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Chapter 62 Kill and Eat Meat [Please vote for monthly recommendations]

Song Baqihei said nothing with a sullen face, looking at his third son with eyes that were hardened to ice.

This treacherous son didn't worry at all. His daughter-in-law caused his step-grandfather to almost die. Before he could pursue the case, he complained first and refused to let his step-zu's family go.

If I had known that he was so rebellious and unfilial, I should have let him apply in the first place!

"Dad, are you talking?" Song Jizu urged.

Song Baqi glanced at him and saw that his face was pale, his eyes were dark, and he had lost a lot of weight. He finally nodded: "You go to live in the county town first, and I will stay."

This home is my roots and there is no way I can sell it.

Looking at the clan leader's attitude today, he would definitely be in trouble if he didn't send Jizu's family away.

Forget it, since Jizu's family was going to the capital eventually, he simply settled the matter first and took a step back.

Thinking of this, Song Baqi said coldly to his third son: "Are you satisfied now?"

Song Sanshun looked indifferent: "Father, it is not your son who is harming others. Are you trying to confuse right and wrong by saying this?"

Song Baqi was furious and rushed over to beat him: "Why did I confuse right and wrong? It was my ancestor who was poisoned! That bitch was deliberately sent back to harm others, how could you say such a thing?"

"Okay!" The patriarch squinted at Song Baqi with his hands behind his back: "The poison poisoned by Song Jizu was your granddaughter, what? You even want to blame the Sanshun family for this?"

Song Baqi's face was livid, and he yelled at the clan leader: "How old is Xiyue? What does she know? Then since Wu knew the eggs were poisonous, why did she bring them back? Didn't she just want to harm people?"

All the villagers present were shocked by Song Baqi's absurd reasoning.

The clan leader was even more angry. He pointed at Song Baqi and said, "You can actually say these words? Well, I don't want to talk to someone with a sick mind. You are limited to sending Song Jizu's family away within three days. If you are too late, you will be killed." Don’t blame me for opening an ancestral hall and driving you out of the clan!”

After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and left.

Everyone followed suit.

Except for Song Baqi, everyone else in the Song family was beaming with joy.

Nowadays, the village is short of water and life is very inconvenient. It is better to move to the county town. It is said that there is a river there. Even if it doesn't rain in the future, there will be no water for food.

Mrs. Zhao took out the money she had saved over the years and asked her husband: "Head of the family, how much does it cost to buy a small yard in the county?"

Song Baqi said solemnly: "It's three houses with a yard, and it costs twenty or thirty taels at least." That's not even the price of a tile house.

Old Zhao said cautiously: "Then let's buy a three-room house for our family." Anyway, my family will go to the capital with Xiyue in the future, so we can deal with the situation first and buy a house that can be lived in.

Song Baqi sighed and said nothing.

Xiao Zhao packed her things in the house and said to Song Xiyue with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you go to the county town. From now on, you and Chengye will be city dwellers. Even if you don't go to the capital, we can do a small business in the county town. It's better than farming like that." A few acres of land is enough.”

Song Xiyue was not very happy and couldn't help pouring cold water on her mother: "How can a county city be as good as the capital city? I used to dream that the capital city would be so prosperous. The entrances of high-end houses are paved with bluestone slabs, which are cleaner than our pots and pans."

Xiao Zhao glared at her daughter: "Do you think you can talk like that?"

"That's what it is."

Song Xiyue paused for a while and said sadly: "Once we leave, it will be difficult to deal with Third Uncle and the others. Mother, if someone from Beijing takes Chang'an away, won't our work be in vain?"

Xiao Zhao frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Why don't your grandfather stay at home? How about asking him to lead people to the county seat? As long as your third uncle doesn't know the whole story, they won't chase him to the capital." Bar?"

Song Xiyue was silent for a moment and felt that her mother was right.

As long as his third uncle and Chang'an are not informed about the pick-up, when he arrives in the capital, he will be sure that Mrs. Jiang will recognize that she is her daughter.

After ten or eight years, even if Chang'an and the others do not starve to death, they will never be able to go to the capital to find relatives.

When the time comes that I marry into an official family, no matter what Jiang family or Li family, they are not just tiles for wiping my own butt, just throw them away after use.

However, why has there been no news of the death of the second uncle in battle?

In my previous life, I had already received the relics and ashes of my second uncle, as well as a considerable pension.

"When we get to the county seat, we will spend money to manage the county government officials. As soon as there is news of someone killed in action, we will go to the county government office to collect the money." Song Xiyue whispered to her mother.

Little Zhao nodded: "Well, I'll tell your father later and take your second uncle's household registration with you when you leave."

Before dawn the next day, Song Baqi took his old wife and his family to the county seat.

There were no chickens at home, including the big black dog, because he and his old wife would be back in two days.

Mrs. Zhao also specially invited Widow Cui to help take care of the chickens and dogs at home, and promised to bring her gifts from the county.

Widow Cui did not respond. As soon as Mrs. Zhao and her family left the village, she happily took her daughter and son to live in the Song family's new house.

When Chang'an was letting the dog out, he saw Dahei, who had been kicked out by Widow Cui, running up to her pathetically and wagging his tail.

Bai Huahua became very angry when she saw Dahei. She barked at him and tried to get the shit out of him.

Dahei paid no attention to the white-haired dog, and still followed Chang'an fawningly, following him wherever he went.

Bai Huahua got tired after screaming for a while, so she simply used her body to separate Dahei from her little master.

After sneaking around for a while, Chang An returned home. Dahei also followed him, but did not enter the courtyard. He stood at the door and watched pitifully as Chang An closed the courtyard door.

Bai Huahua was so happy when she saw her little master coming in without enlarging Black, that she jumped up and down in circles in the yard.

Chang'an felt very sad.

She couldn't stand Dahei's appearance.

But the family has already fed Bai Huahua, and there is no more food left to feed a tall Dahei.

The next day, Changan went out to walk his dog again and found Dahei still lying at the door.

Seeing Chang'an, Dahei stood up and wagged his tail at her.

Bai Huahua was already used to the strange behavior. She pushed her little master aside and bared her teeth at him.

Chang'an frowned when he saw that Dahei's belly had deflated so much that even his ribs were exposed.

He returned to the kitchen, scooped some vegetable porridge from the pot, put it on the broken tiles, and brought it to Dahei: "Eat quickly, go home after eating."

Dahei immediately started licking hungrily until the tiles were clean.

It licked the corners of its mouth a few times, looked up at Chang'an, and waggled its tail even more happily.

Chang'an touched its head and whispered: "From now on, you can go catch hares in the bamboo forest and eat them." He really can't raise two dogs at home.

Dahei tilted his head, looking confused.

Just as Goudan and Little Hoe came over, they saw Dahei here and stood far away without daring to come forward.

Song Chengye is a very vicious dog. Although I have never seen him bite anyone, he has a bad temper and often barks at people who pass by the door of Song's house.

Seeing this, Chang An had no choice but to go to the house to find a rope, tie it around the collar around Da Hei's neck, pull him to a tree at the door and tie him.

Dahei cooperated throughout the whole process, looking at Chang'an eagerly without any precautions.

"Hey, isn't this Song Chengye's dog? Why not kill it and eat its meat." Song Chengqi came over with the two children.

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