Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 185 No money to support an outsider

Chang'an placed the dogs in the newly built thatched shed in the backyard, and asked Li Xing'er to feed them water.

The thatched shed is covered with thick meadow, so the dogs will not get cold even if it snows heavily. This is what Changan prepared early in the morning.

Then Changan went to help move things. The four mule carts were loaded with a lot of luggage and many books.

Seeing the books, Chang An remembered his uncle and hurriedly ran back to the house and asked, "Aunt, didn't my uncle come with you? Why didn't you see him?"

Wu smiled and said, "He went with Mr. Lu first and will come over tomorrow."

"Which Mr. Lu?" Changan frowned.

Wu: "Who else? It's Mr. Lu Jingzhou who lives in our village."

"Oh." Changan felt relieved and ran out of the house to help move things.

Three of the four mule carts were hired from the escort agency, and the drivers were also from the escort agency. They unloaded the goods and prepared to leave.

Chang'an asked Lian Xin to take out ten taels of silver and give it to the escort, and asked them to use the money to stay in the inn.

My uncle has already given me the money to hire the bodyguard, and these are just rewards from myself.

The escorts were very happy to receive the money, thanked them, and drove off in the mule cart.

Chang'an asked Lian Xin and Xiao Ju to move the courtyard threshold and drive their mule cart in.

The carriage was placed in the yard, and the mules were led to the hay shed in the backyard.

Song Sanshun was sorting things in the room and took out a stack of silver notes from the box and gave it to Chang An: "This is what I earned from selling roulette paintings over the past few years. I kept a part of it and gave it all to you."

Chang'an quickly pushed over: "I can't take it. This is your money. What should I do with it?"

"Uncle has kept a lot, this part should be yours, take it quickly." Song Sanshun stuffed the banknote back: "Quickly, don't push it around, making the servants laugh."

Chang'an had no choice but to accept it: "Then I will keep it for my uncle for the time being. Just tell me when you need it."

Song Sanshun smiled and said: "Uncle has also made a lot in the past few years, so it's not bad."

He helped others dig many wells, and with the commission from Chang'an's young apprentice, he made a lot of money.

Later, when the family was preparing to go to Beijing, the young apprentice from Chang'an was sent to teach.

From now on, any money the apprentice makes will be their own.

Song Sanshun talked about Wu Zhonglou again: "Your uncle was selected as a scholar last year and has been studying with Lu Jingzhou since then. Unexpectedly, he won the examination this year.

Your grandma was so happy that she urged us to take him to Beijing to take part in the examination. It just so happened that Mr. Lu also won the exam, and I heard that he was still Jieyuan. He would also go to Beijing to take part in the examination next year, so we set off together. "

Chang'an was both happy and worried when he heard this.

Fortunately, my uncle finally got what he wanted and will definitely be an official in the future.

The worry is that it would be tragic if he was implicated in the future.

"Is your uncle married?" Chang'an remembered that his uncle was quite old, he should be twenty years old, right? I wonder if Grandma Aweng said goodbye to him?

Song Sanshun: "No, your uncle is very ambitious and must pass the exam before discussing the marriage."

Now that he has actually passed the exam, he said that he would talk about it after passing the general examination.

It is estimated that his father-in-law and mother-in-law urged him to bring his brother-in-law to Beijing with the intention of letting Mrs. Jiang establish a family relationship for him in the capital.

Chang'an nodded: "It's fine if you don't."

She also hopes that her younger uncle will be related to her in the capital.

Don't people say that you can catch your son-in-law under the official list? If my uncle is on the exam list next year, we will see who can capture him and become his son-in-law.

The uncle and nephew talked for a while, and Chang An ran to hug his sister again.

Xiao Changning was a little reserved at first, but he soon became familiar with her, and followed Chang An in calling her elder sister.

Huahua has been clinging to Chang'an, and when she looks at the two little masters, her eyes are full of love.

"Chang Ning, have you learned to read?" Chang An asked, holding Chang Ning in his arms.

Changning shook his head and nodded: "I can write my own name."

"Then how about you learn to read from your sister in the future?" Chang'an said seductively: "Recognize three characters every day, and my sister will teach you to ride a tricycle."

Chang'an and Wangfei's shop not only sells large tricycles, but also small tricycles for children to ride on.

