Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 154 Trafficking

The boy let Chang An pull him and followed her to the roadside. He was eating candied haws in his mouth and looking around with gibbering eyes, as if he was guarding against someone.

Chang'an waited for the fish and dragon dance team to pass by, but no one from the Hou Mansion was seen, so he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Logically speaking, if Lian Xin and Xiao Ju know that they are missing, they will definitely look for them. If they cannot find them, they will also look for Zhang Yuyan and the others.

But it's been a long time and I haven't seen anyone, which is a bit strange.

Chang'an thought for a while and decided to go back to the Marquis Mansion by himself.

After all, she still knew the way back.

"I'm going home, will you follow me, or stay here and wait for your entourage?" Chang'an asked the little boy.

The little boy said without hesitation: "Follow you."

He didn't want to wait for followers.

Chang'an had no choice but to lead the little boy on his way back.

Along the way, the little boy asked for food and drink unceremoniously: "That! I want to eat that!"

"This! What is this? I want to try it too!"

Whenever he sees a vendor selling snacks, the little kid will stop and won't stop until he buys something.

It happened that Chang'an also wanted to buy some for his mother-in-law to try, so he spent money to buy and buy until he could hardly hold it in his hand.

Like plum blossom cakes, fried birds, grilled mutton skewers, candied fruits, sesame scones, candied haws, and candied people.

There was also Roujiamo. She ate a whole piece and she couldn't hold it anymore.

The little boy couldn't help but hiccuped.

Chang'an had no choice but to caress his back gently and use the small beads in the silver bracelet to help him digest food.

Unconsciously, the two of them walked to the corner of the street and saw that the light was dim and there were very few pedestrians. Only one or two people could be seen at a distance.

Chang'an couldn't help but become alert because she heard Song Xiyue's voice again.

[Haha, I am indeed a person favored by God. I was worried that I would not find the opportunity to get rid of that little bitch, but the opportunity came in a blink of an eye! If we can sell her to the dumping ground tonight, even if we get her back in the future, her reputation will be ruined! It’s not in vain that I spent five taels of silver.]

Chang'an immediately stopped and looked around.

Sure enough, there were two men standing in the shadow not far away, and they were looking over with evil intentions.

But she didn't find Song Xiyue, she was probably hiding in a corner and peeping.

Chang'an clenched his fists and was about to retreat when he suddenly saw two men walking away arm in arm.

The little boy tilted his head and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Chang'an calmed down and said, "I'm afraid there are bad people in this alley."

The little boy patted his chest proudly: "Don't be afraid, I'll let the guards beat them!"

Chang'an said angrily: "Where are your guards?" She wanted to meet the boy's guards, but she didn't see any acquaintances.

The little boy blinked, as if he was thinking about how to answer.

Chang'an continued to lead him into the streets and alleys, and asked as he walked: "Whose child are you?"

The boy pretended to be confused: "I, I'm too old to remember."

Changan glanced at the baby who only reached his shoulder and said, "Oh, do you still remember your last name?"

The boy still shook his head and glanced at Chang An guiltily.

Chang'an continued: "Since you don't know what your name is, then I'll give you a new name."

"Okay!" The boy nodded and asked expectantly, "What do you want to name me?"

Chang'an: "Let's call her Huahua." She missed her Huahua.

If I had known that I wouldn't be able to go back to my hometown in a while, I should have brought Huahua with me.

The boy frowned, instinctively rejecting the name, and immediately shouted: "My name is Mingyang."

Chang'an turned to look at him: "My surname is Ming?" Ming is the surname of the country. It seems that this little baby is a member of the clan.

Mingyang hummed and said dejectedly: "Don't send me back home." He thought that after telling his name, the young lady would know which family he was from.

Unexpectedly, Chang'an didn't know whose family he belonged to, and had no intention of sending him back.

Now she just wants to return to the Hou Mansion safely, because Song Xiyue is hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities.

What Chang'an didn't know was that Song Xiyue had already started a dispute with two gangsters.

"Tian San! You took my money, why don't you do something?" Song Xiyue angrily blocked the way of the two gangsters and threatened: "I am from the Hou Mansion, and I came to find you under the order of the master. If you disobey, I believe If you don’t believe me, I’ll go back and report it to the master!”

Tian San was stunned for a moment. He looked the little girl up and down and saw that she was indeed wearing the clothes of a maid from the Zhongqin Hou Mansion. He curled his lips and said, "Then your master is too stingy. He wants us to do something but only gives us five taels of silver. How is that for us?" Are you guys going to treat me like beggars?"

Song Xiyue bit her lip and said, "I'll give you five taels after the job is done!"

"Five taels?" Another person sneered: "It's you who wants to harm the master, right? I see that the little lady is well-dressed, and she is not as simple as you say the maid of the Marquis Mansion is."

Tian San reacted immediately and shouted: "You are so brave! You dare to harm your master. Do you want me to go to jail?"

Although they are ruffians, they also know not to provoke the officials, otherwise the whole family will be ruined.

This little girl was young but had a vicious heart. She actually found the two brothers and told them that the Marquis's house wanted to deal with a girl and asked them to kidnap her and sell her to a brothel, and all the money from the sale would belong to them.

She even asked her brothers to wait at the intersection while she identified the person.

As a result, the two of them saw that there was a young man next to the identified young lady. The young gentleman was actually wearing a jade belt. This damn girl wanted to kill them.

If the dead girl could get one or two hundred taels, Tian San might still consider one or two, but for just five taels, he wants his two brothers to sacrifice their lives for her, no way!

Song Xiyue couldn't help but tremble all over when Tian Sanyi drank it, but she quickly calmed down and said, "Since you don't want to do it, forget it. Give me back my five taels of silver, and I will go back and report to the master."

Tian San smiled sadly: "Repay you? When did you give us brothers money?"

Song Xiyue said angrily: "I gave you a five-tael silver ingot just now!"

The other person smiled coldly: "I gave you ten taels, come back now!"

Tian San also echoed: "That's right! You just blackmailed me for ten taels, no, twenty taels of silver. Get it quickly!"

Only then did Song Xiyue realize that the situation was beyond her control. Looking at the gangsters approaching her step by step, she took a few steps back in fear, turned around and ran away.

"Want to run away?" Tian San and Chen Si caught up with Song Xiyue in a few steps and grabbed her: "If you don't pay back the money, I'll take it from you!"

Just as Song Xiyue was about to scream, her mouth was blocked by a ball of rags.

Then his head hurt and he fainted.

When she woke up, she found herself lying on an old kang, and an old woman with a wrinkled face was looking at her with a lantern.

Song Xiyue was so frightened that she almost screamed, thinking that she had returned to the time when she was betrayed in her previous life.

The old woman stared at her for a long time and nodded with satisfaction: "Your two brothers sold you to me. From now on, you will stay in the house. I advise you not to be a monster, otherwise I will have to sell you to prostitution." ."

Song Xiyue trembled her lips and said, "I don't have a brother, Aunt Feng. I was abducted."

Aunt Feng couldn't help but be surprised when she saw this little girl calling out her last name: "Which family are you from?"

This Tian San and Chen Si are too short-sighted. If they get some help for themselves, she will definitely not be able to spare them!

Song Xiyue cried: "Mother Feng, I am the child of the nanny of the young master of Zhongqin Hou Mansion. My name is Song Chang'an. Please let me go back. My mother will definitely pay you back the money that was used to redeem my life."

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