Chang'an was also awakened by Bai Huahua's voice. Gulu sat up and looked at his aunt: "The dog is barking."

Mrs. Wu hummed and whispered, "It's your little aunt who's knocking on the door outside."

Song Yufeng didn't know what was going on, so she ran to her house and knocked on the door at dawn.

I wanted to ignore it, but she kept patting her, which made the puppy very angry.

When Changan heard that it was her little aunt, she immediately shrank into the quilt.

My little aunt is the most vicious and I don't like her at all.

But it didn't seem possible if she didn't get up. She was so anxious that she wanted to go.

Chang'an got up again, slid off the kang, put on his wooden-soled slippers, and went to the toilet.

Wu had already opened the courtyard door and stood at the door and asked Song Yufeng, "What's the matter?"

Song Yufeng smiled and held a bowl with two boiled eggs in sugar water: "My father asked me to give you two eggs to eat."

Then he put the bowl into Wu's arms: "It's just been cooked and it's still hot. Go and eat it quickly."

Mrs. Wu lowered her head to look at the eggs and pushed the bowl back: "We have eggs at home, but you should leave these to Xiyue and Chengye."

"Hey, third sister-in-law, what do you mean? My mother worked hard to cook a bowl of sugar-watered eggs, but just to see how poor Chang'an is and no one feels any pain, why don't you pick up Qiao." Song Yufeng had a mocking look on her face and squeezed straight into the door. Walking towards the house with the bowl in hand.

Wu didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd, so she had to close the door and follow her.

Chang'an came out of the toilet and saw his beautiful little aunt.

She wore a peach red skirt, a double-ringed bun, thin eyebrows, long eyes, and fair skin, completely different from the little girls in the village.

"Chang'an, come here and eat eggs with sugar water." The little aunt was extremely enthusiastic today and kept waving to Chang'an to come over.

Chang An hesitantly walked closer, glanced at the bowl of dark soup, and shook his head: "I won't eat it."

She didn't want to eat what her little aunt sent her.

Because I listened to a lot of what my little cousin said, and knew that she had been cursing me and my uncle and aunt to die. She also said that there were many poisonous weeds in the wild, which could poison several people without anyone noticing.

"You're really ungrateful! You can eat it or not, but I've delivered it to you anyway!" Song Yufeng rolled her eyes, put the bowl on the table, turned around and left.

Mrs. Wu watched her sister-in-law go out of the door, looked down at the bowl of brown sugar eggs, and frowned slightly.

Chang'an quickly pulled on his aunt's sleeve and whispered: "If you don't want to eat, send it back!"

She was afraid that her aunt would eat this bowl of dark stuff.

Wu thought for a while, picked up the bowl and went out.

When he arrived at his new house, he put the bowl of brown sugar eggs on the stone pier at the door of the new house.

When she got home, Mrs. Wu scooped water to wash her little niece. Seeing that the little baby was still staring at her uneasily, she smiled and said, "I really didn't eat it. I've already sent it back."

Chang'an was relieved and said seriously: "No, don't eat her food, it will contain poisonous weeds."

Mrs. Wu wiped the little baby's face and nodded: "Auntie knows, don't worry, little Chang'an, we will never eat her food."

Chang'an was satisfied and ran to the backyard to pick melon leaves and feed them to the goslings.

When several chicks and goslings saw their little master coming, they immediately chased after her to beg for food.

Huahua lay half-lying on the reed mat and watched coldly, seeming a little displeased.

This group of chirps made his head hurt when he got up early in the morning. If he wasn't afraid that his little master would be angry, he would have wanted to throw them out of the wall.

Chang'an pulled a few leaves and threw them to the goose, and then looked at the radish.

Huh? Why did she feel that the radish had grown a lot overnight? It was only the size of an egg before, but now it was bigger than an egg when exposed.

Moreover, the radish leaves also grow a lot, lush and green, and they grow taller than the vegetables.

Chang'an squatted down and broke off the leaves from the radish like his aunt.

