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Chapter 135 Come here to destroy the family?

The patriarch ignored his grandson and patted Chang'an's head with a smile: "Good boy, our village will suffer because of you."

Changan blinked, not knowing why.

When he came to Mammy Fang's house to pay New Year's greetings, Yun Shu welcomed her into the house and gave her a few silver coins.

The appearance of these coins is similar to that of copper coins, but the words "good luck, good fortune, longevity and happiness" are cast on them.

Chang'an couldn't bear to accept so much money from Grandma Yun and wanted to shirk it. Lu Jingzhou on the side said: "This is the New Year's money that I gave you together with Grandma Yun's mother Fang."

Chang'an had a meal and had no choice but to accept it.

When she got home, before she had even counted the New Year's money, several apprentices came over to wish her New Year greetings.

Each of them carried a New Year gift, including two packs of malt candies, or two packs of deep-fried crispy fruits, as well as fried rice candies and sesame candies.

Yun Pian cake is an indispensable New Year gift, but when returning the gift, you must also return Yun Pian cake. This is called Gao Lai Gao Go.

The five disciples Bangbang kowtowed to their master several times, which was the rhythm of asking for lucky money.

Chang'an painfully took out the New Year's money that had not been warmed and distributed it to everyone.

Twenty coins per person, plus invite them to stay for lunch.

At noon, five tables were set up at Song Sanshun's house. Not only the young disciples of Chang'an, but also Lu Jingzhou's family, the clan leader and elders were also invited, including Song Laoliu and Song You's family.

Of course, Song Baqi and his daughter Song Yufeng were also called over for dinner. Song Yufeng still went to the kitchen to help, very diligently.

The first day of the new year was spent eating and drinking, and soon it was the second day of the new year.

No one came to visit on this day. Everyone took their wives and children to their in-laws' house to pay New Year's greetings.

Chang'an fell asleep early at night and came to the pool in his dream.

There were a lot of things piled up beside the pool, most of them books. The little goldfish also conjured up several bookshelves and asked Chang An to sort the books on the bookshelves.

Changan took out a storybook and read it.

These are all new, including the story of the Green Snake, and various stories about supernatural beings.

Each story is not long, Changan can read several in one night.

It's a pity that the little goldfish is not allowed to read all the time. He will always take away the storybook after she finishes one article and let her read more other books.

Suddenly, Changan was awakened by a loud noise.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw an oil lamp lit in the room, and grandma was putting on her clothes and getting down on the kang.

Chang'an Gulu got up and asked, "Grandma, what's wrong?" It was very noisy outside, and there seemed to be someone screaming.

Grandma Sun tucked Chang An back into bed, "You lie down while Grandma goes out to take a look. It seems like there is a thief in the house."

"A thief?" Chang'an wanted to take a look.

After grandma went out, Changan quickly put on his clothes and pants, got off the kang, put on his shoes, and slipped out of the room.

It was dark outside the house, but fortunately there was a light on. She followed the sound and ran to the backyard.

I saw my uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma, and uncle all there. They were holding lanterns and shining a light on the two strange men lying under the wall.

"Tie them up first! Report to the official at dawn!" Grandpa Wu said.

Song Sanshun took the rope and tied up the two wailing men together with his father-in-law.

Chang'an opened his eyes and looked at the two of them, and saw that their hands and legs were covered in blood, as if they had been pierced by something.

Old man Wu checked the wounds of the two men and whispered to his son-in-law: "They are not seriously injured. Do you have any herbs at home? Stop their bleeding first, but don't die here."

Song Sanshun nodded, dragged the two of them to the hay shed in the front yard, went back to the house to get the medicinal powder, and sprinkled it on their hands and legs.

Then he wanted to go out to find the clan leader, but was stopped by Old Man Wu.

"Don't go anywhere for the time being." Old Man Wu winked at his son-in-law and whispered, "We don't know how many people they have come. They can't leave the yard until dawn."

Song Sanshun suddenly realized, kicked the two of them hard, and asked angrily: "What do you want to do when you come to our house? How many people are there?"

