Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 184 Uncle and aunt come to Beijing

Chang'an persuaded calmly: "If you agree, I will pay to buy you out of the Wang family."

Song Xiyue was silent for a moment, then shook her head: "You don't need to pretend to be kind, I am very good with Miss Wang, and I don't want to change my master."

【Is it a good place to be a prince? Once you are trapped, you will never get out for the rest of your life. If King Rui dies, it is estimated that none of the slaves who served him will be able to escape, and they will all be buried with him. 】

Chang'an felt heavier and heavier as he listened to Song Xiyue's inner words.

I don’t know what events triggered King Yan to rebel, or maybe King Yan didn’t rebel at all, but other things angered the emperor, so he imprisoned King Rui’s family.

"Maybe Miss Wang also agrees with you going to Prince Rui's Mansion?" Chang'an deliberately guided Song Xiyue to speak: "Don't you really want to go to higher places? If you win the favor of the princess, you will not have to worry about it in this life."

There was a struggle in Song Xiyue's eyes, but she quickly glared at Chang'an: "What are your intentions? Are you trying to lobby me over and over again to go to Prince Rui's Mansion?"

"What are my intentions? But since you and I are from the same hometown, and your little aunt is my grandfather's daughter after all, I don't want her to die in a foreign country."

Chang'an spoke so sincerely that Song Xiyue couldn't tell the truth for a moment.

After a pause, Song Xiyue said: "Little aunt is no longer here." Song Yufeng died of postpartum syndrome, and only her grandmother and Song Chengye were left in the family.

And Song Chengye was introduced to the Lu Mansion as a servant by Wang Pingting, with a monthly salary of 800 Wen.

Chang'an was about to say something else when he saw Wang Pingting approaching with a smile: "What are you talking about?"

Song Xiyue quickly took a few steps back, lowered her head and said, "Nothing, just Chang'an asking about my little aunt."

Wang Pingting glanced at Song Xiyue and said to Chang'an: "Chang'an, how old are you?"

Changan looked at her speechless.

Wang Pingting said again: "Didn't we have a pleasant chat just now? Why don't you talk now? Do you really like to talk to my servant so much? Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together."

Chang'an: "Yes, when I met Song Xiyue, she was a peasant girl. After she became a slave, she could only be with you."

Wang Pingting smiled coldly, leaned closer and lowered her voice: "Song Chang'an, don't be proud, you will suffer the consequences in the future! Also, don't even think about marrying my aunt's bastard, because you are not worthy!"

Chang'an looked at Wang Pingting as if he were a fool and said softly: "You're a clown."

"What did you say?" Wang Pingting didn't understand what Chang'an was saying and couldn't help but ask, "Say it again!"

Chang An glanced at her, turned around, sat down next to Zhang Yuyan, and watched the shadow puppet performance carefully.

On the table were plates of fresh dates, as well as melons from the Western Regions and tangerines from the Shu region.

Chang'an picked up a half-yellow tangerine and peeled it, smelling the unique fragrance of the tangerine, his thoughts drifting away.

Within two years, he must leave this place with his mother-in-law and find a place to settle down far away from the capital.

The uncle and aunt should also be taken away to prevent them from being implicated.

In fact, Chang'an really wanted to ask Song Xiyue what happened that caused Prince Rui's family to be imprisoned.

If there is really a rebellion, it must be done by King Yan.

From what Song Xiyue said, it seemed that the conspirator failed in the end, which was a bit scary.

The more Chang An thought about it, the more uneasy he became. After returning home from the banquet, he immediately wrote a long letter and sent it to his father, persuading him to take off his armor and return home.

He also said that his mother misses him very much, and he also hopes that his mother can give birth to little brothers and sisters, and the family can live with He Meimei.

Along with this letter was sent a waist pendant knitted by Chang An himself, with a glazed kitten as big as a pigeon egg hanging on the waist pendant.

However, what Chang'an didn't know was that the letter and the belt were not delivered to Song Erxiao at the first time, but were sent to Prince Yan's Mansion.

