Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 177 I’m going to die soon

Wang Ting shook his head and put the book down.

He did not approve of his friend doing such a thing, but Song Qianhu was so stingy that he hid the amulet close to his body as soon as he got it, and no one would touch it.

Alas, I wonder where that little girl bought the amulet? Where has the light been given, and it is so miraculous and effective?

How about letting Pingting get to know the child and see how she makes the amulet?

Thinking of this, Wang Ting stood up and told the maids in the house to ask Pingting to come to his study when she returned home.

Chang'an didn't know that her amulet was being remembered. She was busy doing her homework at home.

Not only do I have to copy five scriptures every day, but I also have to practice the lessons taught by the female master.

Fortunately, you don't have to worry about the car dealership, Zhao Yuan can take care of it with the gold and silver paintings.

Many people now know that Zhao Yuan is the companion of the prince of Rui Palace, but he is self-reliant and works as a clerk in a car dealership to earn money to support himself and his two servants. This is really admirable.

Because of this, Zhao Yuan made many friends, ranging from the seventy-year-old Taishi Liu to the six-year-old young prince. They all often came to the car dealership to play with him.

For a time, the carriage shop in Chang'an became a place where officials and officials in the capital often came and went, and several people stayed to eat every day.

Fortunately, Mr. Jiang planted a lot of vegetables in the backyard, and they grew very quickly, otherwise there would not be enough food.

Mrs. Jiang also dried a large vat of soybean paste, went to the market and bought a lot of fish roe and shrimp roe, and made several jars of fragrant and delicious caviar soy sauce.

Rice vinegar is also brewed in-house, and there are several jars of rice wine, all of which are used to entertain guests.

However, big trees easily attract wind. Within a few months, rumors suddenly spread in the capital, saying that Prince Rui's son Du Du intended to win over the powerful people in the capital and had a big plan.

This rumor soon reached the ears of King Rui, who was so frightened that he quickly went to the palace to plead guilty.

After King Rui came out of the palace, he asked Zhao Yuan and Chang An to rest at home temporarily and wait for the rumors to subside before talking about anything else.

Chang'an didn't care. The leaves in her palm had grown to eighteen. The little goldfish said that this was the limit and would never grow again unless she transformed.

As for how to transform, the little goldfish refused to answer.

In a flash, it was December, and heavy snow fell from the sky.

Upon seeing this, Chang'an quickly covered the vegetables in the backyard with a newly purchased straw curtain, and then buried all the radishes he pulled out into the ground.

Zhao Yuan also came to help, and while covering the straw curtain, he said: "In a few days, the craftsmen will have a holiday after finishing the last batch of spare parts, and they will not start work until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

Chang'an nodded to express his understanding: "Then buy some New Year's gifts in advance and send them over."

"Okay." Zhao Yuan covered the straw curtain, asked the newly purchased servant to hitch the mule cart, and braved the heavy snow to go to the shop to buy New Year gifts.

As Zhao Yuan walked forward, a strange servant sent a message: "My lady invites Miss Chang'an to come over and enjoy the snow."

Chang'an took the post and opened it. It turned out that Wang Pingting from Wang Shilang's house was hosting a banquet in his house, inviting people to enjoy the snow.

Chang'an looked at the heavy snow falling from the sky and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry. I caught a cold and feel unwell. I can't go to your mansion."

The strange boy wanted to say something else, but in the end he was speechless and left with fists in his hands.

Mrs. Jiang looked at her daughter and asked, "Why don't you go?"

"I don't want to go." Chang An climbed onto the warm Kang: "Why don't we stay warm and at home? Why would we go to some pavilion to watch the snow?"

Mrs. Jiang: "That's right. It's such a cold day and I feel uncomfortable even thinking about going to someone else's house to enjoy the snow."

Lian Xin smiled and said: "Burning incense and admiring the snow is an elegant thing. You will know this when you grow up."

"I don't want to know when I grow up." Changan picked up the paper and started drawing.

Alas, if only my apprentices were here, I wouldn't have to work so hard to draw the scroll.

It snowed heavily for three days and finally stopped.

Standing outside and looking at it at a glance, it's all white snow and criss-crossing footprints.

Chang'an came to the car shop and saw Jin Hua and Yinhua sitting in the shop assembling a tricycle, with his hands red from the cold.

"Why don't you burn charcoal?" Chang'an looked around: "Didn't you buy a lot of charcoal?"

Jin Hua smiled: "We are not cold, so we don't need to burn charcoal."

Chang'an looked at him strangely: "Your nose is running down, how can you not be cold?" Because the door of the shop was open, the cold wind poured in, so it was strange that it was not cold.

Jin Hua lowered his head and said honestly: "We want to save some charcoal." In the past, in the Zhao Mansion, servants could not get charcoal and could not burn the kang. No matter how cold the weather was, they could only resist it.

But here, they are content to sleep on the hot kang every night, for fear that they will be disliked by their employer if they use too much charcoal.

"You don't need to save charcoal in such a cold weather. You just have to be careful when burning charcoal and don't go into the water." Chang'an pointed to the charcoal basket in the corner of the room and said, "Just buy more if you don't have enough. I don't lack this little money."

Gold Painting and Silver Painting heard what Chang'an said before lighting the charcoal pot.

Chang'an went to visit Zhao Yuan again, and saw that he was writing without disturbing him, and returned home from the small door.

"Chang'an, while it's freezing right now, I'm going to the market to buy some meat so I don't have to buy it for the New Year."

Mrs. Jiang was about to go out with a basket in her arms and asked her daughter, "Do you want to go shopping together?"

"Yes!" Changan quickly put on his clogs and went out with his mother-in-law.

Lian Xin followed them, but Xiao Ju didn't want to go and stayed at home to cook.

The three of them were all wearing high-soled clogs, which kept their shoes from getting wet when they stepped on the snow.

The vegetable market is not far from the alley, and there are already many stalls.

Mrs. Jiang bought two fat legs of lamb, a rack of pork liver, and five pounds of fatty pork.

I also bought four pig’s trotters and went back to make my daughter’s favorite braised pig’s trotters.

"Huh? That seems to be Song Xiyue, right?" Lian Xin tugged on Chang An's sleeve and pointed it out to her.

Chang'an looked towards the wonton stall not far away and saw a white-haired old Mr. Zhao serving wontons to the guests, while Song Xiyue, with a thin face, was sitting at the table eating and drinking, as if she was very hungry.

Mrs. Jiang pulled her daughter and whispered, "Let's go."

Chang An nodded and walked back with A Niang.

"Auntie!" Song Xiyue still saw Ms. Jiang, put down her bowl and ran over quickly.

She walked around to Mrs. Jiang and knelt down on the snow: "Auntie, please save my little aunt."

As she said that, she kowtowed to Mrs. Jiang: "My little aunt is dying. Please give us some money so we can send her for treatment."

"Is she about to die?" Mrs. Jiang frowned: "What disease does she have that is so serious?"

"She was pregnant and became ill after the miscarriage." Song Xiyue seemed to have lost her edge and begged Mrs. Jiang pitifully: "Aunt, please save my little aunt."

Ms. Jiang was silent for a moment and gave Song Xiyue all the twenty taels of silver notes she had left to buy groceries: "Take it."

"Thank you, Auntie." Song Xiyue took the money, stood up, and bowed to Mrs. Jiang again: "I will definitely repay Auntie's kindness."

But Chang'an heard something else from her heart.

[With this money, I can redeem myself from Ya Po, and then I will go to Wang Pingting. Although that woman behaves strangely, she can make friends with many young men from aristocratic families. If I can get along with one of them, I will have no worries in this life. 】

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