Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 2 Strange Sound

Let’s talk about the Wu family.

Holding Chang'an in his arms and rushing to the new house, he met Song Yufeng, an old woman from her mother-in-law and father-in-law.

"Third sister-in-law, I asked you to go to the market to get a pot of wine. There are guests waiting for you at home." Song Yufeng stopped Wu and said.

Wu's face turned cold and her tone was calm: "I will send Chang'an home first before leaving."

It was like this every time. As long as the second sister-in-law asked someone to deliver something back, the mother-in-law would either instruct her to do this or that, or lock her and Chang'an in the old house. Anyway, she didn't let anyone see Changan, so she didn't know what she had in mind. ?

She must see someone today, show him Chang'an, and ask him to let her second sister-in-law know about the situation at home.

"Leave Chang'an to me, you can just go to the market to get a drink."

Song Yufeng stuffed a bunch of copper coins into her third sister-in-law's arms and reached out to hug Chang'an.

Chang'an turned around and let go, tightly wrapped his hands around his aunt's neck, and said in horror: "No, no!"

My little aunt likes to hit people the most. She often twists her ears, slaps her mouth, and pricks her palms with needles. It hurts, but she doesn't want her to hug her at all.

Song Yufeng was angry, her eyebrows stood up, and she slapped Chang An on the back of the head: "You bastard! Why are you so ignorant?"

Wu quickly protected Chang'an and said angrily: "Yufeng! Why do you beat her when she's so good?"

Song Yufeng's face darkened: "You've spoiled me all my little bastards!"

Seeing that Wu was walking away with Chang'an in her arms, Song Yufeng was so angry that she stamped her feet and stopped her again: "Third sister-in-law! How long has it been and you are still lingering? Mother asked you to go and come back quickly, don't delay entertaining the guests!"

Wu pursed her lips and said nothing, bypassed her sister-in-law and continued to rush to the new house.

Suddenly, a strong force came from behind and pushed her hard into the roadside ditch.

The moment she threw herself into the ditch, Wu subconsciously took a step forward so as not to press Chang An in her arms into the water.

But one of her feet got stuck in the mud, and she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her ankle.

Chang'an was thrown out and rolled in mud. He was so frightened that he cried loudly. He crawled over and hugged Wu: "Auntie."

"If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty, huh!" Song Yufeng kicked over the shepherd's purse basket and turned around and left.

Wu was so painful that she broke into a cold sweat, and it was difficult to pull her foot out of the mud.

Before they could hug Chang An and climb ashore, they saw Mrs. Zhao and Song Yufeng coming back.

Mrs. Zhao cursed: "You're a useless piece of trash! I'd tell you to go to the market and get a drink and you'd be beaten!"

"It happens that you don't need to go. Bring the money! Let your sister and nephew go!"

As he spoke, he found the string of copper coins from Wu's pocket and handed them back to his daughter Song Yufeng.

Then, together with Song Yufeng, they lifted Wu up and dragged her back to her old home.

Little Changan stumbled back and was pushed into the house by Mrs. Zhao. There was a clang and the door was locked.

Sitting on the ground, Mrs. Wu couldn't help crying. She was so scared that little Chang'an also cried. He hugged her neck and stammered to comfort her: "Aunt, don't cry."

The more anxious she became, the worse her stuttering problem became. She simply stopped talking and wiped her aunt's tears with her little muddy hands.

Wiped it once and immediately took it back.

Her little hands were covered with mud, and it all smeared on her aunt's face.

Chang An stood up humbly and looked around for water to wash his hands.

But there was no water in the room, and the door was locked, so she couldn't get out.

Chang'an was very angry. He opened the crack in the door and shouted outside: "Open the door! Open, open the door!"

She didn't know that Song Yufeng was guarding outside the yard. No matter who came to ask, they would tell them that the third aunt was having a tantrum in the house, and her father asked her to calm down for a while and let her out after she calmed down.

The villagers could only shake their heads and leave.

Song Sanshun is not at home, who dares to interfere with his wife's affairs? If you can't protect yourself, Mrs. Zhao throws dirty water all over you.

Wu cried for a while and then calmed down. She reluctantly jumped in front of the kang with one foot, called Xiao Chang'an to come over, and helped her take off her clothes and shoes.

He took a cloth and wiped the mud off her head, face and hands, and asked Chang An to get into bed.

Little Chang'an revealed his two big eyes from under the quilt and saw that one of his aunt's ankles was swollen. He immediately leaned over and blew air: "Huh, it hurts, it hurts."