King Yan was in his fifties, and his beard and hair were already half white. He picked up the letter, read it, and said with a smile: "It seems that I have to take the child to the country of Yan."

The commander who sent the letter also laughed: "What the king said is absolutely true. If she doesn't bring her mother and daughter here, Song Qianhu will probably run away."

King Yan picked up another belt and looked at it, raising his eyebrows: "Is this the amulet made by that child?"

"Yes." The commander said, "Usually it's bracelets and other items, but now it's a belt."

And there is only one bead hanging on it. How can he be selfish?

King Yan asked curiously: "Look, this thing is just an ordinary accessory. Is it really as magical as you say?"

The commander nodded: "It's indeed miraculous. Weichen has tried it several times. If a seriously injured person wears it, he can turn the danger around the next day."

Prince Wang also echoed: "I also tried it once. As long as it is the ornament sent by Song Erxiao's daughter, it has miraculous effects."

King Yan stroked his beard and thought deeply, "In this case, it is even more important to bring the mother and daughter."

He glanced at the commander and said, "I'll leave this matter to you, but before that I have to get on good terms with Song Qianhu and ask him to write to the child and tell her the whole story, so as not to scare others."

"Yes!" The commander saluted with clasped fists, then packed up the letters and jewelry and took them to Song Erxiao.

Fast forward to October.

Chang'an received a letter from his uncle.

The letter said that my uncle had passed the provincial examination and passed the examination and was preparing to go to Beijing to take part in the joint examination in February next year.

The uncle also said that he and his aunt would accompany him to Beijing, and Xiao Changning would also be brought with him.

"Mom! Mom! I'm about to see my uncle, aunt, and little sister!"

Chang'an happily hugged her mother, jumped and laughed, and then counted the days on her fingers: "The letter was sent in September, and it is already October. My uncle and aunt must be here soon!"

Mrs. Jiang was a little disgusted to see her daughter so happy, but she still ordered Myolie Li to clean up the house.

I bought new mats and quilts and spread them on the kang, leaving them for my brother-in-law and his wife to live in.

After that, Changan and Lianxinxiaoju rode two-wheelers to the city gate every day to wait for their uncle and aunt's vehicles.

It was not until November, when light snow fell in the sky, that four mule carts slowly arrived in front of the Haitang Garden.

Hearing the knock on the door, Chang An immediately jumped down from the kang, opened the courtyard door, and saw his uncle and aunt standing outside the door.

The aunt was wearing a cloak and was holding four-year-old little Changning in her arms.

Chang'an's eyes filled with tears, he rushed over to hug his aunt and cried loudly: "Aunt, you are here! I have been waiting for you for a long, long time."

Wu also shed tears, making Chang Ning panic.

Song Sanshun came over and patted Chang'an on the head: "Chang'an has grown so tall, my uncle almost didn't recognize him."

"Uncle, come in quickly, it's snowing outside." Chang'an hugged his sister Changning, then grabbed his uncle's sleeve and dragged him towards the yard.

"Woof woof woof!"


Two dogs and a cat also jumped out of a mule cart and pounced directly on Chang'an.

Changan was almost knocked down by the two dogs and quickly steadied himself.

Bending down to pick up Huahua, who was rubbing against his trousers, Changan cried again.

Huahua nuzzled her little master with her head and lay still in Chang'an's arms with great attachment.

"Bai Huahua, Dahei, come into the yard quickly!" Changan shouted, holding Huahua in one hand and holding Changning in the other.

Mrs. Jiang ran out after hearing the sound and saw her brother-in-law and sister-in-law with mixed feelings: "Third brother, third brother and sister, hurry into the house."

She personally took off her sister-in-law's cloak, hugged little Changning and kissed her: "You are Changning, and I am your aunt."

Chang Ning timidly called out: "Hello, Auntie."

"Be good." Mrs. Jiang quickly put her on the kang, took out the gold necklace she had prepared long ago from the makeup box, and put it on little Changning. (End of chapter)

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