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Chapter 134 It’s essential to be on guard against others

One person looked at the wall of Song's backyard and whispered: "He has two dogs. They bark when we get close to them. We must get rid of the dogs first."

"How to deal with it?"

"Of course I'll kill him first."

"That's nice to say. How do you fight two dogs in the yard?"

"Let's wait a few days before we talk." One of them touched his chin and said, "Song Sanshun and his family will definitely go to his father-in-law's house to pay New Year greetings on the second day of the new year. Let's take advantage of that moment."

"tell me the story."

Several people got together and planned carefully.

In the evening, Song Sanshun gave Song Baqi some steamed buns, steamed buns and rice cakes. On his way home, he met several young people from other villages.

Among these young people, he knew two of them, namely Zhao Quan and the Zhaojiacun youth who had harmed him.

Song Sanshun suddenly became alert, looked around, and felt slightly relieved when he saw someone walking around in front of someone's house in the village.

Several young people looked at him from afar and left, as if they were passing by by accident.

But Song Sanshun knew that these hooligans were definitely up to no good. They were either stealing or trying to break into houses.

After returning home, Song Sanshun told Granny Fang and the others about his guess and asked them to be careful.

Whenever the New Year comes, there will be frequent thefts in the countryside, so everyone must guard their doors.

Aunt Fang said, "Thank you for reminding me. I'll tell my family what happened when I get back."

Yang, whose pseudonym is Yun Shu, also nodded in thanks: "We won't be going anywhere recently. Brother Song should be careful."

Song Sanshun: "This year my father-in-law and mother-in-law are coming to celebrate the New Year. I'll ask relatives from the clan to take care of me in Kaoshan Village. On the first day of the new year, if you don't give up, your whole family can come over to have a meal."

Aunt Fang glanced at Yun Shu and saw that she had no objection, so she smiled and said, "That's a good relationship."

On New Year's Eve, Song Sanshun brought his father over for the New Year's Eve dinner, and Song Yufeng naturally followed him, running to the kitchen to help very diligently.

Grandma Sun and her daughter were busy in the kitchen. When she saw her taking the initiative to light the fire under the stove, she didn't refuse.

After all, the girl is Song Sanshun's half-sister, so it would be nice if she could get along well with her.

Wu took out the cooked pork head and cut it into plates, as well as sausages and elbow liver.

The braised chicken with soybeans has been cooked a long time ago, and the big yellow basin is full. Just scoop out a plate when you want to eat.

There are also mutton and steamed pork, cold spinach and shredded radish.

Grandma Sun cooked two eight-treasure fish. One will be eaten today, and the other will be kept until the fifth day of the lunar month.

In addition, I cooked two more stir-fry dishes, making up a total of eighteen dishes.

Today is the Chinese New Year, and the meal is more formal. It is placed in the middle of the main room, and the family sits around to eat.

Song Sanshun also took out his home-brewed rice wine and gave it to his father-in-law and father to drink.

"I'll drink too." Changan stretched his neck to ask for wine.

This kind of rice wine is sweet and sour and very delicious. She likes it.

Song Sanshun had to scoop out half a bowl for his niece, and another bowl for his mother-in-law and brother-in-law.

Looking at Song Yufeng, he lowered his head to take small bites of vegetables, and scooped out half a bowl for her.

After three rounds of drinking, Song Baqi was a little drunk. His eyes were red and he wanted to bow to his in-laws to apologize, saying that he was sorry for his son and granddaughter.

Old man Wu quickly supported and comforted her: "Don't mention these things during the New Year today. A family is better than Lele."

Song Baqi wiped his eyes with his sleeves and continued eating.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Song Yufeng helped her father walk back, and Song Sanshun sent them home with a lantern.

This time he took the two dogs with him and watched Song Baqi and his sister enter the yard before turning around and walking back.

Suddenly, two big dogs barked in one direction, looking very ferocious.

