Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 163 Doing Business

Aunt Wu immediately stepped forward and replied: "Your Majesty, let's come back from Mrs. Song Qianhu's place."

"Song Qianhu?" King Rui frowned: "When did such a person exist in the capital? How come I don't know about it?"

Grandma Wu didn't know how to answer, so she could only say: "That Qianhu works in the frontier, and only his wife and children live in the capital."

Concubine Lin covered her mouth and chuckled: "Mother Wu, you are really good at telling nonsense. Those mother and daughter are obviously servants of the Zhongqin Hou Mansion, but you want to put gold on their faces."

Aunt Wu frowned, but she couldn't argue with Concubine Lin. She bent down and saluted Prince Rui: "It's cold now. I will send the young master back to the courtyard first, and then come over and reply."

"Hey, she is my sister's wet nurse after all. She is very confident. You dare to leave before the prince has even spoken. Who are you showing off to?"

Concubine Lin glanced at King Rui, who was getting angry, and gently pulled his sleeve and said: "My lord, you don't have to be angry. My sister has been pretentious since she was a child, and she doesn't take anyone seriously. Her slaves are naturally like this." Follow my example."

When King Rui heard what his concubine said, he immediately became angry. He pointed at Nanny Wu and shouted, "Diao Nu! Who gave you the courage to take your young master out of the house without permission?"

Seeing that the prince was angry, Aunt Wu had no choice but to kneel down and plead guilty.

The two maids holding the child were at a loss and knelt down together.

Minghui, who was lying on the maid's shoulder, was very nervous, fearing that her father would ask someone to hug her.

Her identity is a secret and must not be known to her father, otherwise the mother-in-law and her brother will be doomed.

Suddenly I remembered the picture album I saw in Chang'an. There was a story about a child who loved to cry. As long as she cried, adults would be scared.

Then Minghui immediately started to cry loudly, the sound was quite sharp and startled everyone.

Sure enough, the princess hurried over with a group of people, and she couldn't help but be furious when she saw the nanny in her forties or fifties kneeling in front of Prince Rui and his concubine.

"Your Majesty, what did the wet nurse do that you want to punish her like this?" the princess asked, holding back her anger.

King Rui paused.

Thinking back to just now, it seemed like there was nothing worth getting angry about.

Concubine Lin on the side responded: "Sister, your nanny is so majestic. She actually despises the prince and even takes the young prince and the young princess out privately. This kind of thing cannot be tolerated, just in case something unexpected happens to the young prince one day. "

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw the princess walking up to him and slapped her in the face.

"Bitch! How dare you curse the Crown Prince!" The princess grabbed Concubine Lin by her hair, threw her to the ground, and kicked her again.

The relationship between myself and this cousin had been on the same level for a long time. It was only for the sake of the prince that I was tolerant of her. Unexpectedly, this bitch became more and more aggressive and even cursed her son in public.

When King Rui saw his wife and concubines fighting, he was so angry that the veins on his forehead jumped, and shouted: "Lin Wan! That's enough for you!"

Lin Wan turned to look at her husband and sneered repeatedly: "Your Majesty, isn't Yang'er your legitimate son? He deserves to be cursed? You can't find out how Yang'er Hui'er was poisoned, right? What? You want to get rid of it? My son makes room for others? You told me earlier, I will go to the palace now to ask the Queen Mother to make a decree to give up the throne to the son of the concubine! To prevent my son from encountering any mishaps again! "

What she said was extremely unpleasant, which made King Rui angry and said, "How outrageous!"

Lin Wan didn't want to pay attention to him at all, helped up Nanny Wu and walked to the yard.

Zhen Mingyang also woke up, looking at his livid father with his big eyes, and then glanced over the face of Concubine Lin who was crying.

He turned his head and called to the princess: "Aniang."

Lin Wan turned around suddenly, took her son from the maid's arms, and cried with joy: "Hui'er, what did you just say? Call me again for my mother-in-law?"

"I admit my mistake, I am not Hui'er." Mingyang said softly, "I am Yang'er."

Lin Wan cried even harder and quickly entered the house with her son in her arms.

Grandma Wu was also very surprised and quickly asked all the maids in the room to go out.

The princess asked her son many questions one after another, and when she saw that his answers were clear and logical, she was sure that he was really well.

