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Chapter 224 A head-on blow

"They probably won't kill me, don't worry."

Chang'an was determined not to let his mother and brother go with him. Not to mention that the future was uncertain. If his father came back and saw no one, wouldn't he be anxious and crazy?

Before Jiang could insist, she heard Chang An say again: "Mom, my brother is still young, and he will definitely not be able to bear the long journey. I beg you, please stay at home and wait for dad to come back before making other arrangements."

Seeing her daughter say this, Mrs. Jiang started to sob.

Finally, Chang An packed up some clothes, shoes and broken silver and went out.

Wang Pinting showed a proud smile on her lips, winked at Qin Kang, and said softly: "How is it? How about my trick? From now on, as long as you use kindness and power at the same time, keep Xiao Nizi and her father for your use."

Qin Kang smiled and said nothing.

A bearded staff member next to him said worriedly: "Sir, this is inappropriate. After all, it is the family of Qianhu. If you do this, there is no guarantee that you will not be impeached by the official."

Another short-bearded staff member said disdainfully: "Sir, what you said is wrong. My lord is also concerned about the people. Many places are currently suffering from drought. If this girl really has strange abilities and can find unknown water sources, it might not be a great thing for the country and the people."

Magistrate Zhao had seen it with his own eyes. The Song family was very good at digging wells to find springs, and this woman was always there. "

The long-bearded staff member glared at the short-bearded staff member with disapproval: "Then we have to wait until Qian Hu comes back to discuss it with him, right? By treating his wife and daughter like this, aren't you afraid that Song Qian Hu will complain to the Holy Emperor?"

"Tch! It's just a fifth-grade general with no roots. How can he sue our lord?" said the short-bearded aide arrogantly.

The long-bearded staff was silent.

A group of people walked out of the yard and suddenly saw many soldiers and some city residents around them.

They held their bows and arrows, which were fully drawn, and they all aimed at Qin Kang's guards.

The residents also held hoes, poles, iron forks, etc., and shouted angrily: "Let go of Miss Chang'an! Otherwise, don't even think about walking out of the gate of the guardhouse!"

Seeing this, Qin Kang's guards quickly protected their master behind them. The archery team also took off their bows and arrows from their backs, drew their bows and drew their arrows, aiming at the surrounding people and soldiers.

The leaders on the opposite side were the deputy Qianhu who was guarding the city, as well as Aunt Lin's husband and others.

After two confrontations, the battle is about to break out.

Qin Kanghei's face darkened and he glanced at the people opposite him: "What are you doing? Do you want to rebel?"

"It was you who acted unethically in the first place!" Deputy Qianhu, riding on a tall horse, shouted loudly: "I wonder what the governor wants to do by coercing a little girl?"

Just now, Xiaoju slipped out of the back door under the cover of Lianxin and ran to the government office to report to Deputy Qianhu that the governor wanted to take Changan away while Qianhu was not at home.

Deputy Qianhu became angry when he heard this. He immediately called all the soldiers to gather and sent a dozen people out of the city to call for people in the forts.

He knew that the governor was coming to the city, and was about to go there to say hello, but he went directly to Qianhu's house.

At that time, Deputy Qianhu was still wondering what the governor wanted to do when he suddenly came to visit.

Little did he know that he was here for Song Erxiao’s wife and daughter!

What did Uncle Qin think of Beishan Guards Station?

When he tramples on the back garden at will?

It is unbearable! Even if he fights to the death today, he will never let him take away thousands of families!

"I have official duties, so there is no need to tell you in detail!" Qin Kang said with a cold face: "Get out of the way! Otherwise, it will be treated as treason!"

Deputy Qianhu sneered: "Why bother to accuse us? Uncle Qin Guo, is he insisting on labeling us?"

When Gao Heng was a child, his parents were falsely accused and sent to prison, and they never came out. At the age of seven, he grew up eating hundreds of meals.

When he was sixteen, he killed his enemy and fled to northern Xinjiang to join the army. Later he became Song Erxiao's right-hand man, and the two became brothers.

