don’t know how to buy murderous things that corrupt wealth.”

Shopkeeper Jin’s tone was very righteous, and it didn’t really sound like she did it.

At this moment, Lu Qianrou couldn’t listen anymore, and she opened the door to confront her.

“Did you sell the Wind Demon Wolf to Yuantian Sect Leader? Now because you have not taken back the Wind Demon Wolf, you start to inquire about it!”

“As a result, all the immortal gates that had been with Yuantian Sect Leader before were wiped out, and now they have come to us.”

The treasurer Jin was a little confused, this was not what she did at all, why did she put this hat on her head.

“Sect Leader of the Heavenly Machine Sect, you say that is too much!”

“Although my golden shopkeeper is not from a famous family, I have a bottom line in my life!”

“What’s the bottom line? Is it the same bottom line as your clothes?” Linglong said coldly.

“You guys!” The shopkeeper Jin was a little frustrated.

But I don’t know why, Lu Chen always feels that this thing is not so simple.

The shopkeeper Jin didn’t want to be humiliated by them any more, and left the inner room angrily.

Lu Qianrou and the others wanted to stop, but they were blocked by Lu Chen.

“Let her go, maybe she didn’t really do this thing.”

Lu Chen sitting cross-legged on the ground and meditating, recalling the conversation just now, although the treasurer Jin was slutty, she was not a sinister and cunning person. A man who can play with his mind.

“Xiongba, what kind of place is Longya Inn?”

Xiongba gave a rough introduction. It was a transit inn from Zhongzhou to other places. There are all kinds of people on weekdays. The treasurer has opened an inn here for more than ten years.

I thought this thing would just pass, but in the middle of the night, the treasurer Jin actually rushed out of the Tianji Sect with her Demonic Beasts.

“People of Tianji Sect! I’m fighting with you!”

At this time, Lu Chen was meditating in Taishang Cave, and the figure of the treasurer Jin suddenly appeared in Spiritual Sense.

“It’s so late, what is she here for?”

When Lu Chen came to the Outer Sect of Tianjizong, he saw her confronting Lu Qianrou.

“Treasurer Jin, why did you come to our Heavenly Secret Sect to mess around in the middle of the night?” Lu Chen asked.

“Oh, you still have to ask you, a fire burned my inn to ashes, my old lady will never end with you!”

“A hypocritical person like you will be punishable!”


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