Faraway Survivor

Chapter 316: Unexpected Enemy-3

Farah's POV

After I successfully unleased "Judgment", I keep looking around to confirm the situation.

-Is it possible for her to survive that attack? (Farah)

I shake my head and deny that idea.

-No way, it's impossible. (Farah)

When I try to turn away and walk toward Fifir and Aya, a vast rift suddenly appears in the place where that little girl disappeared.

-Huh... (Farah)

Something...I can no longer control myself. I just stand there and stare at the rift.

-... (Farah)

I can feel something on the other side of the rift looking at me. There is something...scary over there. All of my instincts scream and urge me to run away.

-... (Farah)

But I can no longer move my body. It seems fear has paralyzed my body.

-...I (Farah)

A tentacle suddenly grows from the ground where that little girl disappeared.

-Urgh... (Farah)

So she survived that attack after all, then...

-H..er, r...ig...ht? (Farah)

That thing must be her true power...What I have witnessed about her strength until now may be just the tip of the iceberg.

-... (Farah)

Some kind of dark liquids suddenly poured out of the rift and fell on the tentacles. The tentacle wiggled when it received those dark liquids.

In the meantime, I have gradually adapted myself to this intense fear. I can now turn my head and check up on the other two situations. Aya and Fifir look like they are doing their best to fight against the fear inside them.

-... (Farah)

I can see the tentacle keeps enjoying the black liquid shower. And it starts to change under the black liquid's influence.

-Sl...ash. (Farah)

I attempt to attack the tentacle using my sword. However, I can barely lift the sword up in this situation. The tip of the tentacle grows bigger. It doesn't stop until it has become a size of a 3-metre ball.

-Wh...at? (Farah)

At this moment, the rift stops pouring the liquid and closes by itself.

-Hahh! Hahhh! (Farah)

I can finally breathe normally when the rift disappears.

-I need to destroy that thing soon! (Farah)

I turn my attention to the weird shape tentacle and try to attack it.

-I have underestimated you. (Mist)

A voice comes from the tentacle and stops me.

-You... (Farah)

This voice belongs to that little girl.

-Tchhh... (Farah)

The tip of the tentacles blooms and opens wide.

-It's like a flower but made of the tentacle. (Farah)

I could see a figure of the little girl walk out from it. There are many kinds of slimy liquids on her body. She didn't have any clothes on her body and walked out proudly.

-An attack that can delete the entire existence of the target. How surprising for an individual like you to possess it. (Mist)

The little girl claps her hand and compliments me.

-You are such a unique individual. (Mist)

Tentacles coming out from the girl's feet help her move toward me. What should I do in this situation?

-You shouldn't make any move. Or...? (Mist)

The little girl points at the place behind me. I look back and notice many tentacles are restraining Aya and Fifir.

-I will break them... (Mist)

I can't do anything if she takes them as her hostage...

-Though you are interesting... (Mist)

The little girl has now arrived right in front of me. She reaches out and holds my chin.

-But you rudely attack and almost destroy my avatar. (Mist)

There is a hint of anger in her voice. She must be furious with my surprise attack.

-If not for me, others have already disappeared from the reincarnation circle by your attack. What should I do with you? (Mist)

The tentacles come from her body and gradually wrap around me.

-Should I kill you? (Mist)

The wrap suddenly became tight as the little girl asked me.

-Urgh... (Farah)

-No, that would be a waste... (Mist)

The girl looks at me intensely.

-Since you have the potential to become one of us...I will forgive you. (Mist)

-What do you mean? (Farah)

The girl ignores my question and continues her own monologue.

-It has been a while since I have another little sister. (Mist)

The little girl opens her mouth wide.

-Huh! (Farah)

At the same time, she puts force on her chin to force me to open my mouth.

-Urghhhh! (Farah)

A dark purple tentacle comes out of her mouth. I immediately know what the little girl is trying to do.

-Nu... (Farah)

I try my best to close my mouth...But it doesn't work...

-Just accept it. (Mist)

The dark purple tentacle looks around and stops when it sees my mouth.

-Go. (Mist)

The tentacle- is like a hunter that has found its prey. It immediately jumps into my mouth.

-Grughhhh! (Farah)

I can feel something big and slimy pass through my throat. It also gives off a taste like raw meat. I just want to vomit everything inside out now. It takes a while for the tentacle to completely disappear inside my body.

>You have gained additional stats Forbidden (FOB).

>You have gained 10 FOB.

>The "Origin tentacle" has started to mutate your body. As a result, your DIV has been increased rapidly.

>You have gained 3 DIV

>You have gained 2 DIV.

-That's all for now. I need to take care of my chosen one. (Mist)

The girl releases us from the tentacles and disappears through the rift.

-Goodbye, for now, my little sister. (Mist)

>You have gained 2 DIV.

>You have gained 2 DIV.

>You have gained 1 DIV.

At the same time, my DIV keeps increasing non-stop.

-Urghhh... (Farah)

I can feel myself is overflowing with power.

-Farah! (Aya)

-Master! (Fifir)

Fifir and Aya run to my side and hold my body. They look at me nervously and don't know what to do. I try to reassure them by telling a lie.

>You have gained 2 DIV.

But right at the moment, when my DIV reached 85, a ball of light came out of my body.

-Huh? Is that ball the one "Y" gave me? (Farah)

It takes the shape of a drill of an arrow. Fifir reaches out to light the arrow. But it passes right through her hand and pierces my stomach.

>The "Origin tentacle" has been neutralized.

>Condition achieved!

>You have released a new magical girl form.


Thanks for reading OwO

Sorry for the late. I was really busy yesterday, so I didn't have spare time to write TvT at all yesterday.

There is one more chapter today.

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