Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 56 There is no water in the well

Wu picked vegetables and returned to the house, but did not notice that there was water in the water tank.

She carried a bench and sat at the door, choosing vegetables and waiting for her husband to come back with water.

But when I waited and waited, my husband was nowhere to be seen, and I couldn't help but worry.

"Chang'an, you stay at home, while aunt goes to find your uncle." Mrs. Wu put the vegetables into the basket, got up and left the yard.

At this time, the sun has not yet set, and many villagers have moved small dining tables to the door of the house, and the family sits around to eat.

Wu hurried to the public water well at the entrance of the village and saw several people standing by the well from a distance, all carrying buckets.

"The well in our village is actually out of water. How many buckets have we pumped? Has it bottomed out?"

A few people couldn't get any water, so they were anxious and looked in at the mouth of the well without giving up:

"It shouldn't be? Why is there no water? I didn't get water in the morning, so I waited until the evening to check, but it turned out there was still no water. We don't even have water for cooking. What should we do?"

"No, I don't have any water at home either."

"How about we go to Zuocun and have a look?"

"There's no need to go, I just came over there, and those people kicked me out before I even got close." One villager snorted angrily.

"Why are you chasing people away? Just now I saw people from Zuocun coming to our place to fetch water."

"That's right! Maybe the well in our village was emptied by people from their village!" Someone was filled with indignation.

"A bunch of bastards! They're really insidious. By emptying our well, theirs will be saved."

Song Sanshun looked at the sky and knew that he would not be able to get water tonight, so he walked back dejectedly.

When he looked up, he saw his wife running towards him and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Let me take a look." Wu glanced at the empty bucket: "Is there no water?"

Song Sanshun: "Well, they have looked around and there is no water. By the way, isn't there a basin of water at home? Let's settle for now. I will come to fetch water tomorrow before dawn."

After that, he walked back with the empty bucket.

Wu also followed behind and said worriedly: "Aren't you going to deliver tax grains tomorrow? It's better for me to pick them up."

Song Sanshun was speechless and returned home unhappy with his wife.

Putting down the empty bucket, he took out the pole and put it aside. He saw his little niece looking at him eagerly and asked, "What does Chang'an want?"

Changan stretched his head to look at the empty bucket and said with a smile: "There is water."

Song Sanshun touched her head lovingly and sighed: "Uncle San didn't get the water, so you can't take a shower tonight."

Chang'an saw that his uncle didn't understand what he meant, so he pulled him to the water tank and said, "With water, little Zhuzhu will change."

Song Sanshun took a look and his eyes widened immediately.

He subconsciously reached in to grab a handful, and clear water drops splashed out of the water tank.

A tank full of water reaches the edge of the tank.

"Where did the water come from?" Song Sanshun turned to ask his wife.

Wu also came over in a hurry and was shocked when she saw the clear water overflowing in the tank. "I do not know."

Chang'an saw that his uncle and aunt didn't pay attention to what he said, so he simply didn't explain and stood on tiptoe to pick up the rice dumplings in the cupboard.

She was very hungry and wanted to eat rice dumplings dipped in locust tree honey.

When Song Sanshun saw it, he quickly took off the rice dumplings and asked, "Chang'an, what did you just say?" while peeling off the clothes.

Chang'an blinked and said seriously: "Little Zhuzhu can turn into water, we have water to drink."

"Who is Xiao Zhuzhu?" Song Sanshun peeled off the rice dumplings and poured a little honey on them.

Chang'an stretched out his little hand, pointed at his palm and said, "Xiao Zhuzhu is here."

Song Sanshun grabbed his niece's hand and looked carefully, but saw nothing.

He thought for a moment and said, "Then you change your appearance again and show me to my third uncle."

Chang'an shook her head and put her little hands behind her back: "No." There is water at home now, and she doesn't want to waste a leaf.

When Song Sanshun saw that his niece was unwilling, he didn't force it. He poked the rice dumpling with a chopstick and handed it over: "Eat a rice dumpling first, and drink porridge later."

Chang'an happily took the rice dumplings, gave them to his uncle to take a bite first, and then gave them to his aunt to take a bite. Then he sat on the small bench and tasted them slowly.

Song Sanshun and his wife looked at each other. They said nothing and went about their own business.

He scooped up water to wash vegetables and made half a pot of vegetable porridge. Song Sanshun also took the water for washing vegetables to the back of the house and poured it into the vegetable patch.

At present, the vegetables grown at home seem not to be affected by the weather, but the radish greens are very delicate and will wilt if there is a lack of water.

Even so, my own vegetable garden is much better than others. The garden is lush and green, and the vegetable seedlings grow quickly.

Song Sanshun took one look at the newly built wall and felt extremely glad that it had been built early.

His little niece had supernatural things, and he must not let others know about it. After dinner, he would teach her well so that Changan would not reveal her abnormality in front of others.

The dinner was a bit boring, but Changan didn't notice anything.

After her aunt bathed her, she put her on the kang. The little baby rolled into the tent and pulled the quilt over her belly.

When Song Sanshun and his wife finished washing and went into the house to rest, they saw that Chang An was already fast asleep, with a smile on his lips and seemed very happy.

Song Sanshun sighed and said to his wife: "You can keep an eye on her at home tomorrow. I will go with Sixth Brother and the others to pay taxes and rations. We may not come back in a few days. Don't go out to fetch water these days. Save that tank of water." Enough for you to eat for three or four days."

"Yeah." Wu nodded lightly.

The new water tank I bought is so big that it takes five loads of water to fill it.

She and her husband carry two loads of water every time, which is enough for the family to eat for a day or two.

A large tank of water should last four or five days, which should be fine.

I don’t know how Xiao Changan managed to conjure that vat of water, it’s really puzzling.

Wu touched Chang'an's fleshy little arm, feeling soft in her heart.

"Sanshun, when you go to the county town, you should look for the second sister-in-law's home by the way. I seem to have heard that she works in a family named Zhang. You might as well ask about it."

Song Sanshun was silent for a long time and said, "I asked someone to inquire before. That family has long been promoted to the capital city and is not in the county seat."

Wu sighed and stopped talking.

Before dawn the next day, Song Sanshun ate the meal prepared by his wife, sorted out his own grain, and brought an extra twenty or thirty kilograms with him to prevent damage during harvesting.

He picked up a hundred kilograms of grain on his shoulders and swayed out of the door.

Outside the door, Song Laoliu and a group of villagers were also pushing carts and carrying burdens, and walked out of the village one after another.

It was more than sixty miles from Songjia Village to the county seat, and it would take them a whole day to carry the load.

When you get to the county town, you have to line up to pay for food. You come and go, and you often can't come back for two or three days.

Mrs. Wu watched her husband go away, turned around and closed the courtyard door.

Now that the house has a high fence, it really gives her a great sense of security, and there is also a smart puppy in the house that barks non-stop whenever someone comes near.

Mrs. Wu released the chickens and goslings from the chicken coop, grabbed a handful of millet and threw it on the ground, then went back to the house to sleep.

I hadn't slept for long when I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door outside the yard: "Sister-in-law! Open the door!"

The little flower dog lying in the nest suddenly raised its neck, jumped up and barked wildly.

"Woof woof woof woof!"

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