Faraway Survivor

Chapter 333: The Disaster Inside The Holy Country Capital City-6

Farah's POV

I can feel those wolves continuously sucking the energy out of my body. If they keep draining my mana at this rate, I couldn't maintain the barrier any longer.

-Hana... (Farah)

Hana also feels a bit troublesome in this situation. She looks at our surroundings and tries to figure out a solution.

-... (Haaa)

Hana turns to me and says.

-Master, please leave this place for me. (Hana)

-Eh? (Farah)

-How could I...? (Hana)

I can't just leave Hana and run away on my own. Why do people around only give this kind of suggestion?

-Master... (Hana)

-I won't... (Farah)

Hana smiles and tells me.

-You must be mistaken in my suggestion, my master. (Hana)

-What do you mean, Hana? (Farah)

-Ehem, I want you and the twins to go first so I can deal with these wolves. (Hana)

-Then you can deal with them while we are there too! (Farah)

Hana shakes her head and glances at the twins. She bends down and whispers into my ears.

-You may have some truth in the twins, master. But I'm not like that... I feel like they still hid something from us. (Hana)

-... (Farah)

I can't force Hana to fully believe in the twins like me. And inside my head, I knew the current Amy and Mia are not the past Amy and Mia.

-They have changed... (Farah)

-Right, master. They are no longer naive like the one you first met them. (Hana)

-I understand... (Farah)

At the same time, I could hear the sounds of something crumbling nearby.

-Huh? (Farah)

Hana turns her attention to the centre of the capital.

-Something seems to happen with the inner barrier, master. You should take the twins to check up on it. (Hana)

-Alright! (Farah)

In the end, I decided to group up with the twins and headed toward the inner barrier while leaving Hana behind.


Hana's POV

After I confirmed my master has departed with those twins, I can let out a relieved sigh.

-Well, it's just one reason I want the master to be far away from here. (Hana)

The twins are indeed suspicious. But It doesn't do any harm to let them witness this power of mine.

-The one I was afraid to show the upcoming scene is no one else but my adorable master. Let's start. (Hana)

All the nanomachines inside my body pour out into the air and float around me.

-Create Nano-assaulter. (Hana)

With my command, I create thousands of combat robots. They are almost the same as the maid I created, except they don't have a head. Each of them also holds a different weapon, such as a gun, bow or dagger.

-Their stats are like this:


STG: 105

CON: ∞

DEX: 105

INT: 10


Weapons Master (2*): You can use all kinds of weapons.

-Next, create Nano-Scout. (Hana)

This time, I created several dozen drones.

-With this, I can also observe master situations while dealing with these monsters. The Nano-scout has stats much weaker compared to the assaulted. (Hana)


STG: 10

CON: ∞

DEX: 195

INT: 10


Tracking (1*): Mark a target. You will always know the position of the marked target.

Though, with the stats like this, those assaulters still are not the enemy of those wolves' monsters.

-That's why I need this machine. Come, Nano-synchronizator. (Hana)

The rest of my nanomachines turn into a gigantic transparent floating orb. This machine will grant the entire army the power to deal with those monsters.


STG: 10

CON: ∞

DEX: 10

INT: 10


Absorption (2*): Gain the characteristic of the material you absorbed.

Synchronization (3*): Give the nearby machinery your characteristic.

I took out the knife I used to attack that weird woman, and placed it inside the orb. The orb shined and made it disappear completely. The blade was from the same material that I made Kaede. They all have the power to destroy the divine power.

-Last but not least, active "Queen of the invention." (Hana)

>Queen of invention <3*>: Turn on: The skill costs 50% of your mana per hour.

+You gain 5% of your status for each android/robot/A.I that under your control.

+Increase endurance of robot under your control by 100%

+For every target killed by your android/mecha/ robot, recover your energy by 1%

+For every 1 robot/android/ A.I under your control being destroyed, increase attack of others machine by 75%

+The destroyed robots will auto-repair themselves after 15 minutes.

+If there is at least a robot under your control, you won't take any damage.

The blue energy comes out of my body and wraps around all the machines nearby. The robots march out and start their slaughter. With the characteristic they gained through Nano-synchronizator, they only need one hit to kill those monsters.

-... (Hana)

As a wolf's monster dies by the Nano-assaulter's hand, they immediately return to a human.

-They mix the virus with divine power. That's why those people can change ordinary humans into a monster. (Hana)

I let out a sigh while looking at the battlefield.

-I have no way of returning them to humans except to kill them. (Hana)

That's why I don't want my master to be here and witness this heartless slaughter of mine.


Sorry for the late. Just barely recover from yesterday's fever, so I could write now. There will be one more chapter today.

Thanks for reading OwO

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