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Chapter 1 Bringing something back again

In the first year of the Great Zhou Dynasty, mid-February.

There are still sporadic snows in the fields that have not melted, and two figures, one large and one small, are squatting on the edge of the fields digging wild vegetables.

The three-year-old girl wore an ear protection hat made of gray rabbit fur. She held up a fat and tender shepherd's purse in her chubby little hands, and her little face smiled like a flower. "Auntie! What a great shepherd's purse!"

Wu took the shepherd's purse, smiled and praised: "Chang'an is still capable."

The girl's smile became brighter and brighter, and she turned around to look for wild vegetables. She muttered: "Look for a lot of shepherd's purse and make dumplings for Auntie Chang'an to eat."

Wu looked at her pityingly and sighed softly.

Not long after Chang'an's own mother gave birth to her, she was introduced by her mother-in-law's sister to work as a wet nurse for an official family in the county town.

At that time, he had just married into the Song family and took on the task of taking care of little Chang'an.

However, when Chang'an was not yet one year old, her biological father Song Erxiao was drafted into the army again, and there was no news from him for more than two years.

She lost her biological mother at a young age, and then her biological father, and was looked down upon by the Song family.

If he hadn't taken her with him and taken good care of her, she probably wouldn't have lived to be three years old.

Wu combed her hair that had been blown away by the wind and tucked it behind her ears.

Early this morning, her mother-in-law asked her to take Chang'an out to dig for shepherd's purse, saying that shepherd's purse in early spring is the freshest and tenderest, and her father-in-law wanted to eat shepherd's purse dumplings.

She knew that this was her mother-in-law's way of teasing people.

Today's style is extravagant, with the biting coldness of winter, which scrapes people's faces like knives. As an adult, I can bear it, but three-year-old Chang'an can't bear it.

But she couldn't be left in the hands of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

If he were not there, little Changan would not know how he would be abused by them.

Helpless, she had no choice but to put on everything she could wear on Chang An and take her to pick shepherd's purse in this freezing cold place.

Thinking of her kind-hearted mother-in-law, Wu felt a chill piercing her bones.

He shrunk his neck, put his frozen hands to his mouth, laughed, and asked the little kid who was digging wild vegetables: "Is it cold in Chang'an?"

Little Changan subconsciously put away his little hands that were frozen like carrots, and shook his head: "It's not cold." But his nose was already running down.

She wiped it with her sleeve and tried her best to smile.

She was happy to be able to go out to play with her aunt today. She didn't feel cold at all. It would have been nice if she had never gone back. She didn't want to see her scary grandmother or her pinching aunt at all.

"Come here, Third Aunt, I'll cover you." Mrs. Wu came over and squatted in front of her, putting Chang'an's little hand under her creaking nest, "Is it warmer now?"

Chang'an put his face into his aunt's arms and nodded.

At this time, two women came over, carrying bamboo baskets, and they seemed to be digging wild vegetables.

A black-faced woman saw Wu and said loudly: "His third aunt, why are you still in the field? Go back and take a look. Someone has brought something back. It must have been brought by someone from Chang'an's mother."

The whole village knew that Jiang, the mother-in-law of Chang'an, worked as a nanny in the county, because every six months she brought back a bag of children's clothes and a lot of money. The whole village saw it and was extremely envious. .

"Really?" Mrs. Wu immediately stood up and thanked the dark-faced woman Fu Li: "Thank you very much, Sister-in-law Qian. I'll go back soon."

Then he picked up the bamboo basket, put the small sickle and small shovel into the basket, held Chang An in one hand and rushed back.

But little Changan's legs were short and she couldn't walk fast at all, so Wu simply picked her up and walked quickly towards her new house.

The dark-faced woman watched them go away, tutted, and said to the woman beside her: "Look, the things Jiang brought will most likely fall into the hands of her stepmother-in-law. Poor Chang'an, she has never worn anything since she was a child. A new dress sewn by my own mother."

"No, when I look at the grandsons and granddaughters of the old godmother, they are all made of new materials that we have never seen before. What do you think Chang'an is wearing? There are lots of patches. If you don't know, you might think they were picked up by Song Baqi's family. What a wild child.”

The square-faced woman squatted down and shoveled a shepherd's purse, shook off the soil, and threw it into the basket next to her.

"It's pitiful, you have no father and no mother, so what if you have the third aunt to take care of you? Sanshun's daughter-in-law is not a householder, she has no money or cloth, and she has to live by her step-mother-in-law. How can she take care of her little niece at the same time? Alas …”

The old Songtou became a stepfather since he married his second wife. Regardless of his two biological sons, he actually recognized the son brought by his second wife as his eldest son and changed his name to Song Jizu.