Hearing this, Chang Ning immediately widened her eyes: "Is that the car we saw on the road?" She saw many strange three-wheeled vehicles along the way, and she was extremely shocked.

It would be very interesting if she rode on it too.

Chang'an guessed that his sister must have seen those colorful luxury three-wheelers, so he nodded and said, "Yes, but you can only ride a small car."

"Okay, okay!" Chang Ning kept nodding his head, "Dad said An Ning is very smart. He is as smart as my sister. He will definitely learn to read."

Chang'an smiled and touched her head: "She's so good."

The next day, Wu Zhonglou and Lu Jingzhou came to Haitang Garden together.

The two of them were seen wearing the same color blue straight-leg robes, covered with blue cotton capes. Their hair was tied high and pinned with a jade hairpin, revealing their perfectly carved faces.

The two walked towards each other like tall pines and bamboos, making the maids in their prime dare not look directly at them.

"Uncle!" Chang An greeted the two of them and saluted them with a smile: "Master Lu."

Wu Zhonglou smiled and said: "Chang'an has grown into a big girl, and my uncle almost didn't recognize her."

Changan smiled shyly and invited the two of them to sit down in the main hall.

Lu Jingzhou also took a look at Chang'an and felt that she was very different from her previous life.

Mrs. Jiang and her sister-in-law also came out of the back room and ordered the maid to make tea and snacks.

After seeing each other twice, Ms. Jiang asked, "Where did you stay yesterday? Why don't you come over together?"

Lu Jingzhou said: "I have a house in the capital that has been packed up a long time ago. Brother Chonglou and I went to live there."

Chang'an was surprised when he heard this.

Lu Jingzhou actually bought a house in the capital. Is he from the capital?

She suddenly remembered Wang Pingting's teasing words that she would marry the concubine of the Lu family in the future, and she couldn't help but take a look at Lu Jingzhou.

He must be fifteen years old this year, right? He is not taller than his younger uncle, so why should he marry him in the future?

Changan frowned and tried to recall the dreams he had had when he was young.

In the dream, the person she married actually had a child. The child was very naughty and often lied and complained, saying that he abused her.

The man's shadow gradually overlapped with that of Lu Jingzhou in front of him, making Chang An shiver.

snort! She would not marry a man with children!

wrong! She didn't want to get married to the Lu family. With Mrs. Lu's mean attitude, whoever married into the Lu family would be unlucky.

At noon, Mrs. Jiang asked Lian Xin and Xiao Ju to cook, and then asked Li Niu to order two tables of noodles from the best restaurant nearby.

After dinner, Wu Zhonglou followed Lu Jingzhou back. He had to work hard to study for the exam in February next year.

Lu Jingzhou also went back to the Lu Mansion. He met his father and talked to him for a while. He was about to leave when he heard his father say: "I'll go visit your mother later. You haven't been seen for several years. It's really hard to see you." It’s so inappropriate.”

Lu Jingzhou raised his eyes to look at his father and answered yes.

Later, a nun led him to Mrs. Cai's yard.

Lu Jingzhou saluted his aunt on the seat, said hello, and then lowered his hands.

Mrs. Cai glanced at the concubine while holding the tea cup, with a sneer on her lips, and said: "Jingzhou, you are fifteen this year, right? If you haven't returned home for so long, could you be raising an outside wife?"

Lu Jingzhou said calmly: "My son is not yet fifteen, and he has no money to support his wife."

Mrs. Cai snorted, put down the tea cup and said: "I remember your birthday is on the first lunar month, and it's almost the fifteenth. Let's do this. I have two good-looking girls here. You can take them back to the room to avoid provoking those people outside. You are not clean, and your father will blame me as your aunt for not caring about you."

Lu Jingzhou raised his eyes and saw two enchanting women walking out from beside his aunt, and blessing him: "The slave family has met the second young master."

Lu Jingzhou took a few steps back, farther away from the two women, and said coldly: "Mother, if there is nothing else, my son will leave." After that, he turned and walked out.

Mrs. Cai didn't keep him, she just winked at the two women and whispered: "Remember my words, go and serve the second young master, I will redeem you two from Goulan, not just for decoration!" (End of Chapter)

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