Faraway Survivor

Chapter 241: Her Story-3

After Elizabeth finishes her show, she closes the book and makes all the holograms in the sky immediately disappear. She bends down in front of the audience with courtesy and says goodbye to them.

-It's all for today, everyone. (Elizabeth)

Everyone who is watching Elizabeth clasp their hands.

-Please show us more, sister! (Villager A)

-We want more! (Villager B)

Elizabeth smiles faintly and replies to the audience.

-I really appreciate everyone who loves my show. But it's better to save for the fun for the next time. (Elizabeth)

She reaches out to the book and opens it again.

-Please come back to see my show next week. I will be here every Sunday. (Elizabeth)

The moment Elizabeth opens the book, a small fireball shoots toward the sky. It explodes and turns into a magnificent firework.

-Woah! (Villager C)

-So pretty~ (Villager D)

When the audience focused their attention on the firework, Elizabeth had already disappeared from the scene.


In a place deep inside the forest, there is a small hut. Elizabeth stands beside it and smiles brightly.

-The show is a success again. (Elizabeth)

She brought her books to her side and held it tightly.

-Eheheh! (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth feels so happy because she can see those smiles come from the villagers.

-It is all thanks to you, my dear friend. (Elizabeth)

Since there is no one besides Elizabeth, she can only regard her creation as her only friend.

-I will improve you even more, so I can make others even happier. (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth walks to the door of the hut and opens it wide. The inside of the hut looks really cozy. There is a small chair at the table in the corner that Elizabeth used as her workstation. The rest of the furniture is only a small wardrobe and a poor-looking bed.

-Nothing is better than my own home. (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth places the book in her hand at the table. She also takes out pen and ink from the cabinet under the table.

-Let's add more magic circuits to the book~ (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth opens the book, and this many difficult magic circle appears in the middle of the air.

-Huhm~ (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth changes those magic circles by adding new magic circles while refining the old magic circles. The thing that Elizabeth is currently doing is not something a person without a deep understanding of magic knowledge can do.

-Add this and this. (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth focuses on her work without paying attention to nearby.

-With this as a final touch! (Elizabeth)

By adding the last magic circle, all of the magic circles inside the book combine into one huge magic circle.

-Ahhhh! (Elizabeth)

A light comes out of the book and shoots into the sky.

>You have created a grimoire.

-No way! (Elizabeth)

For a mage like her, creating a grimoire does not differ from a lifetime achievement.

-I never thought I could reproduce a relic of the past. (Elizabeth)

Grimoire is considered a relic of the past because people can only find the grimoire in the ancient ruin. It's impossible for the mage of this generation to create one.

-I did it. (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth can't help but shed her tears at this event.

-Ehehe, I wonder what kind of grimoire you have become. (Elizabeth)

At that moment, a "life" had settled inside the grimoire. The "life" inside the book is no different from a newborn child. It stays close to Elizabeth and observes her own creator.

-See you tomorrow, my dear friend. (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth places the grimoire on the table and takes a rest. The day continues passing on with no change in Elizabeth's daily life. The only thing changes is the "life" inside the grimoire.

By observing Elizabeth, the intelligence of the "life" increased as time passed on. The "life" is like a sponge that absorbs everything it sees and hears.


But the peaceful day of Elizabeth soon ends. It's a day when Elizabeth tries to improve her grimoire even more.

-She is here, huh? (???)

From outside of the hut, Elizabeth could hear the people trying to destroy the door. Elizabeth hurriedly places the grimoire inside the cabinet and turns her attention to the door.

*Crack* the door is broken open by forces.

-So you are here, little rat. (???)

From the other side of the door, she could see a fat man with many soldiers. Elizabeth tries to escape by magic.

-Not so fast! (Soldier)

The soldier hit Elizabeth's stomach before she could finish casting her magic.

-Urghh! (Elizabeth)

The fat man walks toward Elizabeth with a disgusted face.

-How could you live in a place like this? You are shaming our family, Elizabeth. (Man)

Elizabeth glares at the man. Her glare makes the man angry to the extent he orders the soldier to hit her stomach again.

-You shouldn't look at your father like that, Elizabeth Von Grimm. (Man)

The man angrily mocks Elizabeth.

-I don't understand the reason you throw off your name to live like this. Why can't you obey and marry the second prince? (Man)

-Huh? I don't want to see this country fall into your hand, "father." (Elizabeth)

The man bends down and slaps at Elizabeth's face.

-You are an idiot, as always, my daughter. (Man)

He grabs Elizabeth's neck and chokes it.

-I will give you one week, Elizabeth. You have to return to the capital in one week. (Man)

The man says in a threatening voice.

-If you don't or even think of running away again, I will kill off all those disgusting commoners you knew. (Man)

-Arghh! No...o! (Elizabeth)

-One by one, I will kill all the people who watched your silly show. (Man)

-Urghh! (Elizabeth)

-You have only one week, Elizabeth. Do you understand? (Man)

-I under...stand! (Elizabeth)

The man releases his choke and orders his soldier to retreat.

-I hope you will make up your mind soon, my stupid daughter. (Man)

When Elizabeth confirmed her father had gone, tears came out of her eyes.

-Why did I bear in that household? (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth hugs herself and continues crying.

-All I want is just a peaceful life... (Elizabeth)


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