Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 89 There are so many relatives in the little doll’s family

"Dahei!" Changan shouted quickly.

Dahei didn't say anything, he ran back aggrievedly, whining and accusing.

"There are a lot of people watching now. If you bite him, what should you do if he turns around and tells his parents to come and beat you?" Chang'an touched Dahei's head and comforted him: "Next time they beat you, wait until no one is around. Bite, but don’t break the skin, just scare them.”

Dahei seemed to understand, and the corners of his mouth curled up as if he were smiling.

The boy who was knocked down got up and ran away crying.

Several children who were with him dispersed when they saw that the situation was not good.

After a while, a couple rushed over, holding water poles in their hands and about to hit Dahei: "If you dare to bite my second treasure, I will beat you to death, you beast!"

Dahei immediately made an attack stance, his eyes were fierce and his nose was wrinkled, he bared his teeth and made a threatening sound, as if he would rush over and bite him in the next second.

Upon seeing this, Changan quickly stood in front of Dahei and shouted: "Don't hit the dog!"

The couple ignored Chang An at all, and the man rushed over and kicked the little baby out of the way.

Suddenly a small stone flew from a distance and hit the man holding the pole on the knee.

"Ouch!" The man screamed and suddenly fell to the ground, his face covered with mud and his mouth full of mud.

The woman was startled, and quickly looked around, and saw several women carrying clothes-beating sticks, staring at her and her husband fiercely, and running towards them.

The woman was so frightened that she took a few steps back, helped her husband up and ran away without looking back.

Mom, whose child is this little baby? With so many relatives, it’s no wonder they can afford two big dogs.

Sister-in-law Qian rushed to Chang'an, held her little hand and asked, "Why are you coming out alone today? Where are your aunt and uncle?"

"Auntie is planting vegetable seedlings." Chang'an said, "My uncle is going to study with Lu Jingzhou."

Sister-in-law Qian took her back and said softly: "I'll let Qiao'er play with you later. You're not allowed to run around alone. There are so many people in the village now, and you might encounter a bad person."

Chang'an nodded, looked back, and let Aunt Qian lead him home.

The two dogs also came back and ran sensibly to the backyard to play with the two geese.

Changan was still a little confused when he got home.

Who hit that man on the leg with a pebble just now?

The closest ones to them were Mrs. Qian, and there was no one else after that.

But how could Mrs. Qian and the others hit the man's knees with stones when they were behind them? And there is a bamboo forest not far behind him. Is there someone hiding in the bamboo forest?

Chang'an was puzzled, so he climbed onto the kang and started making a statue of the Dragon King.

She is now very skilled at making clay statues, and sometimes she can make one in just half a day.

But these clay statues have to be painted several times, which is very time-consuming.

However, the few Dragon King statues that Third Uncle asked her for in the past few days are all in the simplest style and do not need to be painted.

So Chang'an was made into the shape of a big-headed doll, which was round and fat. It didn't need to be too detailed, as long as the outline resembled it. Of course, there were two deer-like antlers on the head.

She could make three clay dolls in a day without having to make separate beards and hair.

Song Sanshun went home in the evening, and several villagers including Song Laoliu and Song You came back with him.

They are all members of the well-drilling club, and they came here tonight to share the money.

Song Sanshun poured the copper coins and silver ingots in his bag on the table and started counting the money by the light.

Today, Wang Yuanwai settled sixty taels of silver as a reward for digging two water wells.

Song Laoliu and the other four villagers' eyes widened, and they all laughed happily.

Each of the four of them can get twelve taels. How many days have they been working? It's not that fast to pick up money.

After digging a few more wells, even if the fields don't produce much, they can still pay taxes and have enough to eat.

Song Sanshun distributed the money one by one, 10 taels per person, and kept 20 taels for himself.

Among the twenty taels, ten taels are for Chang'an. After all, without the clay statue she made, the well would not have been able to produce water so quickly.

"We can still receive thirty guans tomorrow. Then we can use the money to ask the blacksmith to buy some tools, as well as windlass and ropes." Song San followed.

It was not a net profit for them to get thirty guan for digging a well. They had to buy the windlass and ropes and prepare the tools and baskets for digging the well, so the money for the third well could only be used to buy materials.

"No problem! Doesn't Carpenter Wu in our village know how to make a windlass? Let him make a few more to prepare." Song You said.

Song Sanshun nodded, thought for a while and said, "Then Wang saw that the well produced a lot of water, and he wanted us to dig the well bigger and deeper in the future. I was wondering if I should raise the price with him?"

Song Laoliu slapped his thigh: "Of course we have to raise the price! Think about it, this well is big, there is a lot of mud to be dug, and it takes us a long time. Aren't we tired of digging up and down the mud? What if we dig it? When we reach the rocks, we have to start all over again, and what we did before will be in vain.”

Song You and the other two people also nodded: "That's right! The price must be raised! If he lets us dig a pond, how can we also charge the original price?"

When Song Sanshun heard this, his mind moved slightly.

But a pond is different from a well, and he doesn't want to make the same noise as before.

"How much would you recommend?" Song Sanshun asked several partners for their opinions.

Song Laoliu held his chin and thought for a while, then said, "Let's see how big he asks us to dig."

Song You was more precise. He knocked on the table and said, "How about we decide the size first, calculate the money according to the size, and add ten strings for each additional round."

Normal wells are about two feet in diameter, and some are three or four feet wide, but there are also hexagonal wells or octagonal wells that can reach five or six feet or even one foot in diameter.

If Wang Yuanwai asked them to dig such a well, it would be uneconomical to collect thirty strings.

"Okay, then let's draw up a charter." Song Sanshun has learned a lot of words and arithmetic from his little niece in the past few months. Now it's no problem to write a few words crookedly with a charcoal pen.

He drew a circle, marked the size and depth of the well, and then wrote the price, which ranged from thirty guan to a hundred guan.

"Well, let's pay at this price." Song Sanshun showed several people the picture he had written and drawn.

Song Laoliu was confused, and so were the others, but they still nodded happily: "Okay! That's it!"

Song Sanshun took the picture back speechlessly, and had no choice but to explain it once, and then said: "In that case, you should go back and rest early. You will be busy tomorrow."

"Okay! You should also go to bed early." Several people happily went home with their money.

The next day, everyone in the village knew that Song Sanshun's well-drilling club had made a lot of money. In just a few days, each person earned ten taels.

At this time, the threshold of Song Sanshun's family was almost crossed, and everyone wanted to join the well-drilling club.

Fortunately, Song Sanshun was not at home. The people chatted for a while and then went home, saying they would visit again when Sanshun came back.

Even when Qiao'er took Chang'an out to play, she received snacks from the aunties in the village.

Chang'an's favorite food is the salty and crunchy crispy rice dumplings and fried rice.

Especially fried rice, the more you chew it, the more fragrant it becomes, and it doesn't bite your teeth like crispy rice.

The lady who cooked the fried rice even touched Chang An's head lovingly, "Next time you want to eat, come to my house. Your uncle is the best at frying fried rice."

Changan nodded.

At this time, two people came from outside the village, it was Zhang Tuzi and Li Si'er.

They waved and said hello from afar: "Chang'an! Is the Dragon King statue ready?"

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