Chapter 239

In the Cangyu Sect, Suntech Sect Leader listened to the reports of his subordinates very satisfied.

“Sect Leader, the treasurer Jin has already taken her pet to the Heavenly Jizong, this time it must be dead or injured.”

“Okay, I see, you can withdraw.”

Shangde Sect Leader stood on the pavilion on the top of Cangyuzong Mountain, overlooking the Ten Thousand Demon Valley under the night view.

As early as the beginning, when Lu Chen returned with Wind Demon Wolf, he became suspicious.

If Lu Chen is here to test himself about the sale and purchase of Demonic Beasts, doesn’t it mean that he will be exposed soon?

So he delivered two messages at the same time.

One was told by the fake Yuan Tianzong disciple to the treasurer that the Wind Demon Wolf was in the hands of the Tianjizong.

On the other hand, he sent people to slaughter all the Sects related to Yuan Tianzong before, so that he would never suffer from future troubles.

I thought I did this, the people of Tianji Sect would put all the suspicions on the treasurer.

What they didn’t expect was that they still let her out.

Ever since, he simply made a better one and set fire to the Dragon Tooth Inn.

The current trend of everything is more in line with his heart.

In the Tianji Sect, Lu Qianrou’s double fists are hard to beat with four hands.

The shopkeeper Jin and her Demonic Beasts cooperated tacitly, interfered and attacked, and this set played well together.

Lu Chen floated a Qinggong from a height, and touched the head of Dapeng Bird with one hand.

Immediately, the Roc Bird regained its normal temperament and did not attack again.

“My Demonic Beasts, can you control?”

Lu Chen slowly fell in front of the treasurer Jin, Yun Danfeng asked: “Treasurer Jin, what is the reason for you to be so late here?”

“Oh, you still have the face to ask me! You set fire to my inn, you are trying to drive me to death!”

Lu Chen calmly asked a question that hit the soul directly.

“Is there any advantage to doing this?”

“In the afternoon, I have the ability to take you down, but did I do that?”

The treasurer Jin suddenly realized whether he had found the wrong person.

“Then who else is there besides you, can it be Suntech?”

As soon as the treasurer Jin said this, he also paused.

“Why? I am his biggest buyer, why should he treat me this way?”

Just when the treasurer was puzzled, Lu Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

“I didn’t want to get involved in this matter, but now that we have to go to Cangyu Sect well.”

“Linglong, you go with me.”

“Others are optimistic about Sect, and can’t let any suspicious-looking people take advantage of it.”

After speaking, Lu Chen rushed to Cang Yuzong with Linglong and treasurer Jin.

“Who is here!”

Lu Chen went through the same situation again, but this time, he was not so lucky, and the guards did not let him in.

“Sect Leader is in Closed Door Training, no one can see.”

The treasurer Jin smiled mockingly: “I don’t see if I can’t see it, I don’t dare to see it.”

The guards had expressions on their faces and ignored their questions.

“If that’s the case, we can only break through.” Lu Chen finished speaking.

Linglong, knowing her heart, a dragon palm directly slapped the two guards into the air.

“It’s such a dish, and I want to watch the door. It’s really a paper curtain.”

When Lu Chen gradually got closer and closer to the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters,

There were bursts of unsettling roars in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

“In this Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, there seems to be a very powerful Demonic Beasts.” Linglong said.

“Did you perceive it?” Lu Chen asked.

“Yes, and this Demonic Beasts Cultivation Base is not under me. Although there is no ten thousand years, there are still eight or nine thousand years of Cultivation Base.”

“You should be regarded as the Beast King of Ten Thousand Demon Valley.”

Linglong nodded and moved in your direction.

“You are transformed into a human-shaped dragon. Is it possible that you are still afraid of these beasts.”

Linglong hippie smiled.

“¨~Are you acting like a baby? How can I say that I am also a girl.”

When the three of them reached the door of Cangyu Sect, the door was locked tightly, and it seemed that there was a feeling of innocence.

“This Suntech must know that we are coming, so he deliberately stayed behind closed doors.”

“Look at me!”

“Dapeng flaps its wings!”

Dapeng Bird, the ruler of the golden shopkeeper, shook his own wings madly, and then a huge violent haze battered the gate of Cangyu Sect, and the iron chain banged against the door panel and banged.

Just when the treasurer Jin thought that the door lock was about to be broken, he saw a sealing circle attached to the door, which directly pushed the Dapeng Bird’s mad haze back.

A huge reverse shock hit the three of them, but fortunately, Lu Chen had already prepared and waved his hand to defuse the shock (good money).

“It seems that Suntech Sect Leader, in order to prevent us, is fully prepared.”

At this time, behind the three of them, there was a howling that resounded across the sky.

The three of them turned their heads one after another.

The sound is getting louder and the vibration is getting stronger and stronger.

With a violent whine, a huge white wolf king appeared in front of them.

The ferocious and stern look in his eyes made everyone look at the prey.

“So… such a big wolf king, what should we do?”

Linglong was already a little trembling with fright.

“I… I don’t know either.”

At this moment, a familiar little wolf came out from behind the wolf king. .

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