Faraway Survivor

Chapter 232: Interlude 79 Formidable Opponent-2

Beleth's POV

-Stolas, let's calm down first, okay? (Beleth)

Stolas keeps glaring at the soldier as if she wants to eat him alive.

-... (Stolas)

Well, it makes sense for Stolas to be this angry. Suddenly, a strange girl appeared, and she told me the master was in her hand. I turned to the soldier and told him to lead us to the girl.

-She is in this way, master. (Soldier)

The soldier clumsily leads us to the place of the beast girl.

-Hmmm? (Beleth)

The one waiting for us is a beautiful girl with white hair. She wears a fluffy dress that looks like a noblewoman.

-There is something not right about her. (Beleth)

When the girl saw us, she returned us with a warm smile.

-Welcome. (Industria)

I look at her and keep thinking. A noblewoman that appears from nowhere is really suspicious. As if the girl notices my line of sights, the girl says.

-It's rude to stare at a maiden like that demoness Beleth and demoness Stolas. (Industria)

Stolas instantly changed into the battle stance the moment she heard that statement.

-How would you know our identity? (Stolas)

Stolas really becomes emotional these days. I think I should calm down and process the current situation first. I stare at the girl and find out she smiles back at me.

-It's not a sincere smile, but a business smile. This girl is not an easy enemy to handle. (Beleth)

I reach out to Stolas to calm her down.

-Stolas, we should listen to what she wants to say first. (Beleth)

Stolas calmed down after she heard what I said.

-Fine. (Stolas)

I turn to the girl and ask her with an integration attitude.

-The statement that you said to this soldier, is it true? (Beleth)

The girl smiles and lightly replies.

-It's the truth, miss Beleth. (Industria)

I release my bloodlust and try to immediate the girl.

-Oh, my! (Industria)

The girl doesn't have any change in her expression, even when she is under my bloodlust.

-Our master was supposed to fight a giant devil snake. I wonder why she is now in your hand. (Beleth)

The girl tilts her head while smiling.

-She was in danger when she fought against that snake. All we did was save her from the crisis. (Industria)

-What do you mean by "we"? (Beleth)

The girl turns around and says.

-Everything will be answered if you come along with me, miss Beleth. (Industria)

-... (Beleth)

The girl summons the mist and uses it to create a door in front of me.

-Please follow me. (Industria)

-Beleth. (Stolas)

-Stay here, Stolas. If you don't see me come out in an hour, call other demonesses. (Beleth)

-Okay... (Stolas)

The girl walks through the door created by mist, and so do I.

-This is! (Beleth)

The scenery after we pass through the mist door is familiar scenery.

-It's the second trial! (Beleth)

The girl didn't answer me and continued walking. The girl leads me into the forest where we didn't develop before we went into the third trial.

-We are almost there, miss Beleth. (Industria)

It takes a while for us to arrive in front of a gigantic building.

-Eh? Where did this building come from? (Beleth)

From the building entrance, two maids come out and welcome us.

-Maid? (Beleth)

They are kind of expressionless for a maid.

-Lead me to your master. (Industria)

The two maids nod and lead us. We go through the second floor and arrive at the third floor.

-The master is on this floor. (Maid)

The maid goes to the innermost room of the third floor and knocks on the door.

-Head maid, there is a guest who wants to visit the master. (Maid)

-Alright. (Hana)

The one who opens the door is a beautiful woman who is wearing maid clothes.

-Hmmm! (Hana)

The moment the girl saw me, she released terrible bloodlust that makes me falls on my knee.

-Urghhh! (Beleth)

-You shouldn't treat my guest like that, Hana. She merely wants to visit Farah. (Industria)

-Huh! (Beleth)

The maid named Hana is reluctant to retract her bloodlust and informs me.

-Our master has fainted because of the battle aftermath. You should visit her later. (Hana)

The maid tried to close the door after she had informed me.

-Wait, at least let me see her face. (Beleth)

-Tcchh. (Hana)

The maid seems to be annoyed by my demand.

-Hana...Ah! (Beleth)

The name that Farah told me in the past. She is the first lover of Farah.

-Right. (Hana)

From the bloodlust she released, I understand she is much stronger than me. I keep staring at her and observing her.

-What are you staring at me for? Come in if you want to meet the master. (Hana)

However, there is one battlefield that I don't want to lose to her.

-It's the love battlefield. (Beleth)

I will defeat the girl in front of me and become Farah's number one.


I'm sorry, I need to take a break yesterday for some private reason. Don't worry I will post regularly as usual again.

Thanks for reading

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