"It's really amazing." Mother Wu sighed: "That child of the Song family is indeed a blessing. The prince only stayed there for half a day."

Lin Wan cried and laughed for a while before having her son and daughter taken to another room.

Only she and Grandma Wu were left in the room, and Lin Wan whispered: "Mom, you also saw it today. With Lin Rui here, the prince and I will have a breakup sooner or later. Maybe one day he will ask for an order to divorce me, or he will divorce me." I'll kill him so that Lin Rui can become the princess."

As long as she is divorced or commits suicide, her children will definitely not survive to adulthood.

Therefore, among the three of her, the prince, and her cousin, only one of them could die.

Aunt Wu held Lin Wan's hand and whispered to comfort her: "Princess, don't worry, Lin Rui's bastard hooves must be the one who dies first."

Lin Wan shook his head: "If one Lin Rui dies, the Lin family will send another one. It's useless."

Grandma Wu was stunned.

Does the princess want the prince to die?

Gosh! This is going to be very difficult.

The next day, Chang'an and Aniang went to the West Market to buy things and brought back all the customized things.

When Jiang Ruyi learned that all the parts added up to dozens of taels of silver, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"Chang'an, your father just sent back one hundred taels of silver last time, and now it costs dozens of taels. How will we live in the future?"

Ms. Jiang was almost worried to death.

If you leave the Hou Mansion, you will have no income in the future, and you will have to eat and drink on your own money.

The total amount of money in the family is less than two hundred taels, which is not enough to deal with favors.

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon, and both the Marquis's residence and the princess's place have to buy festive gifts, ranging from a dozen taels to dozens of taels. There is no way to save money.

Although others reciprocated gifts, they were gifts, not money. Do you have to pawn tea leaves, cloth, snacks and fruits to make a living?

"I have money." Chang'an patted his chest again: "Mom, you don't have to worry."

Ms. Jiang glared at her angrily: "What are you doing with just a few dozen taels?"

Not to mention Lian Xin and Xiao Ju’s moon silver, just two meals a day would cost a lot.

Alas, you don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are when you’re not a householder. Life in this capital may seem beautiful, but everything costs money. No wonder the wife and daughter of the sixth-rank official’s family next door have to embroider every day to supplement the family income.

Chang'an said with a smile: "I do this to make money."

She could predict that once she rode her two-wheeled bike around the market, people would definitely come to buy it.

That roulette painting has a market in small towns, so there is no reason why no one wants my two-wheeled vehicle in the capital.

Mrs. Jiang snorted, ignored her daughter, and slowly returned home on the bullock cart.

As soon as I unloaded the things on the bullock cart, I saw a young man running towards me.

"Chang'an! I found you!" Zhao Yuan panted and stood in front of Chang'an, complaining: "Why didn't you tell me that you were moving?"

"Don't you know now?"

Chang'an directed Zhao Yuan politely: "I just have something to ask you. Come and help me install the two-wheeled vehicle."

"What?" Zhao Yuan stretched out his head: "What is a two-wheeled vehicle?"

Chang'an pointed to a pile of things in the yard and said, "This is it."

Zhao Yuan looked at the messy pile of wheel parts on the ground and scratched his head: "But I don't know how."

"There is a drawing, just follow it and install it." Changan ran back to the house and took out the drawing of the two-wheeled vehicle: "This is it. I have marked the names of the parts. It is easy to assemble."

With that said, Changan picked out the gears and bearings and installed them on the frame.

Zhao Yuan squatted on the ground and watched for a while, then seemed to understand and took over to pretend.

In this way, the two children spent most of the day and finally installed a two-wheeled vehicle.

Chang'an held the dragon's head and tried to ride up, but always fell down. Fortunately, Zhao Yuan was steady behind the car, otherwise he would have fallen down.

It's not a big deal to fall down, Chang'an is worried that the car will be damaged.

The bearing and gear parts alone cost fifty taels of silver, so I really can’t afford it.

After two days of practice, Changan was finally able to ride a two-wheeled bike steadily around.

Zhao Yuan panted and ran behind her car: "Chang'an, be careful."

"Know it!"

Chang'an stepped on his feet and said, "Zhao Yuan, let's do business together. I'll give you one hundred guan for each of these cars. You'll earn whatever you add to the sale. How about it? Do you want to form a partnership?" (This chapter) over)

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