Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 117 Spewing blood

Mrs. Wang said calmly: "This matter has not yet been clarified, so I don't want to hear or believe anything, and I hope you won't misrepresent it at will.

I would like to thank you all for taking care of my son. I will interrogate them carefully when I return. If they are really guilty of committing crimes, I will not give them easy mercy. "

Then he waved to Zhao Yuan: "Yuan'er, come to mother."

Zhao Yuan looked at her quietly for a moment, then suddenly said: "Grandma Yuan beat me and refused to give me food. Feng Xi'er also beat me and asked me to get into his crotch."

Mrs. Wang was petrified on the spot: "You can speak now?"

"Auntie, Yuan'er can always talk." Zhao Yuan said calmly.

After yesterday's illness, his chaotic mind suddenly became much clearer, and he even remembered things from his childhood.

For example, when he was still a toddler, Grandma Yuan would deliberately twist the soft flesh under his arm when no one was around, prick his fingers with needles, and scold him in his ears that he was a little bastard and why he didn't die soon.

She would also scold her mother-in-law many dirty words in front of her. The reason was that Yuan Aina wanted to be her father's concubine, but her mother-in-law married her to a servant instead.

That winter, Grandma Yuan deliberately threw his favorite toy into the lotus pond and encouraged him to pick it up.

One after another, he was very frightened, so he always wanted to hide somewhere out of Yuan Auntie's reach.

Because A Niang never believed him and didn't even give him a chance to hear a word from him.

"Young master! You can't spit on others!"

Yuan Auntie was extremely frightened when she saw that the young master could speak normally. She knelt down to Mrs. Wang again and banged her head on the ground: "I dare you to swear on my child that if you touch a finger of the young master, he will not be allowed to do anything." What a death!"

After a few knocks, his forehead was bruised and bleeding.

"Okay! Let's talk about it back to the county seat!"

Now Mrs. Wang just wants to take people back to the county seat quickly, and then quietly dispose of these two slaves. It is best to let them all commit suicide.

As for her youngest son, she suddenly felt inexplicable fear of him and didn't even dare to look at him.

Mrs. Wang stood up and motioned to the maid next to her to take Zhao Yuan, while she hurried out.

Grandma Yuan was also held up by two servants and dragged to the mule cart.

Zhao Yuan shook off the maid's hand, ran to Yuan Aimai in a few steps, and punched her in the chest.

Yuan Auntie suddenly vomited out a mouthful of blood, rolled her eyes and fainted.

Two maids:

Zhao Yuan ran to Feng Xier whose hands were tied again and ordered her to sit down.

Feng Xier didn't know what the young master wanted to do, so she had to do it, but Zhao Yuan stepped on his crotch.

"Ahhhhh" Feng Xier screamed, startling everyone.

Mrs. Wang, who had already boarded the mule cart, was also frightened and asked quickly: "What's going on?"

The eldest maid's teeth chattered and she said with a trembling voice: "Yes, it's the young master."

She once deliberately neglected the young master because his wife didn't like him.

"What's wrong with him?" Mrs. Wang was worried.

The eldest maid: "The young master beat Yuan Aina and Feng Xi'er."

More than just beating? Just now she looked over and saw that Yuan Aimai was vomiting blood and Feng Xier was rolling on the ground.

Mrs. Wang frowned: "Let them get in the car and drive on their way. It's already late, so don't make a fuss here."

The eldest maid whispered: "Madam, I can't catch up. I just ran for about sixty miles and the mule still needs to rest. Let's go to Xue's house and stay one night."

Mrs. Wang closed her eyes and waved her hand towards the maid: "Why don't you leave quickly?"

He was surrounded by onlookers and villagers, and he was really embarrassed.

Chang'an watched Mrs. Wang and the others leave, feeling quite uncomfortable.

I didn't expect the county magistrate's wife to dislike her biological son so much. She didn't even hold her son's hand when she came here today, let alone ask about his health.

