Faraway Survivor

Chapter 231: Interlude 78 Formidable Opponent-1

Beleth's POV

When I was fighting against the bat monster that holds a big mirror, it suddenly died and fell to the ground.

-It seems that the other three succeeded in destroying the source which created these monsters. (Beleth)

I look around and find out not only the special variants die but also the normal variant.

I land on the ground and start checking up on my army. I give orders to the commander of each corp to report back the damage of this war.

-It takes a while for all the corps to group up to receive a detailed report. (Beleth)

When I am waiting for the report, Stolas appears next to me.

-It seems everything works according to my plan. (Stolas)

I nod and reply to her.

-Though if we don't have the help of the Lamia girl, there is no way we find out the place of that "eye". (Beleth)

-Right, how could she stumble on that eyes while going around and taking the photo? (Stolas)

Another shadow suddenly appears right behind me. I turn around and find a girl in nurse clothes.

-I have sent the two kids back to the barrack, master Beleth. (Viola)

-Thanks a lot, Viola. (Beleth)

-It's my pleasure to serve you, master. (Viola)

I stare at her and say.

-You have done a great job, as always. How about going back to your original position, Viola? (Beleth)

Viola coldly declines my offer.

-I have to decline it, master. (Viola)

Viola turns around and says.

-I am just an ordinary nurse now, master. (Viola)

A sad voice comes from Viola.

-I don't want to kill anymore, master. I want to dedicate the rest of my life to save others. (Viola)

-... (Beleth)

I can only sigh and scratch my head.

-I won't force you, Viola. But remember that position always belongs to you. (Beleth)

Viola faintly smiles and replies to me.

-I understand, master Beleth. (Viola)

Before Viola disappears, she turns around and informs me.

-Ah, Riola reminds me of telling you guys the price for those photos. (Viola)

-How much is it? Since we don't have her currency, should I pay her in gold or diamond? (Beleth)

Viola shakes her head.

-That girl doesn't want money. (Viola)

Right, if she gets a piece of important information like that, she won't demand something like money.

-I don't know what master is thinking. But I don't think she is a bad girl. (Viola)

-Hoh? (Beleth)

-She wants something from master Farah and not you two, though. (Viola)

Stolas was the first one to react when she heard Farah's name.

-What does she want? We won't accept unreasonable demands come from her. (Stolas)

-That girl merely wants a photo session of our master. (Viola)

Both Stolas and I were surprised at the unexpected demand of that Lamia.

-She wants to make master Farah wear different clothes and take a photo of her. She also says she will give you guys a copy of those photos once she is finished. (Viola)

Before I could tell Viola the answer, Stolas had already answered her.

-We approve her demand. (Stolas)

-Eh? (Beleth)

-Then I will tell Riola your answer. (Viola)

Viola disappeared in the night right after she received the confirmation from us.

-... (Beleth)

I can't help but stare at Stolas.

-What are you staring at me for, Beleth? (Stolas)

-Nothing... (Beleth)

Thanks to master Farah, I can see more faces of Stolas.

-...Haiz. (Beleth)

But I am also a little sad since I am not the one who can make show her emotion. I love Farah, but I am also a little jealous of her.

-Master Beleth! (Soldier)

I turn around and find a soldier is standing there.

-A beast woman accompanied by the maid calls out to you, master. (Soldier)

-Huh? What did she say? (Beleth)

The soldier seems to be a little afraid before he answers me.

-She said that if you want to meet master Farah, please meet her. (Soldier)

The moment the soldier finished his sentence, I could feel terrible murderous intent come from the Stolas.


Thanks for reading OwO

There will be one more chapter today

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