Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 167 The rat scurrying away with its head covered

Ms. Jiang, who was standing in the yard, heard someone asking for an explanation from her daughter, and knew that someone had come to rob her car on the Flower Festival.

She couldn't help but get angry and walked out of the door with her skirt in hand.

Chang'an saw this and followed him out.

When the young man behind Guo Shanren saw Chang'an, he rushed out, pointed at her and said, "Dad! It's her! She and the Zhao boy beat me."

At this time, Nanny Wu also came out, followed by Zhao Yuan and Zhang Yao.

Aunt Wu looked Guo Zihan up and down and said with a sneer: "Hey! I really can't believe that the young master of the Chengcheng Hou Mansion is really willing to go out of his way. You are already thirteen or fourteen years old, but you have the nerve to slander a six or seven-year-old child. you?"

"Who are you?" Guo Zihan blushed and said angrily: "Is it your turn to take care of my affairs?"

Aunt Wu: "It's not that I want to take care of it, but you are bullying others too much!"

When Guo Shanren saw the little girl who was only a little taller, he felt a little confused, but thinking of the two-wheeled vehicle, he held on and said, "You are just beating people when you hit them. What does your age have to do with it?"

"How shameless!" Mrs. Jiang folded her arms and said, "What kind of house are you? My son failed to rob other people's property on the street, and today he brought me to my door to rob him?"

"You!" Guo Shanren saw that all the people he saw were old, weak, women and children, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes: "How dare you, a pariah, to beat up the prince of the Hou family, but you want to go to jail? Believe it or not, I will let the people from the Yamen arrest you today. jail?"

Guo Zihan added from the side: "If you give us those two-wheeled vehicles, I will let it go. Otherwise, hum! You women go into the prison upright and come out horizontally!"

Mrs. Jiang felt a little scared when she heard this, and subconsciously held her daughter in her arms.

Grandma Wu didn't want to talk nonsense with a few rotten people, so she winked at the four guards.

The guard whipped out his sword and pointed it at the Guo family: "Get out! This is the territory of Prince Rui's Mansion. You are so blind that you dare to act wild here!"

Guo Shanren was startled and stepped back, then carefully looked at the guard opposite.

As expected, they were wearing the badges of Prince Rui's Mansion.

Guo Shanren's heart tightened, her vision went dark, and she almost fell down.

Hey, when did the wet nurse and her daughter climb into Prince Rui's Mansion?

Guo Shanren didn't dare to stay any longer, so she turned around and left.

When Guo Zihan saw his father leaving, he had no choice but to follow him. Halfway through, he turned around and glared at the Chang'an people.

Chang'an and everyone returned to the courtyard and heard Nanny Wu talking about the Chengcheng Hou Mansion.

It turns out that none of the sons of the Marquis of Chengyi are useful. Only the eldest son is an official in the court, and the others have not learned anything since they were young. They spend their days fighting cocks, walking dogs, gambling and visiting brothels.

Later, the daughter of the second son of the old Marquis became the second concubine of the nearly seventy-year-old Yongshou County Prince, and the men in the Marquis Mansion became a little more restrained.

"You may not know that the Guo family is the uncle's family of our royal concubine, and the concubine's biological mother's surname is Guo."

Aunt Wu then talked about the intricate connections of the aristocratic families in the capital, which made Mrs. Jiang confused.

"From now on, when you go out, you must use the name of Zhongqin Houfu or our princess, so as not to be bullied by blind people." Mother Wu explained in a low voice.

Mrs. Jiang nodded: "Thank you, mama, for the tip."

Grandma Wu glanced at the two-wheeled vehicles in the yard and said, "You have to find a backer to do business. Otherwise, if you just sell a batch of goods and they are copied in the blink of an eye, you will suffer a big loss."

"Mommy, how can I find a backer?" Chang'an asked.

Grandma Wu smiled and said, "If you recruit a few powerful people to join the gang, and then use their names, others will have to think twice if they dare to have bad intentions."

Chang'an blinked and asked, "Then can I get the princess to join the gang?"

Aunt Wu smiled and said, "You have to ask the princess yourself about this."

"Then I'll ask tomorrow."

The next day, Changan went to see the princess and wanted to ask her to take a stake in his car dealership.

The princess smiled and agreed, and also gave Chang'an two hundred taels of silver as a share purchase fee.

Chang'an was not polite and used the two hundred taels to buy a house next to his own yard. He hired craftsmen to repair and decorate it and prepare it to be used as a car dealership.

Then she went to Zhongqin Hou's Mansion, found the Crown Prince's wife, and asked her to become a shareholder, with the same 20% share as the princess.

