Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 166 Asking for an explanation

Zhao Yuan nodded, handed the bag he was carrying to Jinhuayinhua, and followed the maid to his mother's yard.

The lights in the main room were brightly lit, and Ms. Wang and her husband were sitting on chairs, both looking unhappy.

The eldest son Zhao Xuan stood beside him, looking like he was watching a good show.

"Evil! Kneel down!" Zhao Ping shouted, startling the maids on the left and right.

Zhao Yuan slowly knelt down and listened quietly to the training.

"Tell me! Why are you causing trouble outside again?" Zhao Ping asked sharply.

Zhao Yuan looked at his father calmly: "I didn't cause any trouble."

"You still dare to lie?" Mrs. Wang was so angry that she threw a tea bowl at her youngest son, hitting Zhao Yuan's forehead squarely, causing blood to flow immediately.

Zhao Yuan didn't wipe it off and let the blood slip from his forehead, then drip down his cheeks to the ground.

"My son didn't lie." He said quietly.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Ping ignored his feelings and slapped the table and shouted: "You still dare to quibble? You injured Prince Yongshou's brother-in-law, didn't you? People are coming to ask for an explanation today, how dare you deny it, you traitor?"

"They grabbed my things first and even hit me. My son couldn't help it, so he fought back." Zhao Yuan pointed to his face: "Dad, didn't you see? My son's face is blue."

Rolling up his sleeves again: "My arms were also swollen by them, and there are bruises on my body."

"That's what you deserve!" Mrs. Wang said angrily: "No matter what, you can't hurt the grandson of Lord Guo's family! Don't you know what kind of thing you are? Is there anything worthy of being snatched by the young master of the Hou family?"

Zhao Yuan closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"Kneel down in the courtyard tonight, and tomorrow morning you and your father will go to the Chengchenghou Mansion to apologize." Mrs. Wang looked at her youngest son with disgust: "If you dare to disobey your elders again, you will get out of the Zhao Mansion." , don’t come back again!”

Zhao Yuan lowered his eyes and looked at the ground, speechless.

At this moment, he really wanted to have his own home and never come back.

"There is one more thing I haven't said yet." Zhao Xuan said from the side: "Master Guo also asked you to bring that two-wheeled vehicle as an apology, otherwise he will not forgive you."

Zhao Yuan suddenly raised his head and said coldly: "That car is not mine."

"I don't care who owns the car, as long as you take it with you." Zhao Xuan said.

Zhao Yuan thought for a moment and said, "That car is worth two hundred taels of silver. If you give me the money, I will take it with me."

"Two hundred taels?" Wang screamed: "Is that carriage made of gold? How much does a carriage cost?"

Zhao Yuan was silent.

Without giving money, no one can get the car from you.

Zhao Ping also frowned and asked his youngest son: "Whose car belongs to it? How much does it cost?"

Zhao Yuan still didn't speak.

Mrs. Wang stood up, walked up to her youngest son in a few steps, and slapped him: "You evildoer! You want to pretend to be dumb again? Speak quickly!"

Half of Zhao Yuan's face was numb from the beating, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He stood up abruptly, glared at his mother fiercely, turned around and ran out of the house.

Mrs. Wang was startled by his fierce eyes, took a few steps back and fell on the chair, then covered her face with a handkerchief and cried: "What evil have I done! I gave birth to such an evil obstacle!"

"Okay! Why are you beating him when he's so good?" Zhao Ping said impatiently: "His brain is not working well. Will it be useful if you beat him?"

Zhao Xuan quickly spoke for his mother: "You can't blame me for this. My fourth brother has a weird temper and gets into trouble many times. My mother is so angry that I can't help it."

Zhao Ping didn't want to hear this, so he stood up and left.

"Dad, I know who the car belongs to." Zhao Xuan continued: "Mr. Guo said that the fourth brother was with people from the Zhongqin Hou Mansion, and a little girl helped the fourth brother beat Mr. Guo's entourage. .”

