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Chapter 223: Forced kidnapping

Just one month after Wang Pinting married into the Lu family, she went to Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing on the pretext that she wanted to rest.

This Zhuangzi is the dowry of her grandmother Ruan's family. Zhuangzi is a member of the Wang family inside and outside.

Wang Pinting stayed at Zhuangzi until she gave birth to a daughter. After four months, she took the child back to the Lu family.

Of course, what she took back was not her own biological child, but a newborn baby bought from a poor peasant woman's family to fool the Lu family.

The Lu family didn't suspect anything when they saw it, but were very happy.

But Wang Pinting didn't stay in Lu Mansion for a few days before she left with her child in her arms.

This time she stayed out for almost a year before returning to the Lu Mansion with her child, and handed over her biological daughter Lu Xiaoman to Mrs. Cai to raise, while she traveled all the way to Northern Xinjiang to ask for child support from Qin Kang.

As for the bought child, he died long ago due to poor upbringing.

It was also this year that the Jurchen tribes living in northern Xinjiang began to fight against each other, even killing each other's men and robbing each other's women.

Guard stations stationed in various places were also affected, because people often wandered to the vicinity of military villages and stole the chickens, sheep, cattle and horses raised in the villages, and sometimes robbed women.

The Beishan Guard Station was remote, and although it was not affected, a group of people were dispatched by their superiors to suppress the bandits.

So Song Erxiao took a cavalry team of 300 people and rushed to join the commander's team.

Unexpectedly, just one day after the cavalry team left, Governor Qin Kang led a team of people to Beishan Guard Station.

At this time, Chang An was telling a story to his three-year-old brother under the window, when someone knocked on the courtyard door.

Xiaoju went to open the door and was startled when she saw a group of people standing outside the door.

Just as he was about to say who are you looking for, Wang Pinting, dressed in men's attire, walked out of the crowd.

Xiaoju frowned, and just as she was about to close the door, several guards pushed her past and walked into the courtyard.

"What do you want to do?" Xiao Ju angrily shouted: "You dare to break into a thousand official houses?"

Wang Pingting walked in suddenly and sneered: "What? How powerful is your master? Even the governor can't enter the courtyard?"

Only then did Xiaoju notice that behind Wang Pinting was a man wearing a purple robe, who was Governor Qin Kang.

Chang'an and his mother Jiang Ruyi also came out of the house. When they saw Wang Pingting and his party, they intuitively felt that the people who came were evil.

However, my family is not alone. Not only are there guards guarding the entrance of the courtyard, but the people in the entire guardhouse are also looking up to me.

"I've seen you, sir." The mother and daughter bowed slightly to the governor, but had no intention of inviting him in to sit down.

Chang'an said: "I wonder what you are doing, sir? Are you trying to break into my house?"

Qin Kang looked around and said, "I heard that the clay statue you made has strange phenomena, so I came here to ask for advice."

"I don't dare to ask for advice as an adult." Chang'an said seriously: "I did learn to make clay dolls when I was a child, but I didn't have any abnormality. I have almost forgotten it now."

Qin Kang smiled and did not refute, but carefully looked at the girl in front of him, only to feel that she looked more attractive than before.

"Stop hiding it."

Wang Pinting smiled and said: "Your cousin Song Chengye told you that when there was a drought in your hometown, the local squire gave your family a lot of money just for a well. Even Mr. Zhao Ping asked your uncle to dig it. A spring that fills the entire reservoir, isn’t it amazing?”

Changan looked at her coldly: "What exactly do you want to say? Are you saying that all my family members are gods?"

"Fairy?" Wang Pinting looked at the girl disdainfully: "Just you? You're almost a fairy!"

Before Chang An could say anything, Xiao Shitou in Jiang's arms became angry and said loudly: "You are the goblin! The ugly goblin!"

The guards around him couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

Wang Pinting's face turned green and she glared at Xiao Shitou: "Why are you talking? You little brat!"

"You're the little brat!" Little Shitou didn't learn anything else when he was three years old. He just followed Tao Tie and learned "You're the Chachacha" to refute others.

When Mrs. Jiang saw that Wang Pinting was about to quarrel with her son, she quickly carried him back to the house, locked him in the house, and then came out and stood with her daughter.

Qin Kang felt unhappy when he saw that the mother and daughter were not humble at all, but thinking of the purpose of this trip, he softened his voice and said: "I don't have any ill intentions, and you don't need to be nervous. It's just that there have been droughts in many places recently. I think I’ll take you on a tour with me.”

"What are we, prostitutes, doing in a place like that? Do you really think of us as gods who can make clouds and rain?" Mrs. Jiang squeezed her daughter's hand tightly, feeling nervous.

Wang Pinting sneered: "I can't help you not going! This is the Holy Spirit's decree. Are you trying to resist it?"

Chang'an didn't believe a word of what these two people said: "The Holy Spirit's Oral Oral? You won't pretend to pass on the imperial edict, right?"

"Presumptuous!" A scoundrel scolded: "How can we adults allow you to question randomly?"

Seeing that they came with bad intentions, Chang An signaled his mother to go back to the house first and deal with the group of people in front of him.

At this time, Qin Kang said slowly: "Little girl, you don't have to be so careful. Today, either you go with me or you go with your mother. I can't obey the Holy Spirit's instructions, and I am very helpless."

Mrs. Jiang was angry: "Master Governor! Are you really an official of the imperial court? Why do you look at me like a robber who robs people at will?"

Qin Kang's face sank, and with a wave of his hand, a group of guards rushed forward and captured both Jiang and Chang'an.

Lian Xin and Xiao Ju were frightened and shouted for help, but were eventually caught.

The guards pushed Chang An and Jiang into the room: "Hurry up and pack up! We are still in a hurry!"

Chang'an and his mother looked at each other in shock. They didn't know what was going on, but they actually asked the dignified governor to arrest someone in person?

In other words, Qin Kang didn't take the fifth-grade border officer seriously at all, he could do whatever he wanted.

Changan suddenly remembered the scene in his dream.

Could it be that this was the beginning of his father's rebellion?

A dignified official of the imperial court openly kidnapped people in the garrison. No one with any brains would be able to do such a thing, unless Qin Kang was used to being arrogant and never looked down upon the border generals.

Since there was no way to escape, Chang'an decided to stabilize Qin Kang and Wang Pinting before talking about anything else.

Dad took people out to suppress the bandits. At the moment, there were only more than 300 soldiers stationed in the city, which was not enough compared to Qin Kang's 500 soldiers.

Coincidentally, the Tao family's children also returned to Guangning during this time. In this family, there were only me, my mother, my brother, and of course Lian Xin and Xiao Ju.

So this should be a conspiracy of Qin Kang, right?

But why?

Chang'an said to Mrs. Jiang, "Mom, you take your brother at home, and I'll go with them."

Ms. Jiang shook her head: "No! If you, a girl, go with these people, how can I rest assured?"

Chang'an glanced at the soldiers standing in the room watching the mother and father, and said into Jiang's ear: "Don't worry, mother, I have a way of escaping. If you go with your brother, I won't be able to escape."

What she said was true.

Mrs. Jiang shed tears, hugged Chang'an and said, "That's not possible, we don't know what the governor is going to do? How can I let you be in danger alone?" (End of Chapter)

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