Song Sanshun didn't dare to go over to check and called the two dogs to go home quickly.

Back in his yard, Song Sanshun took the dog and looked around in the backyard again. By the way, he checked that the back door was not locked properly.

After everything was ready, he fed the dog with the leftovers, put some hay in the donkey's trough, and then returned to the house.

The main room is where he, his wife and their daughter live, and the other room is where Chang'an lives with his mother-in-law.

My father-in-law and brother-in-law live in a side house.

Just after falling asleep, I suddenly heard the big dog in the backyard barking again and making a low threatening sound.

Song Sanshun felt something was wrong, so he immediately dressed and put on a lantern and went out to check.

The father-in-law and brother-in-law also stood up and said in a low voice: "If the big dog barks like this, there must be something abnormal outside the yard."

Song Sanshun nodded: "We can't go out at this time."

After another inspection, the dog stopped barking, so the few people had to go back to sleep.

Song Sanshun didn't sleep much at night, listening carefully to what was going on outside. Fortunately, the dog stopped barking after that.

Early the next morning, my wife got up and washed and cooked. She steamed yesterday's dishes in a basket and made another pot of dumplings.

Song Sanshun went to the backyard to tie bamboo.

He tied three long bamboos side by side, each one a foot wide apart, and propped them up with sticks to make them look like bamboo rafts.

After tying the bamboo rafts, he cut holes in the bamboo and inserted sharp bamboo thorns into the holes.

When Old Man Wu and Wu Zhonglou saw this thing, they knew what Song Sanshun wanted to do, so they came over to help. The three of them had tied several bamboo rafts in a short time.

Then they lifted the bamboo rafts to the base of the wall, placed them, and spread a thin layer of hay on top.

"You must not have the intention of harming others, but you must have the intention of guarding against others." Old Man Wu said: "Last night was indeed a bit unusual. Your house is on the edge of the village, so there is no guarantee that no evil person will have evil intentions."

"Indeed." Song Sanshun nodded, looked at the base of the wall to see if there was anything unusual, and then clapped his hands with satisfaction. "It's better now. We can sleep peacefully at night."

He almost didn't sleep a wink all night last night. After lunch, he wanted to have a good sleep.

Chang'an also got up early, ate a piece of cloud cake that his aunt put on his pillow, hurriedly ran to brush his teeth, wash his face, and then see his sister.

When the little baby saw his sister, his smile turned into a flower, and he waved his hands as if to hug her.

Chang'an picked him up, ran around in the yard and came back.

Alas, my sister was so heavy and wrapped in a thick blanket that her arms were sore.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I put my sister down, the little baby started crying.

Chang'an scratched his head and head anxiously: "Don't cry, wait until my sister calms down before I hug you."

The little baby sobbed twice and really stopped crying.

Chang'an was surprised and asked, "Can you understand what my sister is saying?"

The little baby looked at her with eyes like black grapes, waving her little hands and raising her neck as if she wanted to get up.

Chang'an chuckled and waved the cloth tiger made by his aunt in front of her eyes: "Do you want it? Get up and get it."

Mrs. Wu, who brought the dumplings into the house, smiled and said: "How old is she? Where can she get up? Go and call your uncle and Aweng to come back and eat dumplings. Just let your sister lie down by herself."

Chang'an responded and ran out to call people for dinner.

When everyone arrived, Changan kowtowed to his elders one by one, asked for lucky money, and then ate dumplings with a stack of red envelopes.

After eating the dumplings, Changan, led by his uncle, went to the village to pay New Year greetings.

Starting from the patriarch’s house, then several village elders.

Each of them gave Chang An a big red envelope with twenty copper coins in it.

When Song Chengqi saw that his grandfather gave Chang'an a heavy red envelope, but he only had one copper coin, he was so angry that he almost died.

"Grandpa!" Song Chengqi complained with his mouth bulging: "Who is your grandson?"

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