Faraway Survivor

Chapter 315: Unexpected Enemy-2

Farah's POV

-Farah! (Aya)

-Master! (Fifir)

I could hear Aya and Fifir shouting from afar. They have probably noticed I am in danger right now.

-Urghhh! (Farah)

Though I don't have any strength to answer them since I need to deal with the current situation. I reach out my hand to those tentacles and fires beam at them.

-It's not working... (Farah)

Those tentacles which are piercing through my body are unscathed under my attacks. At this moment, a sound echoes through my head and urges me hurriedly.

-Farah, use my skill! (Hale)

-Yes! Conquer! (Farah)

Thanks to Hale's awakening, I can now use this skill again. Something looks like a black haze comes out of my palms and spreads to the nearby tentacles.

-Ahf? <What?> (Mist)

-Self-destruct for me! (Farah)

As I finished that sentence, the tentacles hardened themselves.

-They do not differ from stone now. (Farah)

And just a few seconds later, the tentacles tormented me, crumbled and turned into clouds of dust.

-You... (Mist)

I could see the little girl standing in front of me again. The tentacles surrounding her also seem to be affected by my command. I seize this chance to change my current form into the magical girl of bravery.

-... (mist)

-Hmmmm... (Farah)

Since the moment I used the power of Hale, I couldn't find any murderous intent in her eyes anymore. Instead, I feel like she is looking at me with eyes full of curiosity. We keep looking at each other intensely in silence.

-Hoh... (Mist)

A voice comes from behind me and interrupts the silence.

-Master, avoid! (Fifir)

I turn around and find there are uncountable floating cannons surrounding us.

-Teleport! (Farah)

I immediately teleport out of the cannon's range and turn my attention to the little girl again.

-Fire! (Fifir)

The girl doesn't move from her spot and stares at me silently. At the same time, many rays of light come from those floating cannons and fly toward her.

-The Judgment skill is almost fully charged... Should I unleash it now? (Farah)

I think I should calmly look at the situation first.

-Mgehye <Destruction> (Mist)

All the rays of light suddenly disappear as if they do not exist in the first place.

-Huh? (Fifir)

Fifir has a surprised face while standing in her human form with Aya. She doesn't think her attacks would be stopped in that kind of absurd way.

-Hmmm... (Mist)

The little girl waves her hand and creates rifts next to all the cannons.

-These toys look fun. (Mist)

The moment she grabbed her hand, tentacles came out of it and turned those cannons into scraps.

-What a monster... (Fifir)

Aya turns to me and tells me to run away.

-Just run away from here, Farah. We will try to keep her here. (Aya)

I shake my head and decline her idea.

-I can't... (Farah)

-But Farah...She is aiming at you. You will...die. (Aya)

-... I won't leave you guys behind. (Farah)

And I don't think running away is a good choice against that little girl. Those rifts are no different from high-level space magic. There is no way we can run away without dealing with those rifts.

-You guys keep attacking from here. I will approach her. (Farah)

Aya shows disapproval in her face and tries to stop me.

-Farah! Hey, Farah! (Aya)

I ignore Aya and fly toward the little girl. Only this way may let her pay attention to me instead of them. After all, I am her original target. A familiar voice in my head reminds me.

-You can only use "that" one more time today, Farah. (Hale)

-Uhmm... (Farah)

Thanks to my Immortality, most of my wounds are healed now. I think I can put up a good fight with that little girl now. I swing and create an energy blade to attack the little girl.

-... (Mist)

The girl disappears on the spot and reappears in front of me. Her hand turns into a mass of tentacles and reaches out to me.

-Ah'ehyeagl yar < Cage of time> (Mist)

-Reflection! (Farah)

A gigantic shield appears in front of me.

-Tchhhh! (Farah)

-Huh? (Mist)

The shield creates a powerful force and pushes the little girl far from me. Her face seems to be a little surprised by that move.

-You are full of surprise... (Mist)

The girl disappeared again as she finished that sentence. I

-Farah! From below! (Hale)

I look down and find a bunch of tentacles coming toward me. I have no choice but to use that skill again!

-Conquer! (Farah)

I have no choice but to use Hale's skill again.

-Explode! (Farah)

Those tentacles follow my order and create a terrible explosion. It has also affected me since I was in the explosion range.

-Urghhh! (Farah)

It forces me to emergency landing on the place not far from that explosion.

-You sure are interesting... (Mist)

-... (Farah)

The little girl appears in front of me again without a scratch on her body.

-Light and dark exist on your body at the same time. (Mist)

Her eyes glow up as if she has found an amusing toy.

-And the weird power of yours...That shield. (Mist)

When the little girl is talking, I turn around and confirm the two are standing far from me. I also give them a signal to stay in their current place. Otherwise, they would run toward my place.

-... (Farah)

-How could it stop my attack? (Mist)

-You want to know how? (Farah)

The girl nods lightly.

-Then come closer! (Farah)

-Alright. (Mist)

The girl didn't doubt me while she walked to my side. She must think that I couldn't damage her, no matter what. 

-J... (Farah)

-J...what? (Mist)

When I make sure she can't dodge my attack, I unleash "Judgment."

-Judgment! (Farah)

For the first time, the little girl shows a panicked face. She tried to create rifts to defend against my attack. But all of those rifts broke as soon as I released "Judgment".

-But it's too late... (Farah)

The energy wave sweeps through and obliterates everything in front of me.


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