Faraway Survivor

Chapter 242: Her Story-4

In the next few days, Elizabeth feels down because of her father's statement.

-Ahh... (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth keeps sobbing while lying on the bed. It's easy for her to escape and leave those villagers behind.

-But I can't do it... (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth doesn't dare to let those villagers die in her instead. If she does that, she will be no different from her father.

-I don't want to become a heartless monster like him... (Elizabeth)

She has no way of escaping from a fate being a marriage tool for his father.

-Once I marry that prince, "he" will be able to control that idiot prince from behind. (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth raises up and takes out the grimoire from the cabinet under the table.

-What can I do now, my friend? (Elizabeth)

She hugs the grimoire tightly and slowly closes her eyes.

-Should I give up my life to save others? (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth has no choice but to accept her fate.

-But who will save me in the end? (Elizabeth)

The question echoes through the small hut. However, there is no one there to answer Elizabeth's question.

-I need to go to sleep soon. Tomorrow is Sunday. (Elizabeth)

Even in this hopeless situation, Elizabeth smiles when she thinks about Sunday.

-I will tell them my best story before I leave this village. (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth gradually falls asleep. The grimoire in Elizabeth's hand started to shine. For a brief moment, a sound suddenly comes from the grimoire.

-Eli... (Grimoire)

However, the light immediately dies down a few seconds later. The darkness once again returns to the hut.


On the next day, Elizabeth wakes up in a better mood.

-Today... (Elizabeth)

She uses both of her hands to hit her face.

-Be strong, Elizabeth. (Elizabeth)

She turns to the grimoire behind her and says softly.

-I guess I won't bring you with me today, my dear friend. (Elizabeth)

Since today can be her last performance, Elizabeth doesn't want to use the grimoire to aid her. Instead, Elizabeth wants to show other her story with her own strength.

-I will be back soon, my dear friend. (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth takes the grimoire and puts it in the cabinet again.

-Off I go, my dear friend. (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth left the grimoire behind and went in the town direction. Inside the cabinet, the grimoire shines once again while calling out to Elizabeth.

-Eliza...  (Grimoire)

But the voice doesn't reach Elizabeth at all. The grimoire has no choice but to wait patiently for its master's return.

However, the grimoire will never know that it will never see its master again.


1 day, 2 days, then 3 days. Elizabeth doesn't show any sign of returning. The grimoire inside the cabinet shines again and calls the name of Elizabeth out loud.

-Elizabeth... (Grimoire)

The magic circles come out of the grimoire and hover around the hut. The light keeps coming out of the grimoire and lights up the small hut.

-Eli... (Grimoire)

The grimoire keeps shining inside the hut for hours until the light disappears. The grimoire keeps repeating its own action for the first month.

-El... (Grimoire)

The action of grimoire is no different from a child that wants attention from its parents.

-Eliza... (Grimoire)

No matter what the grimoire did, Elizabeth still didn't come back. In the next two months, the grimoires keep repeating Elizabeth's name.

-Elizabeth! B..ack Elizabeth! (Grimoire)

The effort of the grimoire ends in fruitless. Elizabeth doesn't show any sign of coming back to the hood. The grimoire has no other choice but to wait even more.

Time passes quickly. It has been six months since Elizabeth leave the grimoire behind in the hut.

-Why do you leave me behind, Elizabeth? (Grimoire)

The consciousness of the grimoire becomes much clear. It now can easily have a conversation with an ordinary human.

-Why? (Grimoire)

A gigantic magic circle appears from the grimoire. After that, a light comes out of the magic circle and destroys the cabinet alongside the roof.

-I... am alone again. (Grimoire)

The water starts to come from the sky and pours directly at the grimoire. There is nothing to protect the grimoire from the rain since it had destroyed the roof.

-I... want to meet you. (Grimoire)

The rain keeps pouring down at the grimoire.

When one year has passed, the grimoire has no choice but to accept the cruel truth.

-Elizabeth. (Grimoire)

Her master has thrown away. Elizabeth doesn't need her anymore.

-... (Grimoire)

The grimoire wants to give up and uses the magic circle to destroy itself. At that moment, it suddenly hears the voice of two people who are walking toward the hut.

-Is it the place of that "Witch"? (Thief A)

-Ye, it looks so dirty. (Thief B)

Two men who look like a thief walks into the hut.

-I hope we can get something valuable from here. (Thief A)

-Ye, me too. (Thief B)

One man turns and asks the other.

-How do you know about this place, man? (Thief A)

-Hey, it's a secret trade. I can't tell you. (Thief B)

-Hah! (Thief A)

The two men keep looking around and eventually find the grimoire.

-The "Witch" is a kind of poor, isn't she? (Thief A)

-Ye, I never thought she would only have this old book. (Thief B)

One man scratches his head and says.

-Just by mentioning her reminded me of those terrible memories. (Thief A)

The other man shakes his body and agrees with the other one.

-Ye, we thought she would be a good witch at first. I never thought she would turn into a monster suddenly. (Thief B)

-At that moment, she looked so scary. Luckily, our village successfully killed it. (Thief A)

The grimoire on the man starts to shake when it hears his statement.

-What's wrong with this book? I feel like it shaking for a moment. (Thief A)

-Hah? How could this book shake? It must be your imagination. (Thief B)

-I guess so. (Thief A)

-Anyway, I have something I wonder about. (Thief B)

-What is it? (Thief A)

-Do you think why the "Witch" never fights back until it dies? (Thief B)

-How could I know? (Thief A)

At that moment, a magic circle appears from the book. The magic comes out from the magic circle and cuts the head of the two men cleanly. The two men don't have any chance of fighting back and turn into two lifeless corpses.

-Eliza... (Grimoire)

At this moment, the grimoire realizes it was never being thrown away in the first place.

-Why do...you take her from me? (Grimoire)

It's all the fault of those dirty humans who take away the master of it. They have killed and humiliated her master as a "Witch."

-Kill! I have to kill you! (Grimoire)

A shadow suddenly appears beside the grimoire. The shadow seems to belong to an adult man.

-Die! (Grimoire)

The grimoire tries shooting the magic at the man. The man used his hand and made the magic disappear.

-Die! Die! (Grimoire)

The man walks toward the grimoire while stopping its attack. When he is right in front of the grimoire, he stops and whispers in a small voice.

-Do you want to have your revenge? (???)

It is a whisper coming from the "Devil."


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