Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 165 Doing Business

The ox cart passed by Zhongqin Hou Mansion, and they saw Zhang Yuyan and Zhang Yao siblings waiting at the door.

"Why did grandma just come here?" Zhang Yao complained, climbed onto the bullock cart and sat down next to Mrs. Jiang.

Zhang Yuyan was sitting on the mule cart, and it was so strange to see Chang An riding a two-wheeled bicycle.

"How do you ride two wheels steadily?" She was curious, but was embarrassed to try it in front of outsiders.

Chang'an pedaled happily, circling the mule cart and said, "You will get better with more practice, just like juggling."

There are also wheel riders in the juggling troupes in Beijing, but that one is really just a wheel, with no faucet or handle, and only relies on two legs for pedaling. Ordinary people without hard training cannot ride it at all.

As soon as Zhang Yuyan heard the word "juggling", she completely gave up her intention to give it a try.

She is already eleven years old, and she is planning to get married, but she can't let anyone say anything bad about her.

The cars walked slowly, and only Chang'an or Zhao Yuan pedaled their two-wheeled cars back and forth in circles.

There's no way, this thing can't stop once pedaled, and it can't ride all over the place, so it has to go back and forth.

When he arrived at a temple with less traffic, Zhao Yuan looked back and saw, my dear, there were many ox carts, donkey carts and mule carts behind them, all of them were young men who were fascinated by the two-wheeled vehicles.

Mrs. Jiang got off the bullock cart, and the Crown Prince's wife and daughter also got off the cart. They went to the temple surrounded by the maids.

There are also many peonies planted outside the temple, as well as peach and pear flowers, all of which are blooming, red, pink and white, so beautiful.

Chang'an also picked up a basket from the hired bullock cart and ran to the peach orchard with Xiaoju to dig wild vegetables.

As for the two-wheelers, they are left to Zhao Yuan and Zhang Yao. They are similar in age and can help each other ride in harmony.

Zhang Yuyan saw Chang'an digging wild vegetables and came over to join in the fun.

She didn't know much about them, so she asked: "Chang'an, what are you doing digging these?"

"Eat, this is a dandelion, this is a plantain. If you blanch the bitterness, you can eat it as a side dish, and it can also cure diseases." Chang'an shoveled down a plantain, shook the soil, and handed it to Zhang Yuyan to see.

Zhang Yuyan had never eaten this kind of wild vegetable, so she couldn't help being curious. She took it under her nose and smelled it, but it had no smell.

The eldest maid beside her said: "I also ate this kind of wild vegetables when I was a child. Now that I think about it, I still miss it."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry and help Chang'an dig together." Zhang Yuyan finally found a reason and ordered the maid to start.

In fact, she wanted to dig it out, but she was afraid of meeting a familiar official lady, so she held back.

The maid agreed and squatted on the ground to look for wild vegetables. She also took the shovel from Xiaoju's hand and shoveled them one by one quickly.

Zhang Yuyan was so itchy that she didn't care to appreciate the beautiful scenery and helped Chang'an and others look for wild vegetables: "There is one here, come and dig it up."

"Oops! There are quite a few here. Come quickly!"

A few girls were happily digging wild vegetables, and for a moment they forgot the original purpose of coming here.

Suddenly, a boy ran over and shouted: "Miss, something is wrong! Someone is fighting with our young master and the young master of the Zhao family!"

Zhang Yuyan was startled and quickly called the maid to find her brother.

Chang'an saw this and chased after him with a shovel.

Several people came to the temple threshing floor outside the garden and saw many young people gathered here.

They surrounded a few people and booed: "Haha! It's really useless, you can't even beat a little kid!"

Chang'an pushed through the crowd and squeezed in. He saw Zhao Yuan blocking Zhang Yao behind him and beating several teenage boys with his old fists.

But two fists were no match for four hands, and he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Chang'an got angry, rushed over, pushed one person down, and punched one of them in the stomach.

There was no way, she couldn't reach his face, otherwise he would be beaten black and blue.

The two young men were beaten on the ground by Chang'an and did not get up for a long time. They were no longer as arrogant as before.

"Wow haha! Here comes another powerful little kid!" The onlookers couldn't stop laughing, and a young man in brocade clothes yelled angrily and attacked Zhao Yuan crazily.

