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Chapter 227 Looks Extraordinarily Familiar

"Why don't they have hair on their heads?"

Little Shitou is at the age where he is curious about everything, and he still keeps asking questions.

Chang'an: "Because they don't wash their hair very often and ride horses all year round, so naturally they don't grow any hair."

In fact, the Jurchens also leave some hair on their heads, but like the three-flowered hair worn by Han children, they have hair on the left and right sides or on the back of the head, and their faces are unshaven, which makes them look very strange.

In addition, I don't take a shower all year round, and my body always smells bad.

"Oh" Xiao Shitou didn't want to ask anymore, but my mother covered his mouth.

"Don't talk!" Ms. Jiang scolded in a low voice.

The carriage had already reached the group of people, and Mrs. Jiang's nervous face turned pale.

Chang'an looked out from the gap in the car window and suddenly met the eyes of a young man.

Chang'an was shocked and quickly closed the curtain.

It was silent outside, except for the sound of carriages and horses passing by on the road.

Fortunately, the group of Jurchens did not move, but silently watched the convoy leave, and then urged their horses to go away.

Mrs. Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and called Amitabha Buddha repeatedly.

Chang'an's tense nerves relaxed and he opened the car curtain again.

Looking back, I saw the loess dust all over the road, and there were no traces of Jurchens anywhere.

In the evening, the convoy was stationed near a village.

Chang'an took his little brother out of the car to stretch his legs and watch everyone set up tents.

Because this place is outside the customs, the inns are not as close as those in the Central Plains, so they sometimes have to spend the night in the wild.

The guards went to the village to ask for water and firewood, and buried a pot in an open space to make rice.

A large pot of rice porridge was cooked, and everyone ate some dry food, pickles, and dried meat. They also gave the horses water, fodder, beans, and wheat.

A dozen or so people were left to take turns keeping vigil, while the rest took the time to rest.

Chang'an slept in a tent with his mother-in-law, his brother, and Li Xing'er, while his father crowded together with about a dozen personal guards.

Xiaoju didn't come. She got married to the tester the day before yesterday. Chang'an gave her ten pieces of silk and two sets of hair to make a box.

Mrs. Jiang also gave two hundred taels as a dowry and prepared all the necessary equipment.

For example, four quilts, two camphor wood boxes, a bed, a toilet, two pairs of wooden basins, a pair of copper basins, etc., tables, chairs and benches are also fully prepared, all of which are used as dowry.

The hundred households who tried it also sent two wedding dresses, jewelry, rouge and gouache, and four large gold ingots as betrothal gifts.

Needless to say, pork, mutton, wild geese and snacks and fruits are all necessary items for welcoming the bride.

But the gold ingot was stuffed into Xiaoju's box by Jiang, which was regarded as the money for her.

"Lian Xin, actually Cao Meng is really good. He was sad to know that you were leaving."

Mrs. Jiang coaxed her son to sleep with one hand and tried to persuade Lian Xin.

Lotus heart is speechless.

Chang'an knew Lian Xin's feelings, so he pinched A Niang and told her to stop talking.

Cao Meng had a scar on his face, he was rough-looking, and he was about ten years older than Lian Xin, so she was a little dissatisfied.

Moreover, guarding the Northern Frontier Guards Station was like licking blood with the tip of a knife. It was extremely dangerous, so it was normal for Lian Xin not to want to stay.

Mrs. Jiang understood and sighed in her heart.

There was no talking all night, and everyone got up before dawn the next day to pack their things, ate some dry food and hurried on their way.

Chang'an used the small charcoal stove he brought to cook fried rice for his younger brother and parents to eat, and gave them each an egg.

The eggs had been boiled before, just to be taken as dry food on the road.

They walked for several days and met two more groups of Jurchens on the road.

Song Erxiao was a little solemn.

Each of these Jurchens were riding big horses and equipped with weapons. If they hadn't been in large numbers and dressed in military attire, they would probably have wanted to attack the convoy.

It is extremely unusual for so many Jurchens to appear near the official road.

You know, the Jurchens have always had their own territory, either in the valley or by the river, where they stationed to thrive and live a savage-like hunting and gathering life.

Now that I have come to a place far away from where I live, what do I want to do?

When the motorcade arrived at a post station, Song Erxiao immediately wrote a letter and asked the post station to send it to Guangning and give it to the commander.

A few days later, the convoy finally arrived in Yuyang County.

Chang'an jumped off the carriage and looked up at the county government office.

Huh? The county government office seems to have been repaired, and even the tiles have been replaced.

When I walked into the official residence, I saw several new rooms inside, making the yard seem much smaller.

"Chang'an!" came a voice.

Chang An turned around and saw a thin young man standing not far away with a flame pattern birthmark on his forehead.

Before she could say anything, two dogs rushed over, barked excitedly around Chang'an, and even tried to pounce on her.

"Dahei! Baihuahua!" Changan hugged the two dogs and laughed: "Do you still recognize me?"

The two dogs kept barking, sticking out their tongues and licking Chang An's head and face wildly.

Chang'an quickly stopped him and laughed non-stop.

Xiao Shitou, who was held in Mrs. Jiang's arms, opened his eyes wide. He thought the two dogs were going to eat his sister. He couldn't help crying: "No! Bad dogs!"

Mrs. Jiang patted her son and said with a smile, "That's your sister's dog. I saw her being affectionate."

Zhang Yuyan ran out after hearing the sound, saw Chang An and screamed, hugging her: "Oh my god! Have you grown so tall?"

When Chang'an separated from her, she was just a little girl in her teens, no taller than her ears. After a few years, she had grown into a big girl.

"You have grown taller too." Chang An smiled.

Zhang Yuyan is really tall and has a lot of flesh on her cheeks. She looks gentle and rich.

Zhang Yuyan bowed to Mrs. Jiang and Song Erxiao again, and then led a few people to the main room.

"My mother just arrived yesterday." Zhang Yuyan pulled Chang An and kept talking: "She and Zhao Yuan came with Lu Jingzhou."

"Lu Jingzhou also came to Yandi?" Changan was surprised.

Zhang Yuyan looked at Chang An with an unpredictable smile: "Yes, he went out for inspection. He will probably not be able to return to Yuyang County to visit your parents tomorrow."

Chang'an said "oh" and turned to look at Zhao Yuan who followed him into the house: "Are you going to join the army?"

Zhao Yuan nodded in frustration: "I have wanted to go to Northern Xinjiang to find you for a long time, but the government office did not open a way for me."

He suspected that Lu Jingzhou's fellow told him this on purpose, but he had no evidence.

Later, I learned that Lu Jingzhou had become the governor of Yanbei, so I simply relied on him and squeezed into a carriage with him, and then we arrived here.

At this time, the Crown Prince's wife, Wei Shi, also came. Chang'an kowtowed to her and presented her with the gifts he had brought.

"These are the special delicacies of northern Xinjiang. I give them to my godmother and grandparents to try."

Chang'an took out a few more and handed them to Zhang Yuyan: "Both the fungus and mushroom are dried. Add some when cooking. They taste very good."

Zhang Yuyan smiled and thanked her, looked at the things one by one, and smelled them again: "Don't mention it, it really smells good."

"That's right, this mushroom stewed chicken is the most fragrant. You can try it."

Chang'an looked around: "Where's the little baby? I'm going to take a look."

"The nanny is here with her." Zhang Yuyan stood up and said, "I'll take you to have a look."

So, the group of people walked to the bedroom again and saw a woman holding a swaddling baby in her arms.

Changan glanced at it and felt that this woman looked particularly familiar.

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