Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 225 Knocking out teeth

At this moment, Qin Kang had retreated to a safe distance and came out from under the shields of the guards. He ignored Wang Pinting, who had a bloody face, and said to Chang'an with his hands behind his back:

"Little girl! You are too arrogant! Your father can be a member of a thousand households or a prisoner. You have to think clearly! His official position was given by the emperor, and your family's food and clothing were also given by the emperor. Don't If you try to be quick for a while, you will lose sight of the other."

Chang'an was speechless, but he didn't put down the bow and arrow either.

Not long after, people from hundreds of forts also arrived one after another. Some of them were soldiers and some were ordinary people, surrounding Qin Kang's team.

Seeing this momentum, Qin Kang and others began to panic.

Knowing that staying here was useless, I had no choice but to leave angrily.

Fortunately, the people at the guard station did not stop them and sent them all the way outside the city.

Gao Heng asked the people from each fort to go back first, and then sent several guards to stand guard at the gate of Qianhu's official residence.

"From now on, no one is allowed to enter Qianhu's official residence at will! Violators will be executed!" Gao Heng raised his eyebrows and glanced at several people.

The guard cupped his fists and responded: "Yes!"

Gao Heng added: "If you come out of Chang'an in the future, you will arrange for four people to follow and protect you. If you leave the city, you must inform me in advance and I will send two teams of guards to accompany you."

"Yes!" the guard responded again.

After Gao Heng finished explaining, he returned to the government office.

After this incident, Beishan Health Center became more nervous than ever.

Chang'an also became busy.

She first wrote a letter to her uncle Song Sanshun, and then to the wife of the Crown Prince of Zhongqin Hou Mansion, telling them about Qin Kang's coming to the guard to kidnap people.

He also told them about knocking out Wang Pingting's four front teeth and asked them to guard against Wang Shilang and Cai Fuge's family.

Of course, Qin Kang, the governor and uncle of the state, must also be on guard. If one day he writes a memorial and talks nonsense, he can easily deal with it.

Song Sanshun received the letter from his little niece with a solemn expression.

He has been doing business in Yuyang County for several years, and now he has some connections and knows many secrets of aristocratic families.

Qin Kang from the Duke of Qi's Palace was a pervert, and marrying a wife was even more perverted. The couple had caused many murders when they were in the capital.

It's just that the murder victims were all slaves of their family. As long as they gave enough money, the slaves' father and brother would not report them.

Now he is actually stationed in Northern Xinjiang as a governor, and he is going to provoke his little niece.

Song Sanshun narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately informed his brother-in-law Wu Zhonglou of the matter.

Wu Zhonglou realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately wrote a letter to his young master Lu Jingzhou, and asked his servant to ride a fast horse back to the capital and deliver the letter to Lu Jingzhou.

Lu Jingzhou received the letter in the twelfth lunar month and immediately went to see the prince: "My fiancée was in northern Xinjiang and was harassed by Master Qin for no apparent reason. Master Qin also took advantage of her father to lead people to suppress bandits and falsely conveyed the Holy Spirit's instructions to take her away by force. Your Highness, Master Qin behaves like this without caring about the king’s law at all?”

The prince frowned: "Is this serious?"

"Of course it's true. Everyone in the guard station saw it at that time. The soldiers of the guard station almost clashed with Master Qin in order to stop him from kidnapping people."

Lu Jingzhou knelt down to the prince with a sad face: "Please, the prince, make the decision for me. My fiancée was so humiliated that she was depressed all day long and wanted to commit suicide again and again. If my mother-in-law hadn't watched her closely, she would have passed away long ago. "

As Lu Jingzhou said this, he took out a handkerchief smeared with cooling oil and forced out a few tears.

"Ai Qing, please get up quickly. When I find out the truth, I will give you an explanation." The prince quickly helped Lu Jingzhou up and asked the palace officials to take a seat.