Wu touched her little head and couldn't stop her tears from flowing down: "Chang'an, Auntie is too careless."

Chang'an didn't understand what his aunt was saying, so he blinked and said, "Tell uncle."

Wu's tears flowed even more fiercely, and she couldn't help complaining: "Your third uncle is just a loser, there's no point in telling him!"

No one in the village knew that Song Sanshun had the most submissive temperament. He watched helplessly as his stepmother and stepbrother straddled his brother's head and pooped and peed without even daring to release a fart.

Although he knew that his stepmother was harsh on him, he still willingly plowed the fields and worked as an ox or a horse for the big family.

No, just after the first month of the year, Song Sanshun was assigned to work as a river worker, and he was responsible for the work of Song Jizu and him.

Forget it. He knew clearly that his wife and niece were not doing well under the hands of the old godly woman, but he never came forward to say a word. What could she expect from such a cowardly man?

The more Wu thought about it, the sadder she became, and she cried on the quilt for a long time.

Now that he has sprained his feet, his mother-in-law locked them in the house again. In such a cold weather, they couldn't even get grass to make a kang.

Chang'an saw that his aunt kept crying and thought her feet were hurting, so he kept snoring.

Not to mention, Wu's ankle gradually became less painful, but it was still very red and swollen.

She hugged Chang An, wrapped her in the quilt, and slowly fell asleep.

So Chang'an had another long dream, dreaming that he was catching fish by the water.

The golden fish are so beautiful, their tail fins shine like ribbons, but I can never catch them.

Suddenly, the golden-red fish turned into a beautiful little person with long hair. They threw water drops at her while swimming, one, two, or three.

The water droplets hitting Chang An's face didn't hurt at all, just like splashing water droplets.

Chang'an picked them up one by one and was about to throw them back when he found that the water drops were crystal clear and very beautiful. They were still rolling around in the palm of his hand and suddenly penetrated into his skin.

Chang'an screamed in fright and woke up from his dream.

"What's wrong?" Wu held Chang'an in his arms: "Are you having a nightmare?"

Chang'an nodded and stretched out his little hand to his aunt with a sad face: "Zhuzhu... drill."

Mrs. Wu didn't understand and thought her niece's hand was bitten by a bed bug, so she squeezed it and turned it over and over.

"There's no red mark, it doesn't matter." Wu comforted her.

Changan blinked and looked at the palm of his hand in confusion.

The water droplets were clearly shining in the palm of my hand, but why couldn't Auntie see it?

Chang'an became even more panicked and dug a few times with his other hand until his palm turned red, but the three water drops were still shining.

At this moment, the door of the house was pushed open, and Song Jizu's wife, Xiao Zhao, walked in with a food box in her hand.

"Third brother and sister, I have brought you food." She opened the food box with a smile. Inside was a bowl of braised pork and a large bowl of white rice.

Little Zhao is the niece of Mrs. Zhao. She married Song Jizu in person and gave birth to a son, Song Chengye, three years later. Three years later, she gave birth to a daughter named Song Xiyue.

At this time, Song Xiyue was following behind Xiao Zhao, looking straight at Song Changan with a pair of dark eyes.

Chang'an had already been attracted by the braised pork, his mouth watered uncontrollably, and he didn't pay attention to Song Xiyue's eyes at all.

"I just warmed it up. Third brother and sister, take Chang'an to eat it. It will cool down in a while."

Xiao Zhao diligently laid out the chopsticks. Seeing that Wu didn't move, she brought the food box to the Kang table.

Wu's face was thin, so she thanked him gently, picked up the rice bowl and fed it to Chang'an first.

Chang'an ate his food obediently and stammered, "Auntie, I'll eat too."

Wu took a piece of braised pork and fed it into Chang'an's mouth, "If Chang'an takes a bite, Auntie will take a bite too."

Chang'an nodded heavily, stuffed a whole piece of braised pork in his mouth, and chewed slowly with his mouth bulging.

It's so delicious. She hasn't eaten meat for a long time.

Suddenly, she heard a vicious voice in her mind:

[Look at how stupid you are, you’ve never eaten meat in your eight lives, why don’t you choke to death! 】

【Hmph! You deserve to eat our leftovers for the rest of your life! It was originally meant to be fed to the dogs, but my mother-in-law was kind-hearted, so she poured the leftover soup together and brought it to you two bitches! Delicious! It smells good! Hahaha……】

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