Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 164 Going out to wander again

Zhao Yuan was surprised: "Chang'an, are you serious?"

"Of course it's true!" Changan got out of the car and asked Zhao Yuan to ride again. "I ordered parts for five more cars and they can be finished in a month."

She also made some improvements according to the method given by the little goldfish, such as installing a few spring shock absorbers under the seat cushion, adding brakes, and using a flywheel, otherwise the pedals would rotate with the wheels.

Fortunately, Little Goldfish provided a disassembly diagram of the flywheel components, including instructions and dimensions. Changan only had to copy it and let the craftsmen do it.

As a result, the cost soared directly to seventy or eighty taels.

"But I don't have that much money." Zhao Yuan said frustrated.

His monthly income is only a regular amount. He goes out to buy some food every day and there is nothing left. How can he have 150 taels to buy a car?

Chang'an: "I'll give it to you on credit first, and you can give it back to me soon after you sell it."

Zhao Yuan pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay! I will ride a bicycle to the entrance of the Confucian Temple tomorrow."

The Confucian Temple is close to the Imperial College, and those who study in the Imperial College are the children of clan members and high-ranking officials. They must have money to buy this two-wheeled vehicle.

"Eh? Aren't you going to school?" Chang'an was curious.

Zhao Yuan said something vaguely, got on the car and ran away, but Chang An didn't hear clearly.

The boy learned to ride faster than the girl, and he rode more steadily. If he were not afraid of damaging the bike, he would have tried to do some tricks.

Chang'an thought for a while and said, "The Flower Festival will be in a few days. I'll show it to Sister Yuyan first, and then I'll give it to you."

Zhao Yuan: "Then I'll go with you." He didn't want to go home at all. It would be great if he could live with Chang'an.

"Yeah." Changan nodded.

In the afternoon, Zhao Yuan had dinner at Chang'an's house before going home.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw Jin Hua Yin Hua kneeling outside her mother's yard wiping tears.

"Get up!" Zhao Yuan ordered with a stern face: "You go back to the house first."

Jin Hua Yin Hua got up, rubbed his knees and limped back, looking back from time to time.

Zhao Yuan stood at the door and thought for a moment, then mustered up the courage to walk into his mother's yard.

The little girl sitting under the porch saw him and hurried back to the house to report: "Madam, Mr. Yuan is back."

"Let him kneel outside the door and reflect!" Mrs. Wang's voice came from the house.

Zhao Yuan paused for a moment, turned around and left.

When the little girl came out, Zhao Yuan was nowhere to be seen.

She had no choice but to run back: "Madam, Mr. Yuan is gone again."

Mrs. Wang was so angry that she threw the tea bowl in her hand: "This evildoer! He should have been drowned in the first place!"

Zhao Ping was also in the room. He frowned when he saw this. Knowing that his wife was going to start nagging their second son again, he got up and prepared to go to the study.

"Sir, please take care of that traitor. What does it look like if he skips school all day long?" Zhao Yuan and several other children from the Zhao family attended elementary school in the Confucian Temple. Whenever he stopped going to school, those children would come back to complain.

As soon as the old lady heard that Zhao Yuan was playing truant, she called Wang over and reprimanded her, saying that she was incompetent in educating her children and allowed her children to be uneducated and incompetent, which was a disgrace to the Zhao family.

Zhao Ping said impatiently: "How can I care if I don't get on duty every day? Besides, Yuan'er has not been smart since he was a child and has blemishes on his cheeks. Even if he goes to school, he doesn't have much potential, and he can't pass the imperial examination. It's hard to force him. useless."

Mrs. Wang became angry when she heard what her husband said: "Even if he doesn't take the imperial examination, we can't let him go on like this, right? How will he support his family in the future?"

"When he gets older, I will send him to the military camp to do martial arts." Zhao Ping said, "How about you take him to learn how to manage a shop, and then let him run a shop."

"Don't even think about it!" Mrs. Wang refused: "I only have that shop, and I will leave it to Xuan'er in the future."

Zhao Ping was a little angry when he saw his wife acting like this again, but he really couldn't spare the time to discipline his second son.