Chang'an saw him pull out a dagger from his waist and immediately became alert.

"Zhao Yuan! Be careful with the knife in his hand!" Chang An said and threw a bead string to Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan understood and immediately put the bead string in his arms, and a warm current suddenly flowed throughout his body.

Zhao Yuan waved his arm and punched the young man in brocade clothes away from him.

The young man lay sprawled on the ground for a long time without getting up, and the dagger in his hand fell far away.

Jin Hua rushed out with quick eyes and hands, picked up the dagger, ran back and handed it to the young master: "Young master, they actually used knives."

Zhao Yuan glanced at it and said, "Take it first."

These people are all dandies in the capital, and their families have some backgrounds. If they go under the knife, they won't be able to do anything good.

The onlookers saw that the young man in brocade clothes had been knocked unconscious and hurried over to check.

Others kindly reminded Zhao Yuan: "You should leave quickly. He is the brother-in-law of Prince Yongshou. If you beat him, there will be no good consequences."

Zhao Yuan thanked you: "Thank you brothers, we will leave now."

A young man smiled and said, "You're welcome. Which family are you from? Why are you so strong?"

Zhao Yuan didn't answer, clasped his fists at everyone, got on his two-wheeler and ran away.

Gold paintings and silver paintings chased behind them, and Chang An and Zhang Yuyan followed with Zhang Yao and two boys.

Arriving at the depths of the opera garden, Zhang Yuyan pulled her brother over and asked what was going on.

Zhang Yao said angrily: "That person took advantage of the crowd and tried to steal our two-wheeled vehicle. Zhao Yuan refused, so he started fighting with them."

Zhang Yuyan patted her brother on the shoulder and praised: "You are doing the right thing, and you should do this when dealing with those people. My grandfather said that only by beating them to scare them will they not dare to bully others."

Zhang Yao wiped his nose with his hand and nodded.

He turned around and looked at Chang'an and asked, "Chang'an, why are you so strong?"

Changan made nonsense: "Because I took Dali Pill."

Zhang Yao immediately opened his eyes wide: "Then, can you give me one?"

Chang'an: "When I get home and make it, I'll give it to you."

She did have to make some meatballs because she found that she could save a lot by mixing the beads into her food.

Zhang Yao's eyes lit up, "I will go to your house today."

In this way, a group of people returned to Chang'an's home after visiting the temple.

Changan thought for a while and decided to make steamed buns with bean paste.

In order to prevent Zhang Yao from eating too much at one time, she made them all into the shape of a coiled snake.

When the buns came out of the pot, everyone was shocked, except Zhang Yao who looked excited.

He picked up a steamed bun as big as an egg, put it under his nose, smelled it, and took a bite with a smile.

The aroma of wheat noodles is filled with sweet red bean paste.

Zhang Yuyan was amazed by Chang'an's craftsmanship and couldn't help but said: "Why does it look like... shit?"

Chang An blinked and defended: "This is called Dali Pill. You can only take one a day. Sister Yuyan, do you want to try it?"

Zhang Yuyan retched and said, "Forget it, give it to my brother."

"And me!" Zhao Yuan also helped knead the dough and pick up the ingredients, "I want to try it too!"

So Chang'an divided the bean paste bun into two parts, one half for Zhang Yao and one half for Zhao Yuan.

The two children happily put the cooled buns into their bags, preparing to show off when they go back to school tomorrow.

After lunch, Zhao Yuan came out of Chang'an's house and wandered around the streets with his hands behind his back, looking at stores for rent or sale.

Chang'an said that if there were shops and houses facing the street for sale, she could buy them.

Jin Hua Yin Hua followed the young master and asked quietly: "Little Master, shall we go home now?"

Zhao Yuan shook his head: "I still have something to do, I'll go back later."

Jin Hua and Yin Hua looked at each other and sighed softly.

Not long after, Zhao Yuan found a small courtyard facing the street, with a for sale sign hanging next to the door.

It's just that this house is a bit shabby and low, and the asking price is not low.

Zhao Yuan plans to bring Chang An over to have a look before making a decision, but he will continue to search now.

It was not until evening that the master and servant returned home.

As soon as they arrived at the residence, a maid came over to invite someone: "Young Master, the Second Master and the Second Madam have asked you to come over and answer your questions."

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