Faraway Survivor

Chapter 332: The Disaster Inside The Holy Country Capital City-5

*Inside the royal castle in the middle of the city.

The cocoon made of wires started melting and revealed the content inside.

-Haaaaa! (Din)

A woman appeared from the cocoon is no one but Din. Din screams out loud while hugging her own body.

-Hateful! Hateful! (Din)

She turns to the king and the chancellor, who are the only people inside the room.

-Bring me the mirrorrrrr! (Din)

The terrified king couldn't help but urge the chancellor to get the mirror.

-Go! Get the mirror for miss Din! (King)

-Ye...s! (Chancellor)

The chancellor ran out of the room fastly as he could to bring back the mirror for Din.

-And... you? (Din)

This time, Din turns her attention to the king, who keeps shaking because of fear.

-How's the progress of the ritual? (Din)

-We...We are in the last step, miss Din. (King)

-Hahaha! Finally... (Din)

Din walks closer to the king and reaches out to his face. She grabs his face while glaring at him intensely.

-Why...? Why do you look scared when you are looking at me? (Din)

-Uhh? (King)

-Did something wrong with my beauty? (Din)

-No...It's... (King)

-It's what...? (Din)

Din puts more force on her grabbing.

-Urghhh! (King)

The king's face twitches out of pain because of Din.

-I'm still beautiful, right? Right? Right? (Din)

-Yes!? Miss Din is still the most beautiful woman in the world. (King)

As if Din heard the satisfying answer, she releases her grab and pats the king's shoulder.

-That's right! I'm still the most beautiful in the world. (Din)

-Yes... (King)

At this moment, the chancellor comes back to the room with servants behind him. Those servants walk to Din hurriedly and put the mirror in front of her. Before the chancellor could tell them to get back, the servants had already left the room.

-Miss Din... (Chancellor)

The chancellor sweats like crazy while staring at Din.

-This is... (Din)

Din looks at herself through the mirror.

-Ahhhhhh! (Din)

There is now a scar in the middle of her face, which makes her face no longer perfect. But what makes others scared of her is not because of the scar but her expression.

-My perfect natural beauty! My prideeeeeefulll faceeeeee! (Din)

The old Din gives off a calm, elegant and mysterious atmosphere. But the current her can't even show 1 percentage of it. Not to mention, her face cramps up and dyes in anger every time she shouts.

-Ahhhhhhh! (Din)

Din shouts even out loud when she notices her hand. The place wound around her arms is now stitched with wires.

-Unacceptable! (Din)

She wasn't thankful for the fact that she could move her hand again but only focused on the fact her hands had become ugly.

-Ahhhhhh! I must kill that girlllll! (Din)

Din burnt in her mind about the image of the girl wearing maid clothes.

-Once I get the power from the true god. I will pay her back. (Din)

Though Din wants to kill Hana right away. She decides not to do it since she is not Hana's enemy now.

-She must be at least strong in those goddesses. (Din)

That's how Din perceived Hana after just a few exchanges.

-Bring me to the key! It's time for our god to descend. (Din)

-Yessss! (King)


Ahma, with her armies, continues advancing through the city and eventually arrives at the inner barrier of the capital city.

-... (Ahma)

On the way to this place, her armies have almost increased by twice in number. Most of them are normal undead or wraiths, unlike the paladin corpse she collected all those years.

-The more, the better... (Ahma)

The wraiths float in the middle of the air and groan out loud. They hit themselves at the barrier as if they want to go inside as soon as possible.

-Mist... (Ahma)

Ahma whispers in a small voice and calls the name of a certain person. A rift opens behind Ahma, and Mist walks out from it.

-You called me? (Ahma)

Ahma points at the barrier and tells Mist.

-It's the same barrier as the one outside. I need you to break it again... (Ahma)

-Hummm! (Mist)

Mist looks at the barrier for a long time and shakes her head.

-You can't break it...? Or you don't want to crush it? (Ahma)

Ahma looks annoyed as Mist didn't destroy the barrier immediately.

-Both are wrong... (Mist)

Mist tells Ahma in a calm voice.

-Someone would do them for you. (Mist)

At the same time, many stains appeared around Ahma.

-Enemy? (Ahma)

Ahma becomes cautious and takes distance from them.

-They are... (Ahma)

Many terrific wolves come out of the stains along with the smoke.

-Hmmm! (Ahma)

Before Ahma commanded her army to attack them, Mist stopped her from doing that.

-Don't. (Mist)

-Huh? (Ahma)

-They won't attack you. (Mist)

As Mist said, those wolves ignore Ahma and her army to head toward the barrier.

-They only prey on those delicious time and space power. (Mist)

Ahma tilts her head since she doesn't understand why those wolves act like that.

-You must wonder why I know that... (Mist)

Mist points at those wolves and says.

-I have wondered what they have mixed to create those monsters. But now I can be so sure... (Mist)

-... (Ahma)

-Those guys have summoned a pretty annoying one... (Mist)

Ahma loses her patience and asks Mist directly.

-Who is it? (Ahma)

-Even I told you about his identity, you wouldn't know about him. (Mist)

-Just tell me already. (Ahma)

-He is Mh'ithrha, the Arch-Lord of Tindalos and the arch-enemy of my sister Yog-Sothoth. That's why even his spawn, Hounds of Tindalos, preys everything that has time and space elements on it. And those wolves are mutants of his hounds.


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