Faraway Survivor

Chapter 334: The Disaster Inside The Holy Country Capital City-7

Farah's POV

After the twins and I had separated from Hana, we headed toward the centre of the capital city.

-If I'm not mistaken, there must be a barrier in this place. (Farah)

Amy and Mia nod as we go forward to check up on the barrier. Since the barrier is invisible, we can only check up on it by walking toward the centre slowly. After we have walked for a while, Amy turns to me and informs me.

-Sister Farah! We have walked for a while already. But we encountered nothing at all. (Amy)

-Uhm...Something must happen inside the city's centre to make the barrier disappear. (Farah)

-Sister Farah! Sister Amy! (Mia)

Mia interrupted our conversation and pointed at the middle of the city. We follow Mia's hand and find the gigantic dark cloud is now floating on the top of the city's centre.

-It clearly gives off an ominous feeling, sister. (Mia)

-...Let's speed up! (Farah)

The twins answer me in union and look at me with serious eyes.

-Yes, sister! (Amy & Mia)

We speed our pace and head toward the centre with the fastest speed possible. It doesn't take long for us to arrive at the inner part of the capital city.

-Huh? (Farah)

Unlike the outer part of the city, I can see many people living here normally. But I don't think these people living here are ordinary citizens. They wear more extravagant clothes compared to normal people.

-Tchhhh... (Mia)

Mia looks at these people and clicks her tongue.

-These are noble's district, sister Farah. (Mia)

-Is that so? (Farah)

It looks pretty peaceful in here. Did these people not notice the chaos in the outer part of the city?

-They don't seem to notice the broken barrier, sister. (Amy)

-Let's have a quick look... (Farah)

We head toward the nearby building and take a peek through the window.

-They are... (Farah)

-Partying... (Mia)

I can see many people with expensive clothes are drinking inside the building.

-Wohahahaha! (Noble A)

-Our kingdom will rule this planet soon! (Noble B)

-All hail the holy kingdom! (Noble C)

Mia has a dark face in the current situation. She glares and curses at them.

-These ugly beings should die already... (Mia)

-Mia... (Farah)

Well, I can't really bring myself to defend those people. How could they party while many citizens were out there dying? But what can I do to them? 

-You guys! (Butler)

At this moment, I could hear a voice coming from behind us. When we turn around, we find an old man wearing butler clothes. He looks at us with scornful eyes.

He looked at us from head to toes as if he scanned through us.

-Poor and dirty outfits. How could these peasants bypass the barrier? (Butler)

Our outfits sure look worn out because of the battler. Did he look down on us because of that?

-... (Farah)

Amy steps forward and asks the old man.

-You guys know about the barrier. Does this mean you also know about people dying outside? (Amy)

The old man smirks and answers Amy.

-Of course! That's the purpose of the barrier in the first place. (Butler)

-What do you mean? (Amy)

He points at us and declares clearly.

-You guys are the necessary sacrificial to summon our true god of the holy kingdom. (Butler)

-You... (Farah)

The man shrugs and laughs.

-What are you angry for, peasant? You should feel grateful to be helpful to the country. (Butler)

-You shouldn't look down like that on your citizen! (Farah)

-Citizen? Do you mean parasite? The lower class, like you guys, can't do anything without our help. (Butler)

-What? It makes no sense at all! Did you learn about the country's structure and...? (Farah)

Mia reaches out and grabs my shoulder.

-Sister Farah! You shouldn't reason with this kind of people. They won't at reality and only follow their ideal. (Mia)

-I... (Farah)

-Hmmmm! I don't want to play you guys anymore. I must be back soon to serve my master. (Butler)

The old man turns around and shouts out loud.

-Guard! Take these peasants and throw them outside of the barrier! (Butler)

As the man shouted, many men wearing armour came out of the building.

-Take them away! (Butler)

-Yes! (Guard A)

-We will follow your command, head butler. (Guard B)

Amy and Mia glared at him hatefully.

-Hah, We meet trash again. Should I kill this guy, sister? (Amy)

-Mia! Hold down your anger. (Mia)

Amy glanced at me as if she tried not to make me sad by choosing words to say to me.

-... (Farah)

Amy and Mia now are really different from their past version. They can easily declare on killing someone without hesitation.

-But I can't blame them... (Farah)

In all the years that I couldn't stay by the twins' side and help them, they must have overcome many difficulties by themselves. They have grown up mentally, unlike the childish me.

-But still... (Farah)

-Sister... (Amy)

-Sister Farah... (Mia)

-The act of unnecessary kill is evil. (Farah)

That man indeed wants to kill us by throwing us outside of the barrier. It's not wrong for the twins to want to kill him.

-But we have strength, Amy and Mia. (Farah)

Indeed, I don't want to kill him. And I won't repay his evil with a good deed.

I could feel a devil smile forming on my face.

-Let's hit them and make them regret being born! (Farah)

The twins' faces brightened up as they heard my statement.

-Sister! (Amy)

-We will help you punish these bad guys! (Mia)


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