"Then you can figure it out yourself." He tossed his sleeves and left.

Mrs. Wang couldn't help but be even more angry when she saw her husband left in anger and probably went to Xinna's concubine's house again.

She turned to the maid next to her and said: "From this month onwards, bring me Zhao Yuan's monthly money, and don't give him a penny in the future! You are not allowed to lend it to him either! I don't see how he can go out and wander around!"

The eldest maid quickly said yes.

In fact, it was the eldest son Zhao Xuan who often borrowed money from these maids, and he never paid it back. The younger master had never borrowed money.

A few days later, it was the annual Flower Festival. Taking advantage of the warm sunshine, all the ladies in the capital came out of their homes and took BMWs and carriages to Lingyin Temple or other temples to view peonies.

Chang'an also went, riding a two-wheeled cart, while Jiang, Zhao Yuan, Lian Xin, and Xiao Ju sat on an ox cart.

Jinhuayinhua followed the bullock cart pitifully, but they were very happy because their master finally did not abandon them.

Along the way, all the pedestrians looked at the two-wheeled bicycle riding by the little girl.

Someone even shouted loudly: "Hey! Little lady! Where did you buy your car?"

At this time, Zhao Yuan stood on the bullock cart and replied loudly: "Bought it from me!"

So everyone gathered in front of Zhao Yuan and asked, "Where is your shop? How much does the car cost?"

Zhao Yuan had already discussed with Chang'an and set the price higher to prevent anyone from bargaining: "A car costs two hundred taels of silver, and the shop has not been set yet, but if you leave a deposit and address, I will come to your door when the car is ready. notify."

"Two hundred taels? Are you crazy about money?" Several people left angrily.

A few people refused to give up and asked Zhao Yuan if he could give up less.

Zhao Yuan shook his head: "The cost of making a car is too high, so it is indispensable."

Someone sneered: "What if you cheat on me with the deposit money? Where can I go to find him?"

Zhao Yuan said without thinking, "My surname is Zhao Mingyuan, and my father works in the Ministry of Household Affairs."

His father, Zhao Ping, had stayed in Beijing to take up a post as a member of the Ministry of Household Affairs. He was promoted from the seventh rank to the fifth rank. It was because of his contribution in fighting drought in Lingqiu County that the Holy Emperor gave him a special award.

The speaker looked at Zhao Yuan for a few times and believed him. After all, he was in the capital and it was against the law to pretend to be an official.

"How much is the deposit for you?" someone asked.

Zhao Yuan scratched his head and looked at Chang'an.

Chang'an rode back and said, "First pay twenty taels of silver, and then pay the remaining one hundred and eighty taels when you pick up the car."

"Twenty taels fixed amount?" After hearing this, several people shook their heads and left.

They didn't see anything, so why should they be given money? Still twenty taels, I want to eat shit!

Only one servant asked his master and threw a small ingot of gold to Zhao Yuan: "This is two taels of gold. Write a deed quickly. My master is from the eldest princess's mansion. When the new car arrives, I will go to the mansion to notify you!" "

Zhao Yuan weighed the gold and estimated that it was about two taels, then took out a charcoal pen and a stack of paper from his satchel.

The contents of the deed have already been printed with ink on the paper. All you need to do is fill in the names of Party A and Party B and the amount of the deposit.

After filling it out, both parties must sign and pledge it, and agree on the delivery time and the amount of the balance to be paid.

These deeds were all prepared by Chang'an, and Zhao Yuan was asked to take them to the bookstore and mimeograph many copies in preparation for selling the vehicle.

The servant was also literate. After reading the deed and confirming that it was correct, he signed it on behalf of his master and pressed his fingerprints. Then he took his share and went back to deliver the letter.

A business was made on the way. Zhao Yuan was so happy that he waved the gold to Chang'an: "Let's use this money to rent a shop and invite a few masters to come over and build cars in the shop."

He wandered around the capital market all day long and knew that many workshops were like this.

Chang'an: "Okay! You can figure it out yourself." (End of Chapter)

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