Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 176 Chicken Thief

A few days later, Lord Zhongqin rode a tricycle sent by Chang'an to the road that Marquis Chengyi must pass before going to court.

Behind him stood four tall and round servants.

When Marquis Chengyi's sedan swayed forward, Marquis Zhongqin got out of the car unhurriedly and walked over with a walking stick.

He asked for a Dali Pill from his grandson today, just to test his skills and let everyone see that even though he, Zhang Yan, is lame in one leg, he can still beat those who don't have eyesight. .

When the servant next to the sedan saw Zhang Yan standing in the middle of the road, he was so frightened that he screamed: "Master Marquis! Master Marquis! Marquis Zhongqin is here!"

When Guo Xiang, who was sitting in the sedan with her eyes closed and concentrating, heard this, she immediately lifted the curtain of the sedan to take a look. Sure enough, she saw Zhang Yan, who was looking cold and solemn, with his pupils shrinking slightly.

"Zhang Yan! What do you want to do?" the gray-bearded Guo Xiang asked.

Zhang Yan leaned on a crutch with one hand and pointed at Guo Xiang with the other: "Don't pretend to be confused for me! You allowed the vicious dog at home to harass my step-grandson again and again, and you even went to snatch things from her shop! What? You think I can't cure you. ?”

"You fart!" Guo Xiang was so angry that her hands holding up the curtain were trembling: "Who is harassing you about dry bamboo shoots and wet bamboo shoots? We don't have anything in our house? Are we going to rob your things? Zhang Yan, if you are sick, Just go find a doctor for treatment! Don’t block my sedan chair for nothing! If you act recklessly again, believe it or not, I will go to Dali Temple to sue you!"

Zhang Yan sneered: "It seems that you still refuse to remember, so no wonder Zhang."

After that, he walked quickly to the sedan, knocked away the servants and sedan bearers who came over with his crutches, grabbed Guo Xiang's neck, pulled her out of the sedan, and punched and kicked her.

Cheng Zhihou was beaten so hard that he screamed for help.

Finally, a passing minister came over and pulled Zhang Yan away.

At this time, Guo Xiang's eyes were black and blue, her hair was in a mess, she had a lot of tears and runny nose, and she was crying so hard that it was like rain.

Wang Ting, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, also happened to see this scene and quickly got off the sedan to ask what was going on.

The onlookers told the whole story: "It seems that the vicious dog of the Marquis of Chengcheng injured the grandson of the Marquis of Zhongqin. Lord Zhang came to see Lord Guo for an explanation, but they started fighting after a disagreement. "

"Oh, so that's what happened." Wang Ting also felt that Zhang Yan was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Walking to Zhang Yan and Guo Xiang, Wang Ting smoothed things over: "Zhang Hou, Guo Hou, it's not a big deal. You can just take a step back, why bother to go to war and hurt the harmony?"

Zhang Yan looked towards the royal court with a half-smile but said, "In the opinion of the king's minister, how should we retreat?"

Wang Ting stroked his beard and said: "Since Guohou's dog hurts people, it is better to beat it to death to avoid hurting innocent people."

Guo Xiang was so angry that her hands shook: "You! You"

Zhang Yan laughed loudly: "What Mr. Wang said is reasonable, but among those vicious dogs wandering the market, there seems to be some from the Wang family. Is Mr. Wang willing to part with her?"

Wang Shilang was stunned and said quickly: "Impossible! The dogs in my house cannot bite people, and they are cared for by dedicated people. They will not go to the market."

Zhang Yan lowered his face and said, "Master Wang, what you said is wrong. What I said was not a real dog, but the grandson of Marquis Guo and the son of the Lin family of the Wang family. They failed to rob my grandson's property, and even threatened me. Qiansun’s shop can’t open in the capital.”

When Wang Ting heard this, his face immediately turned red.

He clasped his fists at Zhang Yan and said, "I don't know about this. I will ask about it when I go back. If it is true, I will take him to the Marquis Mansion to make amends."

