Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 49 Accepting a Disciple

Within two days, the story of Chang'an making a lot of money by making clay figurines spread in the village. Several aunts and aunts brought their children and grandchildren over to watch how the little doll made clay figurines.

I saw the little baby sitting on the futon in the yard, rolling out the clay with a small rolling pin.

Next to her were a pair of small scissors and small pieces of bamboo, which seemed to be tools used to make clay figurines.

Goudan sat next to the little doll and beat the mud hard. At first glance, he looked like a little apprentice working hard.

"Oh, our Chang'an is really smart." The aunt praised her while dragging her younger son: "Your little hoe brother also wants to learn how to make clay figures from you. Do you think it's feasible?"

Chang'an raised his eyes and looked over, and saw the eight-year-old little hoe with a long yellow nose and two braids on his head. He lowered his head shyly and did not dare to look at anyone.

Changan nodded in agreement.

The aunt clapped her hands happily and pushed the younger son to stagger: "Why are you still standing here? Go help your sister Chang'an throw mud."

When Goudan heard this, he immediately stared at the little hoe warily and pointed at a pile of red mud next to him: "Go and step on the mud."

He does the work of breaking mud by himself, so he doesn't want others to take his place.

The little hoe pouted, not knowing how to step on the mud.

So Goudan turned into a little master and showed him a lesson.

In this way, the three children performed their duties in the yard. One mixed the mud and stepped on it, one smashed the mud into a clay body, and the other was responsible for making clay figures.

After the two boys finished their work, they came over to watch Chang'an make clay statues. Within two days, they were able to make a decent clay figurine.

Chang'an only built two Guanyin statues and then built two more statues of the God of Wealth and two statues of the God of Heaven.

After painting several clay figurines, the villagers who often came to watch were stunned.

"God! This is so beautiful!"

"Xiao Changan's craftsmanship is incredible. No wonder she can make money."

Goudan pointed proudly at the clay figurine he made and said, "I made this!"

The villagers looked at Goudan's clay figurine. Although it was very good, compared with the one in Chang'an, they always felt that it was a little less interesting.

The little hoe also made a statue of Guanyin, which was almost the same as the one in Goudan, except that the color was not as good and it looked a bit sloppy.

On the first day of April, Song Sanshun and Song Laoliu took the clay figurines made by their children to Tieniu Town to sell them.

Little Hoe's father, Song You, also brought a clay doll made by his son.

As soon as they arrived at the old market place, several vendors gathered around them.

"Brother, give me all your Guanyin statues and I'll pay you two hundred cents for them." A hawker got in front of Song Sanshun first and took him directly into the basket.

"What do you want to do? Steal business from me?" Another hawker gave up and stepped forward to snatch it: "Brother Song is my old customer. You can stay where you want to cool off!"

Song Sanshun immediately protected his backpack and said, "Don't grab it! Don't grab it! I brought a lot, so don't damage it."

The two hawkers had no choice but to let go of their hands after hearing this.

Song Sanshun then said: "I have four Guanyin, two Gods of Wealth, and two Gods of Wealth here, a total of eight. Two hundred coins each is one thousand six hundred coins, and there is no credit."

"Give it to me! I'll give you cash." The hawker who had done business with Chang'an twice gave the money directly to Song Sanshun and said, "My name is Li Si'er. Brother Song, where do you live? I will go to your house to receive the goods from now on."

Song Sanshun was cautious and did not tell anyone his address in public. "Let's talk about it later. My clay statues are made slowly and I can't make a few in ten days. I will come again when the time comes."

The vendor didn't care. He picked up the clay statues one by one and put them into his basket. He grinned and said, "That's okay. We are old friends. Next time you bring as much as you want, just give it to me. I'll make sure you don't suffer any loss."

Song Sanshun smiled and put the money into his arms.

The vendor who didn't grab it was a little unhappy and glared at Li Si'er.

Seeing this, Song Sanshun pointed at Song Laoliu and Song You and said, "They also have Guanyin statues, and they both made them together."

Upon hearing this, the vendor's face brightened slightly, he took the Guanyin statue handed over by Song Laoliu, looked at it, and said, "I can only sell one hundred and fifty of these."

Song Sanshun shook his head: "It's too little, otherwise we can sell it ourselves, and we'll come anyway."

Vendor: "Then it's one hundred and eighty. If you sell it, I'll take it all. If you don't sell it, forget it."

Song Laoliu gritted his teeth: "Sell!"

These things cost nothing. One hundred and eighty-one is really good. His son made six of them, and they can be sold for a lot of money. It is almost as if they are free.

The vendor gave the money, looked at Song You again, shook his head and left.

In addition, the hawker didn't dislike Song You's clay statue and bought it directly for a hundred coins.

Song You also brought five clay statues. In the blink of an eye, he got five hundred coins, which felt like a dream.

Although his family is not the poorest in the village, they have many children and his old father is always ill and often has to see a doctor for medicine. Life is very tight.

Seeing his eight-year-old son learn how to make clay figures from Chang'an and earn five hundred coins in one fell swoop, he couldn't help but his eyes turned red.

I worked as a helper during the off-season and could barely earn 500 cash a month. I didn't expect my younger son to earn so much money after learning how to make clay figurines for more than ten days with Chang'an.

Song You wiped his eyes and smiled at Song Sanshun: "Let's go buy some food and take it back." His family's food rations were at the bottom, and he was worried about how he would last until the summer harvest. Now he has five hundred coins, which is enough to buy half a stone of wheat. .

"Okay, I'm about to buy some food." Song Sanshun and Song Laoliu nodded at the same time.

It's already April, and it's still not raining. Now everyone who has money in their hands is going to buy some food to prepare.

The three bought grain and hired an ox cart to transport it home.

On the second day, before Changan got up, she heard someone calling her aunt outside: "Xiuying, Changan, are you up?"

Mrs. Wu came out of the kitchen and wiped her hands with her apron, when she saw Little Hoe's mother walking in with a basket on her arm, followed by Little Hoe.

"Sister-in-law Jin, what's the matter?" asked Wu.

Jin Osmanthus took something out from the basket on her shoulder and said, "I have prepared some apprenticeship ceremony. Today I will let the little hoe formally apprentice to Chang'an."

Mrs. Wu was happy when she heard this and quickly stuffed the things back into the basket: "How can this be so? How old is Chang'an? Where can I recruit disciples? You should take these things back quickly."

Jin Osmanthus took out the things again and said angrily: "This thing is for our little hoe to honor Chang'an. You can't stop it. When we turn around and wait for Chang'an to come out, our little hoe will have to kowtow to her. As the old saying goes, a day is a teacher." , What will you do for the rest of your life? Anyway, our little hoe is already Chang’an’s apprentice, so the etiquette cannot be abolished.”

Wu had no choice but to take back her hand and go into the room to dress Chang An.

Jin Osmanthus led her youngest son into the house. When she saw Chang An standing up sleepily and letting her aunt dress her, she pushed her son: "Hurry and pay homage to Master."

The little hoe walked over nervously, knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed three times.

Changan looked confused and stared at the little hoe for a long time.

I saw the little hoe got up after kowtowing and hid behind his mother. (End of chapter)

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