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Chapter 153 Getting separated

"Xiyue, what are you doing?" Mrs. Jiang was a little unhappy.

Now Song Xiyue was a maid in the young lady's yard, but she came to her to ask for shelter, and even smacked her forehead like this. If someone saw her, they would think that she was deliberately poaching the young lady.

Song Xiyue hugged Mrs. Jiang's legs, raised her neck and cried: "Aunt, please save me because I have called you mother for a year."

Ms. Jiang was so angry that she tried to push her away but couldn't. She couldn't help shouting: "Let go! What does it look like to be seen?"

Chang'an also came over, looked at Song Xiyue and said, "Song Xiyue, if you don't let go, I will call Sister Yuyan over."

Song Xiyue froze and quickly released her hands, but she still knelt on the ground and refused to get up: "Aunt, I have no family anymore. You are the person I love the most. I still want to call you mother."

Mrs. Jiang was stunned.

She had very complicated feelings about this child. She had originally thought she was her daughter and loved her for more than a year, but then found out that she was not. The shock was no less than losing a child on the spot.

Jiang's tone gradually softened, thinking of her parents who had died long ago, she suddenly felt pity for Song Xiyue.

This child was only over eight years old, and it was pitiful that such a change had occurred in his family.

"Get up." Mrs. Jiang pulled Song Xiyue up and said softly: "Even if Madam agrees to your redemption, where can you go after you redeem yourself?"

Song Xiyue wiped her tears with her sleeves and said, "I want to be with you. Don't worry, I will definitely be able to take good care of sister Chang'an."

Chang'an immediately said: "No! I don't want you to take care of me!"

If she hadn't listened to Song Xiyue's inner thoughts, she might have sympathized with her and taken her in, but Song Xiyue had always wished her mother and daughter bad luck, and wished that she would die, which really bored her.

When Song Xiyue heard what Chang An said, she began to curse again in her heart: [Little bitch! Why do not you go to hell? I curse you to be kidnapped and sold into a brothel as soon as you leave home! He will be supported by thousands of people and ridden by thousands of people throughout his life! 】

Chang'an opened his eyes wide. Although he didn't understand what Song Xiyue was scolding, it was definitely not a good word.

She stepped forward and kicked the annoying guy, and shouted: "Get out! Don't call me aunt in the future! My family has nothing to do with your family! You are not my cousin either!"

Song Xiyue's eyes flashed with hatred, and she finally got up, turned around and ran away.

Mrs. Jiang sighed, grabbed her daughter and asked, "Why do you hate your cousin Song Xiyue so much?"

Chang'an frowned and said: "She has been plotting against you just now, mother, don't you know? She is still insulting me in her heart, cursing me to be sold to a brothel as soon as I leave the house."

Mrs. Jiang was surprised: "She, is she scolding you in her heart?"

Chang An nodded, looked around and said in a low voice, "Auntie, I tell you, you can't tell anyone else, and you can't let Song Xiyue know."

Mrs. Jiang looked cautious: "Mother, don't tell anyone."

"I can actually hear Song Xiyue's inner thoughts all the time. She also said that she was like this and that in her previous life. Do you think it's weird?"

Chang'an said mysteriously: "Also, when she was in her hometown, she asked her grandmother and parents to harm her uncle and aunt several times, and even smashed her uncle's head."

Mrs. Jiang frowned.

No wonder Song Xiyue was so eloquent at such a young age. When she was brought here, the four or five-year-old baby had a clever mouth and coaxed the seven- or eight-year-old girl around. Even the lady loved her a little, thinking that her father was not as guilty as the rest of the family for killing her grandfather.

Is she actually the one who has lived her life again?

It’s scary to think about.

Jiang felt a chill running down her spine. She held her daughter in her arms and whispered, "Be careful of Song Xiyue in the future."

"Yes." Chang'an patted Ms. Jiang gently: "Mom, you have to be careful too. She shouldn't dare to harm us for the time being, because she is afraid of being kicked out of the Marquis' Mansion."

Mrs. Jiang nodded, frowning, considering whether to take Song Xiyue out of the Marquis Mansion.

It would always be a disaster for the child to stay in the Hou Mansion, but how should I tell the Crown Prince's wife?