Even if Zhao Yuan was not sick or beaten, as her own mother, she should hug him and comfort him, right? But Mrs. Wang did nothing. Instead, she acted condescendingly towards her son, which was really incredible.

"Chang'an, don't look at it." Mrs. Wu took her little niece's hand and went home, whispering: "From now on, let's not care about other people's affairs."

Just now, the servant girl said that they wanted to seduce the young master of the county magistrate's family, which made Mrs. Wu very angry.

In her opinion, even the children of noble families are not as valuable as Chang'an.

In the evening, Lu Jingzhou and Wu Zhonglou came over for dinner.

When he learned that Zhao Yuan was bullied and abused by his servants, Lu Jingzhou fell into deep thought.

He suddenly remembered that Zhao Ping's career in his previous life had always been poor, and his two sons were both mediocre, so his family quickly declined.

Well, not only is he mediocre, Zhao Ping's youngest son seems to be a fool and likes to run around all day long.

One day he saw a file saying that a fool was bullied by a group of gangsters in the market and died miserably. The plaintiff was Zhao Ping, and he sued the gangsters to the Yamen.

The reason why Lu Jingzhou remembered it so clearly was because the case involved a wide range of things, and one of the defendants was a descendant of a certain county prince.

I didn't expect to meet Zhao Ping's youngest son in the countryside. It seems that Zhao Yuan is not that stupid?

Could it be that he became stupid later?

After eating, Lu Jingzhou said to Song Sanshun, "I will go back to Fucheng tomorrow. I may not come back for a long time. I will ask you to take care of the house on my behalf, and you will also be able to dispose of the furniture and objects inside."

He then took out the house deed: "Please take care of the house deed. If I don't come back in five years, the house will be donated to your family."

Song Sanshun didn't dare to answer: "How can this be done?"

Isn't this just giving me a house for free? "Young master, you taught Chonglou how to study, but we don't know how to repay you. How can we accept your gift again?"

Lu Jingzhou smiled: "I have lived here for nearly two years and have been cared for by your family. Why can't I accept the gift?"

He put the house deed into Song Sanshun's hand: "The house belongs to your Song family. I just return it to the original owner. If the house is vacant after I leave, it will be lonely and unpopular, so it will not be beautiful. So after thinking about it, I still think Into your hands.”

Song Sanshun: "Well, then I will give you the money to buy the house." He went to get the money.

"Uncle Song, you're out of town." Lu Jingzhou resolutely refused to accept the money.

Chang'an looked left and right and saw that they kept pulling and said, "Uncle, please accept it. I will give Lu Jingzhou a bead string later."

Her bead string is of use, it is worth twenty thousand gold.

Song Sanshun paused and put down the house deed.

Lu Jingzhou smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Chang'an."

Chang'an quickly ran to the room, picked out a bunch of soapberries with the smallest core from the sewing basket and handed them to Lu Jingzhou.

There are two small beads in this bead string.

Early the next morning, the Wu siblings took Chang'an on a farewell trip to Lu Jingzhou.

They also sent two baskets of delicious food, including twenty hard-boiled eggs, two jars of dogwood hot sauce, more than twenty large steamed buns, and some persimmons and dried red dates.

Of course, some vegetables, radishes and square melons were also given at home. Lu Jingzhou’s master and servant would be on the road for more than 20 days. With these vegetables, they could cook and eat anytime and anywhere.

Besides, radish is crunchy and sweet, so it tastes good when eaten raw.

Lu Jingzhou took the basket, thanked Wu, and boarded the mule cart with Aunt Fang and Feng Shan.

The mule cart slowly drove away from the village and gradually disappeared from sight.

Wu Zhonglou watched Lu Jingzhou's vehicle drive away and wiped his tears with his sleeves.

I hope that my little mentor will be named on the gold list, and I hope that I will succeed in one fell swoop.

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