At this moment, when I saw someone trying to kidnap my little niece, I couldn't help but feel angry.

Qin Kang looked gloomy and glanced around the crowd, feeling irritable.

If we can't take people away this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.

In fact, he had no choice but to make this move, because Song Erxiao didn't know how to praise him. He showed his kindness to him many times, but he didn't appreciate it.

In addition, a master had calculated that the child of the Song family would be blessed with a prosperous father, a prosperous mother, a prosperous family, and possibly a prosperous husband, so he had no choice but to forcefully take someone with him.

Afterwards, I told Song Erxiao that it was no big deal.

Who knew that little things could go so wrong, it's really annoying.

Qin Kang looked back at Wang Pinting and winked at her.

Wang Pinting understood and immediately walked to Chang'an, reaching out to capture him and use it to threaten the people opposite.

She thought that the fifteen-year-old girl was weak and shorter than herself, so she would be able to capture her easily.

Unexpectedly, Chang An swung his fist and hit her in the face.

Wang Pinting screamed and flew backwards, hitting several people.


Before they could react, Changan knocked down a few more people, quickly retreated to the courtyard, closed the courtyard door, and locked the double door bolts.

Then she took out a bow and two boxes of arrows from home, and quickly climbed up the three-person-high courtyard wall.

That's right, the walls and gates of her house have been modified to prevent accidents, but they didn't expect to come in handy right now.

She stood on the high wall, drew the bow and arrow, and aimed the arrow in the direction of Qin Kang: "Now! Get out of the guardhouse!"

There is a circle of wooden boards around Chang'an, which just protects her body. In addition, she is condescending and has everyone in sight, so she doesn't have to worry about anyone shooting cold arrows at her.

Qin Kang looked extremely ugly, and the staff around him shouted loudly: "Song Chang'an! Be bold! Do you know what you are doing?"

"You have bad intentions and kidnapped the daughter of a good family! Why do you ask me for it?" Chang'an slowly filled the four-stone bow and arrows.

Even the strong men in the army could rarely fill up the four-stone bow. But at this moment, it was pulled open by a teenage girl. How could it not be shocking?

If he were shot, he would probably be heartbroken.

The people below were horrified and quickly used shields to protect Qin Kang's head and retreated a few hundred steps away.

"Do you want to rebel?" The short-bearded counselor pointed at Chang'an and shouted: "You are so disobedient to the imperial officials, are you not afraid of damaging the lives of your father and brother?"

"My little girl has never dared to have such an idea. I take it you are the ones who want to rebel, right?"

Chang'an stood proudly and pointed his arrow at the counselor again: "My father worked hard to guard the border, but you took advantage of him to go out to suppress bandits and kidnap his wife and daughter. Is this what a human being does?"

Seeing this, the short-bearded counselor hurriedly retreated under the guard's shield, but he was still shouting: "The governor is dedicated to serving the country and the people, but I just want to take you to save those poor people. You are so vicious that you just watch them suffer." And when he died, he not only refused to save him, but also attacked the imperial officials."

Chang'an sneered: "Little girls have no virtue and incompetence. They can't save anyone, let alone shoulder the important responsibilities of the family and the country. It's just that you are incompetent, and you point the finger at me, a teenage child. Beasts are not as vicious as you, right?" ?”

At first, Chang'an naturally didn't want to implicate his father and the guard, so he took retreat as an advance and agreed to go with them first, and then find a way to escape.

As a result, Uncle Gao Heng brought people around and wanted to fight Qin Kang to the end.

In this way, whether he leaves or not, he will bring trouble to the guard station and his father, and he may even bring trouble to Uncle Gao Heng and a bunch of officials of the guard station.

If that's the case, why are you still hiding it? Just do it directly.

At worst, she would take the brothers at the guard station to hide in the mountains, where she had already transformed two villages and stored a lot of food, enough to last for a whole year. (End of chapter)

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