Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 226 Visiting Relatives

It is early spring in February, the snow in northern Xinjiang is gradually melting, and military households have begun to plow the fields and plant wheat.

Chang'an also bought a lot of forest trees from Guan Nei, as well as plum trees, apricot trees, peach trees, pear trees, jujube trees, hawthorn trees, etc., and planted them inside and outside Weisuo City, and some were planted in nearby forests.

However, she also paid for people to dig up wild fruit trees or shrubs in the forest and plant them, such as raspberries, jujubes, heixinzi fruits, mountain cucumbers, mountain grapes, persimmons, etc., regardless of the species, as long as they were edible. All.

In addition, Chang'an asked people to bring back a dead tree full of mushrooms from the forest and placed it in his orchard.

In this way, I can eat fresh mushrooms at home for most of the year.

Neighbors sometimes go to pick some. Even if there is full sunlight, they will grow again after a few days.

Chang'an glanced at a newly planted forest tree in the yard and placed his palms on the thick trunk of the tree.

A ray of light shot into the tree from the palm of his hand, and the whole tree looked energetic.

The little brother ran over and stared at his sister's palm with his dark eyes: "Sister, what are you doing?"

Why did he seem to see his sister's palms glowing?

Chang'an touched his head and said, "Let the Ringo trees bloom early so that we can eat Ringo fruits this year."

Little Shitou nodded: "Ringo fruit is delicious." He likes to eat ringo fruit the most, it is sweet and fragrant.

Chang'an took his younger brother's hand and walked into the house to talk to his mother Jiang: "Sister Yuyan's child is going to be 100 days old. I want to go to Yuyang County to visit."

Last time my aunt gave birth to a little brother, I didn't go there myself. This time I must go and see them.

Mrs. Jiang said while sewing clothes, "Your father and I will go too."

It happened that my husband was going to Guangning for a message, so he took the whole family to visit his relatives.

Changan nodded.

Although her uncle comes to Beishan Health Center once a year, she hasn't seen her aunt and little sister for several years. This time, she will stay in Yuyang County for a longer period of time while Yuyan's aunt and daughter are celebrating their 100th anniversary.

After all, this place is more than a thousand miles away from Yuyang County, so it is not easy to get there.

Mrs. Jiang glanced at her daughter and sighed.

My daughter will be sixteen in a few months, so it makes no sense to not discuss marriage.

Originally, the children of the Tao family were not bad, but my daughter had been unwilling to do so. She even said that they had a brother-sister relationship and it would be too awkward to get married.

As for the fifth son of Prince Yan's family, he has been here a few times. Unfortunately, his wife has to be managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and even his grandfather, Prince Yan, cannot make the decision, let alone himself.

"Then I'm going to pack things." Chang'an was very happy when he learned that the whole family was going, and Le Diandian ran back to the house and started sorting the gifts.

Last year, she purchased more than a dozen wild ginseng plants, each of which was more than ten years old. One of the king ginseng plants was thirty years old.

She wanted to give the 30-year-old wild ginseng to her aunt, so she also injected two pieces of green beads into the wild ginseng.

Of the remaining ten wild ginseng plants, she kept two and put the others in boxes to give away as gifts.

Chang'an sorted out the wild ginseng, and then started sorting out the Ganoderma lucidum, Hericium erinaceus, dried fungus, dried mushroom, etc.

Some of these things were collected by me and Tao Jiaojiao in the mountains, and some were purchased.

By the way, there was also a complete tiger skin. She bought it from a hundred households for two hundred taels of silver and gave it to her godfather.

After sorting out the gifts to bring, Changan went to find Lianxin and Xiaoju.

"You guys pack up your things and follow me to Yuyang County. The Crown Prince's wife is here too. Then you two can go back to Beijing with her."

Lian Xin and Xiao Ju were shocked.

Xiaoju stammered and asked, "Can you really, really go back to Beijing?"

Chang An hummed: "You two are both very young. If you stay here with me, you may never be able to go back."

Lian Xin's tears suddenly flowed down, she knelt down towards Chang An and kowtowed to her: "Thank you, Miss."

Xiaoju hesitated for a moment, then knelt down and kowtowed.

The two of them really wanted to return to Beijing, but the reason why they had been reluctant to get married here was because they were afraid that they would not be able to go back in the future.

But at this time, Xiaoju was very entangled, because a few days ago, a young Shibaihu asked Master Qianhu to marry her, but she had been hesitant and did not reply.

Now that it was time to go back, Xiaoju couldn't bear to leave.

What kind of person can I marry when I return to the capital? It's nothing more than the son of a servant or housekeeper in the house. The child born then will still be a slave.

But if she marries a member of the Trial Hundred Household, she will become an official's wife, and it will be clear at a glance which one is more important.

"Miss Chang'an, I, I don't want to go back to Beijing." Xiao Ju finally made up her mind, wringing her fingers and said, "I want to stay and serve you."

Chang'an: "Then think carefully. If you lose this opportunity, it will be difficult to leave again in the future."

"I've thought about it." Xiaoju said with a blushing face: "I, I agreed to what happened last time and agreed to get married to him."

Chang'an immediately understood what Xiaoju meant and smiled: "That's great, I'll tell daddy later."

Xiaoju covered her face in embarrassment and ran out of the house.

Chang'an looked at Lian Xin again: "Sister Lian Xin, uncle Cao Meng is actually a nice person, and he is a member of a hundred households. If you marry him, you will be the wife of a sixth-rank official."

Although Cao Meng is over thirty, Lian Xin is already twenty, and she cannot marry into a good family when she returns to Beijing. She will either renew her relationship or become her aunt. Where can I find a decent lady?

Lian Xin hesitated for a long time and finally shook her head.

She has saved a lot of money, several hundred taels, enough to buy a house in the capital and live freely.

Moreover, Miss Chang'an had already returned her and Xiaoju's contract of sale to them. Since she had not returned to the capital, her slave status had not been cancelled.

Furthermore, there were her parents and brothers in the capital, and she couldn't let them go. She had to go back to reunite with them. If possible, she wanted to use money to redeem her brothers' lives, so that their descendants could live upright lives.

"Okay, hurry up and pack your things." Chang'an respected her decision and said, "Bring some local specialties to your parents and brothers."

Chang'an took out two 10-year-old ginseng plants and handed them to her: "Take this, and bring some of our Hericium erinaceus and stem mushrooms as well."

Lian Xin was pleasantly surprised and kowtowed again: "Thank you, Miss."

Before March, Song Erxiao rushed to the pass with his wife, daughter and son.

Escorted by a hundred personal guards, they met a group of Jurchen tribesmen on the way.

Chang'an saw from the car window that these Jurchens were all riding tall horses, wearing animal skins, and carrying weapons on their waists. They looked at the convoy with obviously unkind eyes.

The guards tensed up instantly, and everyone reached for the sword at their waist.

Mrs. Jiang also saw the bald barbarian standing on the roadside. She was immediately frightened, lowered the curtain on the car window, and whispered: "Don't look!"

Chang'an was speechless, hugged his brother and touched his round head.

"Why are these people different from us?" Xiao Shitou whispered.

Chang'an said softly: "They are Jurchens, of course they are different from us."

It was also the first time that she saw so many Jurchens, and she couldn't help but feel panicked.

There were also Jurchens from their Beishan Guard Station who came in to buy things, but most of them were wearing Han clothes and their expressions were not as tough and fierce as these people.

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