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Chapter 63 I will definitely be able to get out of the water [please recommend monthly tickets]

"Don't kill dogs!" Chang An frowned.

Song Chengqi scratched his head: "I'm just saying, I don't really want to kill him."

Then he pointed at the boys and girls beside him: "They are also members of the Goldfish Club,"

Chang'an was stunned for a moment, then remembered.

One day Song Chengqi told her and Goudan to set up a club and he would be the president. He also said that he would go home and get an egg for himself.

"Eggs!" Chang'an said.

Song Chengqi was confused: "What eggs?"

Chang'an puffed up his cheeks: "You said, when your chickens lay eggs, you will bring one for us to eat."

Song Chengqi was stunned, then he remembered, coughed awkwardly, and said in a low voice: "My chickens didn't lay eggs." His voice was as light as a mosquito.

Chang'an exposed his lie without any shame: "Brother Goudan's chickens have laid a lot of eggs."

When Song Chengqi heard this, his eyes wandered around.

"Hmph! We will no longer be members of the club from now on." Chang'an said, "Brother Goudan, Little Hoe, and I are all club presidents."

Song Chengqi:

"Okay, okay, we are all presidents." Song Chengqi had no choice but to point to the boy and girl next to him: "They are club members."

The boy next to him blinked and didn't react yet.

The girl was only five or six years old, her face was dark and red, and she didn't understand what they were saying.

As a result, the Goldfish Club has two more children, but the president has three more.

Song Chengqi was coy for a long time and then said: "Chang'an, actually they are here to learn how to make clay figurines from you."

Chang'an glanced at the two children and was surprised: "They also want to worship me as their teacher?"

Song Chengqi nodded and said sheepishly: "They are my cousins. My mother asked me to bring them over to learn how to make clay figurines and make money with you."

Chang'an looked back at Brother Goudan and Little Hoe, and shook her head: "I already have two apprentices." She didn't want many children to be apprentices, and they couldn't even fit under the persimmon tree in the backyard.

Moreover, it is not easy to sell too many clay figurines. Last time, only four of the Goudan and Little Hoes were sold, and the rest were brought back.

Seeing that Chang'an was unwilling to accept a disciple, Song Chengqi didn't hesitate and asked, "Chang'an, can I play with you?"

His parents had always wanted him to come and learn how to make clay figurines from Chang'an, but they couldn't save face by saying so, so they often scolded him at home for being playful and incompetent, and not as sensible as Chang'an and Goudan.

Song Chengqi was scolded by his parents and couldn't do anything. In addition, the sun was very strong outside and there was no place to fish and catch shrimps, so he had to bring his cousins ​​to find Chang'an.

Changan nodded.

It's okay to play with them from home, but forget it if you want to accept them as your disciples.

So, several children walked into the backyard of Song Sanshun's house.

The backyard of Song Sanshun's house is very large, and there is a long ditch near the vegetable garden. There is currently no water in the ditch, but a lot of water celery grows in it.

This kind of cress is not the same species as poison hemlock. It can be cut and eaten as vegetables. It has a very special taste.

A reed mat was spread under the persimmon tree near the ditch, and a low table was placed on the mat. The tools for making clay dolls from Chang'an were placed here.

This was the first time Song Chengqi came to the backyard of Uncle Sanshun's house. When he saw the lush vegetable garden, he couldn't help but be stunned.

My family also has a vegetable garden and a well. My mother-in-law draws water from the well every day to water the vegetables, but the growth is still not as good as Uncle Sanshun’s.

Chang'an took off his clogs and sat on the reed mat with Goudan and Little Hoe, making clay dolls.

She had to paint the dragon statue today, so she had to be extra careful.

At first, Song Chengqi and the others sat quietly watching Chang'an and the others making clay statues, but after a while they couldn't sit still anymore.

The boy named Heiwa ran to catch the chickens and goslings, and then chased the dog around in a circle.

The black girl was not idle either. She got into the vegetable garden and shouted in surprise: "Brother, look at such a big radish!"

Changan raised his eyes and saw the black girl pulling out two big radishes from her house, and frowned, but the visitor was a visitor, so she didn't say anything.

