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Chapter 50 Ganoderma lucidum

Jin Osmanthus still refused to let go of her son, so she pulled him out from behind and said, "Hurry up and call me master?"

The little hoe sniffed his nose and called out "Master".

Chang'an was happy when he heard it, nodded quickly and hummed.

She knew from the little goldfish that when an apprentice becomes a master, the master will give him a greeting gift.

But now he has nothing but the two copper coins hanging around his neck.

Copper coins cannot be given to others, so I can only think of other ways.

Chang'an yawned and said, "Here, I'll make you a doll."

It seems that the only things that can be obtained now are clay dolls made by one's own hands.

The little hoe immediately understood what the little master meant and nodded immediately.

Jin Osmanthus was overjoyed and quickly thanked her son: "Oh, thank you so much, little master."

Last night, my husband came back and said that the clay statues made in Chang'an are the most valuable. Each one is worth 200 yuan. The hawkers are rushing to exchange them. If they sell them themselves, they will definitely cost more than this.

And the ten eggs and a pair of pig's trotters that I sent as a disciple gift this morning were not worth thirty coins in total. It was embarrassing to think about it.

Mrs. Wu put on Chang'an's clothes and pants, put on her shoes, tied her shoelaces, and carried her to the ground.

Chang'an walked up to the little hoe, patted his arm in an old-fashioned way, and said, "I will work harder in the future."

This was said by Xiao Yuyu. Every time she encountered a word she didn't know, Yuyu told her to work harder.

Little Hoe lowered his head and nodded.

Jin Osmanthus looked at Chang'an lovingly and said softly: "The little hoe officially becomes my master today, and he will be your apprentice from now on. If he doesn't obey, just teach him a lesson, and hit him when he needs to be scolded."


Why do you feel this is so weird?

Chang'an nodded seriously.

The golden osmanthus left happily, leaving behind the embarrassed little hoe.

Mrs. Wu went to the kitchen, brought out the morning food, put it on the small table, and asked, "Hoe, come and have some too."

The little hoe shook his head repeatedly: "I have eaten."

He was quite full this morning, so his mother-in-law made him a big bowl of noodles with two poached eggs in it.

The older brothers, sisters and younger brothers and sisters all watched helplessly, so he had to give half of the bowl to them.

Wu did not force herself, and after fetching hot water for Chang An to wash up, the family of three sat down to eat.

After finishing the morning meal, pour the remaining porridge into a broken basin and serve it to the dog.

The black and white dog looked much better, licking the rice porridge with his tongue and eating happily. "

"Chang'an, aren't you going to make a clay figurine today?" Goudan ran over and saw Changan carrying a small bamboo pole, looking like he was about to go out.

Chang'an: "Yeah, pick locust flowers." She wanted to go to the fields with her uncle and pick some locust flowers.

"I'll go too." Goudan likes to run in the mountains outside the village. It's so fun.

When the little hoe saw them both going out, he looked timidly towards Chang'an.

My mother said that if you become a master, you must listen to the master. The master told the dog to never catch the chicken.

So Changan went out to pick locust flowers, should I go with her?

Seeing the little hoe at a loss, Mrs. Wu said, "You go and play with Chang'an, and you can make clay figurines when you come back in the afternoon."

"Yeah." Little Hoe smiled, immediately picked up a basket, and followed Chang An and Goudan towards the outside of the village.

The dog followed Chang An out of the house and ran ahead happily, looking back from time to time to make sure its little master was following.

One person, three children, one dog and one cat walked out of the village and came to Xiaohuangling three miles away, where Song Sanshun's two acres of land were allocated.

At first glance, it can be seen that the millet in the two acres of land is not growing well, and the emergence of seedlings is sparse, which is not optimistic.

Song Sanshun frowned and walked toward a creek not far away with a bucket.

However, there was no water in the creek, not even the water in the artificially dug deep pond.

This deep pond is actually dug in the creek and is only used to store water.

"There are some locust trees over there. Go pick them yourself and don't go too far." Song Sanshun told the three children and went down with buckets to scoop water to irrigate the fields.

Chang'an agreed, and ran to the locust tree with Goudan Xiaohoe, and used the small bamboo pole in his hand to twist the locust flowers.

One end of the bamboo pole is split a little bit and supported by a short branch to form a ya-shape. As long as the ya-ya is used to fork the stem of the Sophora japonica and twist it, a cluster of Sophora japonica will fall down.

Chang'an picked up a cluster of locust flowers and put it in his mouth, eating it with gusto.

The little goldfish timely broadcast: [Sophora japonica, also known as Sophora japonica when not in full bloom, has the effects of stopping bleeding and cooling blood, clearing the liver and purging fire, cooling the large intestine, anti-inflammatory and anti-pathogenic microorganisms, etc.]

The little hoe also took a bunch, pulled off the petals, and handed the flower stem to Chang An: "This one is sweet, there is nectar in it."

Changan took the flower stem and stuffed it into his mouth. It was indeed much more delicious than the petals.

She opened a small pedicle and licked it.

The sweetness has the fragrance of acacia tree, which is different from the sweetness of maltose.

The three children ate the sophora flowers for a while, then started picking flowers again, and soon filled the basket.

But there are too many locust flowers here, and the high crown of the tree is white with snow, surrounded by many bees.

The little hoe looked at it for a while and said, "Chang'an, let's go find wild honey."

Chang'an's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded repeatedly.

She had only eaten wild honey once, which was collected by Goudan Daddy from the mountains. It was a palm-sized piece, and it was very sweet.

So, the little hoe took the two children and walked towards the woods.

There are lush vegetation in the woods, and there are even no roads in some places. The little hoe hits the grass with a bamboo pole to drive away the poisonous snakes.

Chang'an took the little hoe's words to heart and picked up a dead branch and knocked it.

"Here!" The little hoe pointed at a dead tree and said, "There is a beehive here."

Chang'an ran over and took a look, and sure enough he saw a lot of bees going in and out of the dead tree holes.

Wow! Honey, maybe it’s all the honey from locust trees.

Chang'an's mouth was almost watering.

"It's too high, we can't reach it." Goudan raised his neck and said.

The little hoe circled around the dead tree: "I'll call Uncle Sanshun."

"Okay." Changan stared at the tree hole and couldn't move his eyes away.

"You guys wait here, I'll be here in a minute!" The little hoe ran away in a flash.

Chang'an looked at the tree hole for a while, then looked around and found a dead tree not far away.

She knocked on the branches and ran over, walking around the dead tree. She didn't see the beehive, but she found a beautiful mushroom.

The mushroom is purple-red all over, growing at the roots of the tree, hidden under the grass leaves, and covered with a few fallen leaves. If Chang An hadn't been short and his eyes were close to the ground, he wouldn't have been able to notice it.

Chang'an was curious and knelt down to brush away the fallen leaves.

I saw that this mushroom was about the size of a fist, with a very long stem. The whole plant was a shiny purple-red color, lying on the ground, like a handle of purple jade.

Touch it and listen to the message in your mind: [Ganoderma lucidum, also known as Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum, is sweet and warm in taste, bitter and astringent. It has the effect of tonifying Qi and calming the mind, relieving cough and asthma, and is good for deafness, joint pain, and good for protecting the mind. Essence, strong muscles and bones, good color, long-term use can lighten the body, prevent aging, and prolong life.] (End of this chapter)

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