When Zhang Yan saw Wang Ting coming to the road, he said no more, dusted his sleeves, hummed, turned around, rode on a tricycle, and drove away.

Everyone's eyes were attracted to his tricycle, but they didn't dare to stop and ask, so they secretly planned to go to the car dealership to take a closer look.

If the price is right, they would also like to buy a tricycle and ride it.

Wang Ting was also attracted by the three-wheeled vehicle. He was the minister of the Ministry of Industry and was in charge of manufacturing and other matters. This three-wheeled vehicle was very interesting as well as the two-wheeled vehicles that had recently appeared in Beijing. He originally wanted to buy one and study it, but later Delayed by trivial matters.

Wang Ting glanced at Marquis Chengyi, who had been helped into the sedan by a servant, returned to the sedan, and ordered him to return home.

As soon as he entered the mansion, he saw his granddaughter Wang Pingting getting ready to go out.

"Pingting, where are you going?" Wang Ting asked with a frown.

His granddaughter lost her mother not long after she was born and was raised in her grandmother's yard since she was a child.

Her grandmother loved her very much and indulged her to the point of being a little lawless.

Wang Pingting saluted her grandfather and said with a smile: "I and several sisters have set up a poetry club, and we are going to appreciate the chrysanthemums."

Wang Ting was a little unhappy: "Then you come back early, I have something to ask you."

"Yes." Wang Pingting responded cheerfully, and then said, "I'll bring some chrysanthemum wine for my grandfather to try later." Then she left the house.

Wang Ting shook his head and walked towards his yard.

I went back to my house, changed into my official uniform, washed my hands and face, and then came to my old wife's house.

He told his old wife about his encounter with Zhang Yan today, and asked his old wife to call all his children and grandchildren to give him a good beating so as not to bring harm to the family.

The old wife teased the pug and said impatiently: "Which boy is not naughty? But if you are outside, why do you want to beat or kill him? I think that Zhang Hou is too domineering. He will attack if he disagrees with you. He is such a reckless man. , no wonder he is disliked by the saint."

Wang Ting feels the same way, but some of the grandchildren in the family are really having fun, and if they are not restrained properly, they will definitely cause trouble in the future.

Forget it, when the grandchildren get out of school, it's up to me to do the beatings.

At this time, the old wife said again: "I heard someone said that the clan mansion is going to have a talent show, but is it true?"

Wang Ting nodded: "Yes, now that the Holy Emperor is in his prime, he has few children, so the Empress Dowager has asked the Clan's Mansion to draft people into the palace to fill the vacancies."

The old wife Ruan immediately became energetic and asked in a low voice: "Then tell me, can our Pingting sign up to run for the election?"

Wang Ting thought of his granddaughter's temperament and shook his head: "No, Pingting cannot enter the palace, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

If she offends someone in the palace, her entire family will have to deal with her.

Ruan was displeased: "Why can't you enter the palace? You said the same thing last time when choosing a companion for the princess, as if our Pingting was some kind of scourge! I don't care, Pingting must run for the election this time."

"Whatever you want." Wang Ting got up and went to the study. Thinking of the tricycle Zhang Yan was riding, he asked Chang Sui to take 200 taels of silver to the car dealer to buy one. He wanted to study it carefully.

After the Changsui took the order, Wang Ting reclined on the Arhat couch and read a book, but in his heart he thought of Song Qianhu, whom his friends often mentioned.

According to the news back to the capital, Song Qianhu was very brave, and the barbarians would run away as soon as they saw his flag.

Because of this, the passes he guarded were safe and smooth, and no barbarians dared to harass them.

Song Qianhu also led his soldiers to grow grain and cotton, and it was really strange that they had a bumper harvest this year.

Wang Ting thought of Song Qianhu's daughter again, and her friend said that she had sent an amulet to her father again.

However, my good friend was a very thief, so he secretly removed a few beads from the amulet and distributed them to several seriously injured people.

As a result, the seriously injured person improved overnight, which is incredible.

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