Tsk tsk, look at this name. If the clan leader hadn't stopped him, Old Man Song would have planned to add Song Jizu to the Song family tree.

"Hey, what do you think that old Mr. Song thought? He just ranked his own son as the second son and sent him to the army. By then, the Jiang family should have sent back a lot of money. It would be enough for him no matter what. Erxiao bought a better one."

The dark-faced woman glanced in the direction of Songjiacun.

The five tile-roofed houses of Old Man Song's house stand at the entrance of the village, which is particularly eye-catching.

His family was very poor before, similar to most families in the village.

Ever since Mrs. Jiang went out to become a nanny, Old Man Song's family suddenly became more prosperous. Not only did they build a big tile-roofed house, Mrs. Zhao and her sisters were even more well-dressed, and they went out to go shopping and visit relatives. They were even more luxurious than the rich man's family. The mother-in-law was very happy.

This caused many old women in the village to get close to Mrs. Zhao, and also wanted her to introduce a nanny Dangdang to their daughter-in-law who had just given birth.

The square-faced woman sneered coldly: "The old godly woman is evil. As soon as Erlang Song left, she encouraged Old Man Song to build five large tile-roofed houses at the entrance of the village.

As soon as it was built, he hurriedly took his children to move in, leaving Chang'an and her three uncles and three aunts in the dilapidated old house. "

Who doesn’t understand the evil intentions of the old godly woman? Aren't you just afraid that Song Erlang will get half of the family property at home?

Although the clan does not care about his family's household affairs, the clan leader and elders will not just watch Old Man Song distribute the Song family's property to outsiders!

"Isn't his family divided yet? Why are Song Sanshun and his wife left alone in the old house?" The black-faced woman dug up several shepherd's purses and asked curiously.

The square-faced woman said: "The old godly woman wants to break up, but how can the clan let her do whatever she wants?"

When the Zhao family moved to their new home, the clan leader personally went to inquire about it, but the old godly woman swore that it was not a family separation.

He also said that because there was not enough room at home, and the old girl wanted to get married, it was difficult to share the same room with her uncle and aunt, so she temporarily moved to a new house, and the house would be redistributed when Song Erxiao came back.

But everyone with a discerning eye knows that it is still a matter of time whether Song Erxiao can come back.

It is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs. The old godly woman insisted that it was not a family separation, and the clan leader had no choice but to put down harsh words and asked Old Man Song to set aside two new houses, one for Song Erxiao and one for Song Sanshun. Otherwise, he would write a letter to inform him. Mrs. Jiang, the second filial daughter-in-law, after all, she paid for the construction of the house.

Old Man Song agreed verbally, but still let his son Song Sanshun and his wife live in the old house, and they just had meals together every day.

Of course, Sanshun's daughter-in-law, Wu, will also be responsible for the work of the new house.

Things like carrying water, doing laundry and cooking all fell on Sanshun's wife, and Sanshun did all the work in the fields.

On the other hand, Mrs. Zhao's family is really like a young master and a young lady, they are all very leisurely and don't have to do anything.

"Oh, the old godly woman is really good at calculating. In a few years, when her grandson gets married, won't she occupy those two rooms?"

The black-faced woman shook her head and sighed: "Ms. Jiang is also very arrogant. She worked hard to save money, but ended up giving it to outsiders at a cheap price. Her own child was left without food or clothing.

Alas, why does she trust the old godmother so much? She hasn't come back to take a look for three years. Doesn't she miss the child at all? "

The square-faced woman said: "I heard that Mrs. Jiang went to Fucheng with the master's family two years ago. It's hundreds of miles away from here. It is said that the master's young master couldn't live without her, so he never came back."

What if I come back? Unless the biological daughter is taken away, the child is not allowed to stay at Old Man Song’s house for training?

Fortunately, Sanshun's daughter-in-law was kind-hearted and always loved Chang'an as her own daughter. She would leave every bite of delicious food to Chang'an, otherwise the child would have died many times.

The two women sighed for a while and looked in the direction of the Song family again.

Today, the Song family will definitely have to cut meat and prepare wine to entertain the guests. Maybe they will send Chang'an and Sanshun's wife away so that the guests won't see them.

Sanshun's daughter-in-law was also stupid. She let her mother-in-law dictate to her and didn't know how to resist.

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