Chang'an gave another 20% to Zhao Yuan, kept 30% for himself, and left the remaining 10% temporarily.

Zhao Yuan has not returned to the Zhao Mansion for a while. He and his two boys have been working in the car dealership, and they also eat and live in the car dealership.

The car dealer's house is shaped like a courtyard, with five houses in it. The yard is not big, but there is a small well, which makes life very convenient.

Jin Hua Yin Hua also secretly took the young master's clothes and shoes out of Zhao's house and placed them all in the car dealership.

However, no one in the Zhao Mansion was looking for them, and they seemed to have been forgotten.

On this day, the school was closed for bathing, and Zhang Yao and his brother came over to play.

Zhang Yao smiled and told Jiang and Chang'an that his grandfather stopped the sedan of Marquis Chengyi with a cane and beat him up.

It turned out that Marquis Zhongqin was furious when he learned from his grandson that Marquis Chengyi's descendants had gone to Chang'an to blackmail him. The next day, he stopped Marquis Chengyi's sedan on his way to court, dragged him out of the sedan, and beat him with a cane. Knock, beat sincerity until the mouse runs away with his head in his arms.

"Hehe! I also gave my grandfather a Dali Pill." Zhang Yao said with a bad smile: "My grandfather came back and said that there were several bruises on Chengchenghou's head, his face was swollen, and most of his beard was pulled out. .”

"Marquis Chengyi cried and ran to the emperor to read a copy of his grandfather's book, but the emperor rejected it."

Zhang Yuyan continued what her younger brother said: "The Holy Master invited my grandfather to the palace again to ask him for advice on the secret of health. What do you think my grandfather said?"

"How do you say that?" Changan asked, blinking.

Zhang Yuyan covered her mouth with the handkerchief and said with a smile: "Grandpa said that his health would be better after wearing a string of sandalwood beads."

Chang'an didn't find it funny, because that was how it was.

Zhang Yuyan continued: "As a result, my father came home from the court the next day and said that all the officials in the court wore sandalwood strings. Marquis Chengyi even hung a long sandalwood Buddha string around his neck."


No wonder the price of the beads on the salesman's load increased yesterday. This is the reason.

Before, the sandalwood bracelet only cost 20 renminbi, but yesterday the salesman asked her for 100 renminbi, but Changan didn't buy it.

A month passed in a flash.

The five sets of components customized by Changan were finally completed. Zhao Yuan took them back and assembled them in the car shop with two boys.

This two-wheeled vehicle has many more functions than the last one, and it is also lighter and faster to ride.

Even when you are not pedaling, the wheel will still spin due to inertia. This is the benefit of the flywheel.

Moreover, these cars also have brakes, so they can be parked anytime and anywhere.

"Go and notify the eldest princess's palace and ask them to come and pick up the car." Chang'an told Zhao Yuan: "You and Jin Hua Yinhua ride the car, and don't forget to bring back the deed."

Zhao Yuan nodded happily and asked the two young men to go with him.

Jin Hua Yin Hua also learned to ride a bicycle during this time, and was very happy to see that he could ride with his little master.

In this way, the three of them rode to the eldest princess' mansion, attracting many eyes along the way.

Chang'an was not happy because she was worried that her car would be copied.

It would be great if the craftsmen who made the flywheel bearing gears could be poached back to prevent the leakage of the drawings.

But poaching people is impossible. Those craftsmen have their own workshops, which are family inheritance, and it is impossible to work with others.

Chang'an thought about it and decided to customize 200 flywheels before selling a few cars.

Well, other parts are also customized for 200 yuan, and a contract is signed to have them delivered within the specified time.

Not long after, Zhao Yuan and Yin Hua ran back.

Changan was suspicious: "Where is your car?"

Zhao Yuan wiped his sweat and took out six hundred taels of silver notes from his arms: "All three cars were bought by the Princess Mansion, and the deposits were given to us as well."

"Did you buy them all? I also want to leave one for you to ride." Changan regretted.

The other two cars had been bought by the princess, but they were kept at home and were not taken back to the palace.

Zhao Yuan: "I can just ride the old one. Oh, by the way, Jin Hua was left by the Princess Mansion to teach his children how to ride a bicycle. I guess he will be released when he learns the lesson."

Chang'an took the banknote, looked at it, and decided to exchange the money now.

It's not that she has a villain's heart and judges a gentleman's heart, it's because she doesn't know much about the character of those nobles.

If she was given three fake banknotes, she and Zhao Yuan would have nowhere to cry. (End of chapter)

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