That's not right. The people in the Hou Mansion must think that they are too narrow-minded to tolerate a child of several years old.

But if you don't care and let her stay next to Miss Hou Mansion Zhang Yuyan, that girl will definitely cause some trouble in the future.

Mrs. Jiang could tell that Song Xiyue was very scheming and ambitious, and she had always done everything possible to please the young master Zhang Yao.

It's just that things are fickle and her father is holding her back.

Even if she wanted to be Zhang Yao's maid in the future, it would be impossible, and my wife would not allow it.

But it would be different if she became a maidservant of a young lady from the Hou Mansion and went to another house. Others might not know her true identity.

The more Jiang thought about it, the more she felt shuddering.

no! Before leaving the Hou Mansion, he must tell his wife about this matter.

After the snow stopped, the Hou Mansion became busy.

The Crown Prince’s wife is preparing New Year’s gifts every day and sending them to various families before the New Year.

Pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, goose, fish and various vegetables were also sent to the village outside the city, filling the kitchen to the brim.

These days, Chang'an can eat freshly slaughtered pork and mutton every day, and sometimes chicken and fish.

Then comes the New Year.

Red lanterns were hung under the eaves of the houses in the Hou Mansion, and the words "Fu" were posted on the doors.

Chang'an also cut window grilles and pasted them on the glass windows, and cut many more to give to Zhang Yuyan and Zhang Yao.

I occasionally see Song Xiyue and find that she is very silent, but she is extremely smart in what she does, which makes Zhang Yuyan like her very much.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Zhang Yuyan invited Changan out to watch the lanterns.

This day was also a time when the emperor and the people had fun together, so Zhang Yuyan took all the sisters in the mansion to go to Xuande Tower to watch a Nuo opera.

There were many maids and servants accompanying him.

Next to Chang An were Lian Xin and Xiao Ju. It was their first time out of the house to see the lanterns, and they were so happy.

Zhuque Street in the capital is very wide, but today the road is lined with sheds.

Various lanterns are hung around the shed, including rabbit lanterns, elephant lanterns, hibiscus lanterns, octagonal glass lanterns and so on.

These sheds are either businesses selling lamps, or they are a place for the family's women to rest.

Chang'an looked all the way and suddenly saw the sound of gongs and drums in the distance, and a large group of artists wearing strange costumes singing and dancing.

Some men bared their chests and belly in such a cold weather, and threw the colorful ribbons they were wearing at the young ladies on the roadside, causing them to scream in surprise.

After a while of hustle and bustle, Changan found himself separated from Lianxin Xiaoju.

Because of my short stature, I could only see the back of the adult's head when I stood on my tiptoes, and couldn't see where Zhang Yuyan and the others were.

Chang'an was a little anxious at first, but soon calmed down and walked forward slowly.

When she met a lantern seller, she went up and bought a lotus lantern and carried it in her hand. When she saw a man selling candied haws, she bought two and ate them while walking.

She was not in a hurry to find someone, but went where there were more people.

Because the less crowded a place is, the more dangerous it is.

Just like that, she came to a towering city gate tower.

Many people looked upstairs, including Chang'an, and saw that the city gate tower was covered with clouds, and there were many people standing there, with jade faces and peach cheeks, like flowers made of brocade.

"Hey! What's in your hand?" A childish voice sounded.

Chang'an turned around and saw a five- or six-year-old pink boy standing behind him, looking at the candied haws in her hand with big eyes.

"Tanghulu, you don't even know this?" This was the first time Chang An met a child who didn't know Tanghulu.

The boy was anxious: "Who said I don't know him? I just want to ask you where you bought it!"

"Oh." Chang'an looked at the boy and then looked around, guessing that he was also separated from others.

The child wore a jade crown, a brocade robe, moccasins, and a belt with jade buckles.

It seems that he is from a noble family, and his rank is not low.

"Do you want to eat it? I can sell this to you." Chang'an handed over the candied haws: "Ten cents a bunch."

The child was not polite, took it, took a bite, and said vaguely: "When my entourage comes over, I will give you the money."

At this time, another team of fish and dragon dancers came over, followed by many people.

Chang'an quickly grabbed the little baby to save him from being squeezed away. (End of chapter)

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