Zhao Ping was stunned: "Why is it related to Zhongqin Hou Mansion again?"

Zhao Xuan said in a low voice: "I guess the fourth brother is looking for the nanny's child again. You have to take care of it, otherwise the whole capital will laugh at our family."

"What's the joke? Chang'an's father is also a court official, and now he is a fifth-grade military general. How can he not be worthy of your brother?" Zhao Ping doesn't have any ill feelings towards Chang'an. Although the child is a peasant girl, she is smart and knowledgeable. Hyphenation is very rare.

Mrs. Wang couldn't sit still and said loudly: "Why aren't you laughing? He is willing to lower himself and get involved with a nanny's child. My spine will be stabbed to pieces!"

Zhao Ping couldn't explain to his wife, so he simply ignored her, walked out of the house, and went straight to the study.

He would write a greeting note and send it to the Chengcheng Hou Mansion, and then buy some gifts and send them to make amends, and the matter should be settled.

After all, it was not his son's fault. As long as he told the whole story clearly, the old Marquis would probably not pursue it further.

However, what Zhao Ping thought was still too simple.

When he went to the Marquis of Chengyi's Mansion with gifts, the Marquis did not see him at all and only asked his second son to come out to greet the guests.

The second master of the Hou Mansion was the biological father of the boy who was beaten. He scolded Zhao Ping rudely, but still asked Zhao Yuan to bring the two-wheeled vehicle.

Zhao Ping didn't expect the people from the Chengcheng Hou Mansion to be so unreasonable, and he immediately became angry. He left after saying a few words: "That car belongs to the Zhongqin Hou Mansion. It turned out that it was the prince of your house who robbed someone else's car, and that's what caused this." Both sides suffer, if you really want that car, go to Zhongqin Hou Mansion and ask for it!"

Of course Mr. Chengcheng Hou did not dare to go to the Zhongqin Hou Mansion to ask for something, but the next day he found out that the real owner of the two-wheeled vehicle was the child of the nanny of the Hou Mansion.

The nanny and her child have moved out of the Hou Mansion and live alone in a house.

The second master stroked his beard and rolled his eyes.

He has two shops in the capital, but due to poor management, he is unable to make ends meet, or the money he earns is not enough to spend.

But the son came back with good news, saying that he saw someone riding a two-wheeled bicycle at the Flower Festival. It was very magical, and many young men from aristocratic families wanted to buy it.

When the second master heard this, he became energetic and went to the Zhao Mansion in person to ask for an explanation. He also wanted to ask for the two-wheeled vehicle by the way.

It turned out that the car belonged to the grandmother of Zhongqin Houfu, so it was easy to handle.

Tomorrow he will go to the nanny's house, scare the mother and daughter, and keep them safe.

On this day, Chang'an, Zhao Yuan, and Zhang Yao were riding bicycles in the courtyard with the young princess of Prince Rui's palace, when they suddenly heard someone banging on the courtyard gate.

The old grandma suddenly became alert and asked Chang An not to open the door.

The banging on the door also alerted the palace guards. They were sitting in the back seat drinking tea. At the signal of the old nanny, they opened the courtyard door.

The visitors were the second master of the Chengcheng Hou Mansion, his son Guo Zihan, and four or five big and round servants.

When they saw the four saber guards coming out of the courtyard, they were stunned.

The second master, Guo Shanren, took a few steps back, raised his head and looked at the porch, then looked left and right. After confirming that this was the nanny's home, he asked haughtily: "Is this household's surname Song?"

The four guards stood at the door like door gods, looking at the people coldly: "What do you want to do?"

"The young lady of the Song family injured my son, and Guo Mou is here to ask for an explanation." Guo Shanren said with his hands behind his back: "I am from the Chengcheng Hou Mansion, please tell the Song family to come out and speak!" (End of Chapter)

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