Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 118: Ginger is still spicier when old

Not long after, Mrs. Wang also left with her son Zhao Yuan and the servants.

The mule cart took the official road from another village road, so Changan did not encounter them.

After returning home, Changan continued to make paper carvings and drawings with his small hoe.

I also made a book of flower-like paper sculptures.

She imitated the brochures she bought in the county, combined with the patterns given by the little goldfish, and made several paper sculptures with 108 patterns.

This kind of picture album is one of the indispensable dowries for the daughter's family, and she never has to worry about selling it at any time.

"Oh, Chang'an is really amazing. You can tell it at a glance. Can our Qiangwei learn how to make tricks from you?" Jin Osmanthus looked at the patterns of Chang'an eagles and was surprised.

Look at these children, they can make money in anything they do. Last time, the painting book was sold for two cents. The little hoe just helped casually and got two hundred cents at a time.

Two hundred cents, no other kid can earn that much in a year.

Chang An nodded: "Yes, yes, but she must buy a carving knife."

With the carving knife, I would carve the pattern for her.

Qiangwei and the others only learn paper carving to make money. As long as they carve beautiful and novel patterns, some shops and salesmen are willing to buy them.

"That's no problem. I'll ask her father to go to the county town and buy a set later."

Jin Osmanthus was extremely happy when she saw Chang'an's promise. She immediately went home and told Qiangwei that she should come to help Chang'an first and take a look and learn.

Two days later, Chang'an made another album of carved paper stories, telling the story of the Monkey King causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

The paper sculpture of the Monkey King can not only move its eyes, wave its hands up and down, but also eat peaches. As soon as the picture appears, it attracts everyone in the village, especially the children.

Coupled with Chang'an's lively explanation and dubbing of the characters together with Little Hoe, the surroundings suddenly fell into silence, and everyone held their breath and listened to the story they told.

One child saw something exciting and screamed, but was slapped down by several people around him: "If you don't want to watch, get out!"

The child retracted his neck in embarrassment and did not dare to say a word.

As soon as the picture album was finished, a scholar rushed up, grabbed the picture album, held it in his arms, and threw two slings of money to Chang An: "This young man bought it."

Everyone was shocked, and then began to accuse the scholar: "Han Sheng, you are not authentic, let's just read it once."

"What's wrong with reading it again?" Han Shusheng retorted: "If you want to see it, you can pay me. Isn't Xiao Changan doing this just to make money?" After saying that, he ran away with the album in his arms.

Several scholars immediately chased after him: "Stop, let us read it again."

Everyone watched eagerly as the picture album was bought by the scholar, feeling angry.

But the scholar is right, isn't Xiao Changan doing this just to make money? It’s great to be able to perform it for everyone for free.

Chang'an was a little confused holding the two pieces of money, but also very happy at the same time.

Hehe, doing this is much more interesting than making clay statues.

In the future, if it is not necessary, I will use the mold to make a few clay statues, and the rest of the time I will make paper sculptures.

At this time, several children from the village came around and said, "Chang'an, do you still have this picture album? We want to buy it too."

The picture album was so interesting and the story was so good. They wanted to take the picture album to the market and perform it for people to see, and they would definitely earn a lot of money.

Chang'an: "I'll do it when I get back." After thinking for a while, he said, "This time, I'll make it a bigger one with more pictures."

Then make a few more sets of picture albums. Each set will have the same characters but different movements and scenery.

Well, let’s make more little monkeys and a few little fairies, and then let them fly in the picture album.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! We have to go home." The little hoe carried the bench and pushed away the crowd in an airy manner.

Now he is not only a good boy in the eyes of adults in the village, but also favored by children in and outside the village.

The older children who had bullied him in the past would greet him flatteringly when they saw him now, and ask him what drawing book he would have next time.

snort! Don't tell them yourself.

Pulling Chang An to squeeze out of the crowd, the little hoe suddenly saw several Zuocun children standing furtively by the tree, including Song Chengye.

At this moment, Song Chengye was no longer the same as before. He was also wearing patched clothes and pants, his hair was messy, and he looked quite depressed.

The little hoe stared at them warily, guarding Chang An by his side.

Several children did not come over, but looked at them from a distance, their eyes full of expectation.

The little hoe curled his lips and pulled the little master away quickly.

After returning home, Chang'an gave the little hoe two hundred coins and gave the rest to his aunt to keep.

Then she started making the Monkey King character template.

With the template, you don't have to carve the paper yourself next time. You can leave this job to the little hoe brother and sister, and Chang'an will only be responsible for the painting and coloring.

In this way, she can make two sets of picture albums in two days.

The picture book also has to include story explanations and character dialogues, which is actually quite a workload.

Three days later, Changan came to the village under the locust tree with her newly released paper sculpture album.

This time the little hoe brought a taller and wider stool, specially made for the demonstration album.

This time the picture album is also quite big, two feet square, and there are a lot more scenery and characters in it, but it is quite troublesome to perform, but fortunately the audience doesn't care.

In fact, this story is still the Monkey King causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace, but it has many more scenes, dialogues, and many more characters.

All the children were amazed when several little fairies floated from one side to the other in the picture.

They didn't understand why the picture moved, but Qiangwei knew that it actually moved the fairy image to the left, and then moved the white clouds to the right, giving people the illusion that the fairy was flying.

But she won't say it, because she is also involved in this operation.

Qiangwei not only demonstrated the album with her brother Changan, but also participated in dubbing.

She was a little embarrassed at first, but when she saw that Chang'an and her brother were both lively and lively, she let go.

Soon the presentation of a picture book was completed, and everyone asked to read it again.

Even the clan leader stretched out his head and urged: "I'm deaf, so I didn't hear many things."

Everyone laughed: "Uncle, you've squeezed to the front and haven't heard it, then we haven't heard it either."

Chang An blinked and looked at them, thinking that no one really heard them, so he said, "Then I will speak louder."

"Okay! Louder! That Qiangwei, your voice is too soft. We don't even know what you said." Everyone laughed.

Qiangwei feels wronged.

My voice was really quiet at first, but didn't it get louder later on?

So, the three children acted it out again.

When Chang An looked up again, he saw a crowd of people in front of him, one or two hundred in total. Not only people from his own village came to see it, but also people from Zuo Village and Huaishu Village crowded in.

Sitting at the front was the grandfather and a few white-bearded village elders.

"Haha, little Chang'an, why don't you act it out again? Grandpa has asked your grandma to go back and get jujube cakes. Today's new one is delicious." The patriarch coaxed, stroking his beard.


Jiang is still very cool. He even made up lies just to watch the show. (End of chapter)

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