The two ignored him and just moaned loudly, as if they were about to die.

Song Sanshun was so angry that he picked up a wooden stick and hit the two of them: "I know you are from Zhaojia Village. If you don't want to live, then don't live!"

The two screamed more fiercely, as if they were killing pigs.

Old man Wu immediately took two balls of linen and stuffed them into their mouths, signaling his son-in-law to be calm.

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door, and Song Yufeng's voice sounded: "Third brother! It's not good! Dad has fainted! Go and have a look!"

Song Sanshun shuddered and was about to open the door when someone hugged his thigh.

Chang'an hugged his uncle tightly and shook his head repeatedly: "Don't go!"

She was very panicked and didn't want her uncle to go out.

Song Yufeng was crying outside, banging on the door: "Third brother! I'm so scared! Please open the door quickly, wuwuwuwu."

Song Sanshun was extremely irritated by the sounds of crying outside. After hesitating for a long time, he asked his brother-in-law to carry Chang An back into the house, and then he picked up an iron fork and opened the door.

Old man Wu knew that his son-in-law could not let go of his biological father, so he had no choice but to pick up a sickle and follow closely.

As soon as the door opened, Song Yufeng rushed in and threw herself into Song Sanshun's arms: "Third brother, I'm so scared."

At the same time, a dozen people rushed in, holding shovels, sticks and other items in their hands.

Song Sanshun wanted to push Song Yufeng away, but she held on to him tightly and kept crying: "They tied up daddy, and there's nothing I can do about it."

As soon as these people rushed into the yard, they pushed Old Man Wu to the ground and knocked him unconscious with a stick.

Upon seeing this, Ms. Sun yelled and asked her daughter and son to quickly close the door of the house. She herself took a pole and danced towards those people, trying to save her husband.

Seeing that his father-in-law had fallen, Song Sanshun found the strength to throw Song Yufeng away, picked up the iron fork and rushed towards the crowd.

But two fists were no match for four hands. The group of people swarmed up and knocked Song Sanshun down. The leader smiled ferociously, raised his machete and chopped off Song Sanshun's head.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed over, threw the man down, and bit his arm.

Hearing a click, the knife-wielding gangster screamed and fainted immediately.

The black shadow continued to bite the gangsters, scaring them into running away.

Two more shadows came towards me, namely Bai Huahua and Hua Hua. They chased and bit people without sparing any force.

At this moment, Chang'an was standing at the door of the hall, holding a paper knife in her hand. Whenever she saw someone running towards her, she would stab them hard.

Wu and her younger brother took the opportunity to rush to the yard and carry their unconscious father into the house.

Chang'an saw that Aweng was unconscious and his head was bleeding, so he quickly put a string of soapberries on his wrist.

The light in the soapberry was instantly extinguished, leaving nothing behind.

Chang'an was shocked and knew that Aweng was seriously injured.

But I had just given the blue bead once to make my uncle stronger, and I could not use it a second time today.

Fortunately, Aweng's head stopped bleeding, but he was still in a coma.

It seems that I will need to prepare more bracelets in the future.

Wu knew that her niece was treating her father, so she locked the door behind her back and went out with her brother to help her husband catch the gangsters.

Two or three people escaped from the yard, while the others were bitten by Dahei and Baihuahua and fell to the ground, unable to escape any longer.

Song Sanshun looked at the people on the ground, picked up the stick and hit them hard on their ankles.

Just a few screams were heard, and their ankle bones were broken.

"Ah ah ah. Spare your life, don't hit me." Zhao Quan shrank on the ground and begged: "I can't see Taishan. I will never dare to do it again. It's Song Jizu's fault. It's all Song Jizu's fault. He said that your family has something." Wan Guan’s wealth brought us here.”

Song Sanshun narrowed his eyes and looked at the people on the ground: "I have a fortune, so you come here to destroy the family?"

"No, no, we were just fooled by lard, and we got distracted for a moment. Brother Song, third brother, as long as you spare me, I will make you a cow and a horse from now on, and I can treat you as my ancestor."

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