My aunt said that if there are too many radish leaves, you should break off a few, otherwise the radish will not grow up.

The same goes for winter melons and pumpkins. When they all bear fruit, you need to remove some leaves and tender heads. The fruits will grow bigger.

At this time, Mrs. Wu came over and saw the vegetables in the field. She couldn't help but be surprised: "What's going on?"

Originally, the radish was still sparse, but why did it change overnight?

"Aunt, there are vegetables to eat." Chang'an held the radish leaves to his aunt.

Chop the radish leaves and pickle them with salt. They taste very good and can be used with rice when eating porridge.

Wu took the radish leaves and pulled up two more radishes. Sure enough, they were much bigger than yesterday.

She was puzzled, but very happy.

It's a good thing if the vegetables in the vegetable garden grow well. No matter what happens, as long as you have vegetables to eat every day.

Nowadays, every vegetable garden in the village is short of water. Except for amaranth and perilla, which are growing luxuriantly, the others are refusing to sprout.

However, my own vegetable garden is growing better and better, and every vegetable is very luxuriant, which is incredible.

"Auntie, let's bake some radish cake today." Wu pulled out two more radishes and asked her niece, "Do you want to make them together?"

"Yes!" Chang'an suddenly became energetic, and Diandian followed her aunt to the kitchen to watch her make noodles.

If you have ready-made glutinous rice at home, soak it in warm water to dissolve it and add it to the noodles, which can make the noodles ferment quickly.

However, the glutinous rice flour has a sour taste and must be neutralized with plant ash water, otherwise the noodles will also have a sour taste and will not taste good.

Wu took out a pot of plant ash from the bottom of the pot, added water and stirred it, then filtered out the impurities with a piece of cloth. The remaining water was alkaline water, which could not only be used for kneading noodles, but also for washing and washing hair.

Wu filtered the plant ash water several times until the color of the water became clear, and then Wu used this water to knead the noodles.

After that, it was left to ferment in the sun, and she started cutting the radish shreds again.

Before the radish was cut into pieces, someone suddenly knocked on the courtyard door again.

"Open the door! You're a murderer, why don't you open the door quickly!" Old Zhao's sharp voice came from outside the door.

Wu frowned and did not open the door.

Her husband was not at home, and most of the people in the village had gone to deliver taxes and grain. I really didn't want to confront my stepmother-in-law at this time.

Chang'an ran over, leaned against the crack of the door and looked out.

Suddenly her little cousin's voice sounded in her mind: "Dad is so stupid that he ate that bowl of brown sugar eggs!" Why don't you be so greedy for him that you just eat whatever is left outside the door? 】

[My little aunt is so useless! You can't do any small things well! Why didn't she eat the bowl of eggs herself? He wants to harm my father]

[It took a lot of effort to get a cup of cat's eye grass juice and saponaria thorn, but he just drank it! If you want to die, then die! Don’t waste our money]

Chang'an's mouth twitched slightly, and he picked his ears with his little hands. Through the crack of the door, he saw his grandmother taking photos of her courtyard door with disheveled hair.

Hey! It's great to have a courtyard gate, so bad guys can't get in.

He was watching with great interest when he suddenly met his grandmother's eyes.

Chang An was startled and took a few steps back. He heard his grandmother yelling outside: "You little bitch! Hurry up and open the door!"

After saying that, he banged the door a few times with his clothes-beating stick.

Wu became angry after hearing this, came over, hugged Chang An aside, and asked loudly: "Mother-in-law, just tell me if you have anything to do. Why are you kicking my door?"

"Why are you kicking your door? You are a poisonous woman, and you actually poisoned my son! If I don't beat you to death today, I will take your surname!" He kicked him a few more times.

Chang'an frowned and said softly to his aunt: "Uncle was poisoned after eating candy and eggs, and he still accuses others, you are a bad guy!"

Wu understood immediately and was trembling with anger.

She put Chang'an down, ran to the toilet, picked up a shit stick, rushed to the door, opened the door, and stabbed old Zhao in the mouth.

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