Hei Wa heard his sister calling and ran into the vegetable garden. When he saw a lot of big radishes, he couldn't help but want to pull them out. Song Chengqi scolded him: "What are you doing? You haven't come out yet!"

What a shame! Song Chengqi glanced at Chang'an secretly, and quickly went to snatch the carrot from the black girl's hand.

"You guys go home quickly." Song Chengqi put the radish on the ground and pushed his little cousin with his hand: "If I had known you were so ignorant, I shouldn't have taken you out to play!"

The black girl wanted to get the carrots, but was dragged out by Song Chengqi.

Hei Wa seemed to realize that what his sister had done was wrong, and followed her out listlessly.

When Mrs. Wu saw the children about to leave, she smiled and said, "Why don't you play more?"

Song Chengqi lowered his head and said: "The two of them are too noisy, I will send them back."

"Don't be too busy leaving yet." Madam Wu asked Song Chengqi to wait a moment. She went to the vegetable garden and pulled out several large radishes and stuffed them into Song Chengqi's hands: "My radishes are growing well this year. Take a few back to your grandparents." Taste it.”

Song Chengqi couldn't shirk it, so he had to catch it: "Thank you, Third Aunt."

"Thank you. Come over and play with Chang'an and the others when you have time."

"Yeah." Song Chengqi walked out of the third uncle's house carrying a few big radishes and ran home quickly.

He would never take his cousins ​​to visit other people's houses again. It would really bring shame on him as the president.

The black girl didn't realize it. She hugged a big carrot with a smile and ate it all the way home.

It is now June, the scorching sun is scorching the earth, the leaves are beginning to wither, and many ponds are drying up.

The mud in the pond split into pieces like spider webs, which looked particularly scary.

The well next to the pond gradually ran out of water, which made the villagers panic.

As a result, many villagers ran to fetch water from a river several miles away.

But there is not much water in this river, it is only shallow in the middle, like a stream.

Song Sanshun also went to the river to pick up two buckets of turbid water, wiped the sweat on his face, and said worriedly: "This is not the way to go, Xiuying, how about we also dig a well?"

"Then how deep a well must be dug to produce water?" The deep wells outside the village were all dry, and even the well of the patriarch's uncle's house was drained by the villagers. Wu really did not dare to gamble with the only money she had at home.

Song Sanshun frowned and glanced at his water tank.

There is a lot of water there, crystal clear, which was just created by my niece this morning.

After walking to the water tank and looking at it for a while, Song Sanshun took a ladle and scooped up half of the water and drank it. After wiping his mouth, he felt the fatigue in his body disappear instantly.

There was no way to make his little niece change the water at home, and he found that the little niece was very busy every time after changing the water. She sat on the mat in the backyard for a whole day, even trotting while eating.

"Let's dig the well ourselves." Song Sanshun picked up a cattail leaf fan and fanned it: "We will dig the well in the cellar without telling anyone else."

The cellar in the backyard had been dug very deep, and he always felt that it was cool inside, and the soil was moist, and water might come out.

Wu breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, let's dig in the cellar and see." As long as it doesn't cost money, it doesn't matter if you work a little harder.

Song Sanshun stood up: "I'm going to take a look now."

When the couple came to the backyard, they saw their little niece sitting alone under the persimmon tree, painting clay dolls.

That thing needs to be connected with colors many times to make it bright and beautiful.

Song Sanshun felt sorry for his little niece and wanted to tell her not to work so hard, but Chang An seemed to like doing that very much, so he could only let her go.

Chang'an raised his eyes and saw his uncle and aunt going to the cellar again. He stood up and ran over.

Today is a day off for Brother Goudan and Little Hoe, so she is alone in the backyard.

Of course there are six chicks and two goslings.

Dahei was also brought in by his uncle and tied under the shed to keep company with Huahuabaihuahua.

"Uncle, do you want to dig a cellar again?" Chang An asked, lying at the entrance of the cellar.

"Well, uncle wants to dig a well." Song Sanshun followed the ladder into the cellar.

Chang'an raised the Dragon King statue in his hand and said, "Uncle, take this with you. It will definitely be able to get out of the water."

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