Lu Jingzhou thanked me again: "Thank you very much, Your Highness. Your Highness is wise and will definitely give me justice."

Within two days, Cai Fuge and Wang Ting submitted memorials at the same time, accusing the border general Song Erxiao of leading the border army to threaten the governor and intend to rebel.

The memorial also stated that Song Erxiao allowed his daughter to injure an innocent woman and knocked out four of her front teeth.

Lu Jingzhou took a step forward holding the wat board and asked loudly: "Master Cai, Master Wang, I just want to ask, is the innocent woman you two mentioned called Wang Pingting? She is the daughter-in-law of the Lu family, why did she come here? Going to Northern Xinjiang? Are you still with Mr. Qin? "

Everyone was in an uproar and looked at Cai and Wang.

Cai Fuge and Wang Ting's faces turned red and they were speechless for a moment.

Lu Jingzhou added: "Or, even though the Wang family daughter married into the Lu family, she still blatantly hooked up with her foreign husband. I even doubt whether the child she gave birth to is a descendant of the Lu family?"

His biological father, Lu Huainian, who was standing in the back row, was immediately shocked and his heart was filled with thoughts.

It would be really embarrassing for my family to marry such a daughter-in-law.

Now that something like this happened again, he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Immediately, Zhang Sheng, who is currently the Minister of Military Affairs, also held up the wat board and said: "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

The emperor, who was sitting on the dragon throne, looked at the crowd with a look on his face and said, "Speak."

Zhang Sheng said: "My son-in-law is serving in Northern Xinjiang. He saw with his own eyes that Lord Cai's granddaughter went in and out with Governor Qin Kang. He also bought young girls from everywhere to give to Qin Kang, but those young girls died soon after."

He handed over the memorial he wrote: "Everything I said is true, not a lie. Here is a list of the girls Wang's daughter bought. This year alone, she bought ten girls, six of whom have died." .”

Subsequently, several courtiers accused Qin Kang of preying on the common people in northern Xinjiang, and also tried to kidnap Song Qianhu's daughter. The daughter later forced him to die, but they failed.

The Duke of Qi, who was standing at the front, turned green and said loudly: "You are talking nonsense! My son is innocent. When did he do those things?"

Then he said to the prince: "Your Highness, please say something! Although your uncle is a bit lecherous, but which man is not like this? When will he have to go to the line like this?"

The prince had long been fed up with his uncle who always caused trouble for him, and wished he could be dismissed immediately and investigated.

Even this grandfather is not an easy man. Because his daughter is the queen and his grandson is the prince, his temper becomes more and more arrogant, often making his father angry.

The prince was afraid that one day his father would depose him as the prince in anger.

"Qi Guogong, he almost caused a military disaster in Northern Xinjiang? The commander-in-chief of Northern Xinjiang has clearly investigated the whole matter. The memorial is now on the father's case. What else do you want to cover up for him?"

It had been some time since the prince began to supervise the country, and he had gone through all the six memorials before sending them to the emperor. So when he saw the memorial from the Northern Xinjiang Commander-in-Chief, he was absolutely furious.

The Duke of Qi was startled by the prince's shout and immediately stopped his voice.

At this moment, the emperor opened the memorials of Wang Ting and Cai Fu Pavilion, reading and comparing them.

Finally, all the memorials were put aside and handed over to the officials for inspection.

Conspiracy is a serious crime, but framing others for rebellion is also a serious crime, and both parties must be investigated strictly.

In this way, Qin Kang was recalled to the capital for investigation, and the emperor sent another governor to northern Xinjiang.

Later, Lu Jingzhou took the initiative to ask Ying to go to Northern Xinjiang, and the emperor actually agreed.

Another spring, Lu Jingzhou took the cats and dogs from Chang'an and the beggar Zhao Yuan to northern Xinjiang.

The Crown Prince's wife was also in the team because her daughter Zhang Yuyan gave birth and she had to go and see her. (End of chapter)

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