Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 90 Straw knitting can also make money

"Okay." Chang An also waved his hand.

Zhang Baldzi walked over with his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "Let's go! Show it to me."

Chang'an turned to Qiao'er and said, "Sister Qiao'er, hurry up and bring the clay doll. The little hoe also asks him to bring it."

"Okay." Qiaoer hurriedly ran home.

Chang'an took Zhang Tu and Li Si'er home, invited them to sit down in the main room, and ran to the house to get the clay statue.

A total of ten clay statues of the Dragon King were placed neatly in the box and looked like they were made of porcelain.

"Huh? The clay statues seem to have changed this time?" Zhang Tu picked up one and looked at it again and again, then tapped it with his fingers: "Have you burned it?"

Chang'an nodded: "I have a stove built at home, so it won't break easily after being burned."

This is the method that the little goldfish told her. After the clay statue is made, it is burned in the furnace for a period of time. As long as the temperature is controlled correctly, the clay statue can be fired firmly and will not crack.

Zhang Tu seemed very happy and immediately put the statue into his backpack.

The clay statue of the little doll made him a lot of money. It won't be long before the Taoist temple is renovated. By then, he will have a decent home, and he will no longer have to live in a thatched shed every day.

Chang'an took over five guans of money from Zhang Tu, raised his head and asked, "Uncle Zhang Tu, are you buying so many Dragon King statues to dig wells for others?"

Zhang Tu paused for a moment and nodded with a smile: "Yes." The little doll's Dragon King clay statue is very efficacious. As long as the person who buys it uses it to pray for a well to be dug, the well will be able to produce water nine out of ten times.

Therefore, many people came to him to buy the Dragon King statues, and the price had already been raised to five guan each. One of them even bought two at a time, and actually dug a square well with a water outlet of more than ten feet wide.

It’s just that the dolls are too small and we can only make ten in a month.

Chang'an blinked, wanting to ask Uncle Zhang Bald whether the Dragon King statue was effective, but held back.

Her uncle told her not to mention this matter to outsiders.

Even people who often come to buy her things can't ask or tell, they just pretend that they don't know anything.

"You two, please have some tea." Mrs. Wu walked into the main room carrying the freshly boiled tea, followed by Qiaoer and Xiao Hoe.

They brought a statue of the Dragon King that they had made by themselves. It looked similar to the one in Chang'an and had also been fired.

Zhang Tu gladly accepted it, but at the price of one hundred and fifty cents each, he added an additional fifty cents for the wooden box.

After paying the money, the two drank a cup of tea and left.

Chang'an gave the money to his aunt to put away, and he still went out to play with sister Qiaoer.

Nowadays, the spring is bright, neither hot nor cold, and there is a clear green pond in the middle of the village, where many children are playing in the water.

Chang'an also wants to play in the water, watch people fly kites, and play house with the girls.

Qiao'er held more than a thousand copper coins in her arms and walked home happily.

He turned back and told Chang'an: "Just wait for me under this locust tree. Don't run around or go to the pond. I will send the money home."

Chang'an nodded: "Okay, I won't leave."

She sat obediently on the stone under the tree, watching Sister Qiao run quickly to her home not far away, and then turned to look at the children playing by the pond.

"Chang'an." Someone called her from the side.

Chang'an turned her head and saw her gray-haired grandfather looking at her with a smile.

"Grandpa." Chang'an called, feeling a little timid.

Song Baqi also felt sad that his granddaughter was not close to him.

He held a handful of yellow cherries in his hand and handed them to the little baby: "Here, try it and see if it's sweet?"

Chang'an glanced at him, picked up the hem of his clothes and pocketed the cherry in his grandfather's hand.

Pinch one and put it in your mouth. It's sour, sweet and delicious.

She hesitated and said truthfully: "Sweet, thank you grandpa."

Song Baqi touched his granddaughter's little head and sat down next to her: "My grandfather used to be sorry to your parents, and also to your uncle and aunt. Chang'an, do you remember your grudge against your grandfather?"

Changan shook his head.

Her grandfather has been very good recently and even steams vegetables and steamed buns for her to eat. She has almost forgotten what her grandfather was like before. She only thinks that her grandfather has become very gentle and smiles at her.

But she still felt that he was very strange, and she couldn't get close to him from the bottom of her heart.

Song Baqi sighed, stood up, folded a handful of evergreen grass, sat next to Chang An and began to weave grasshoppers.

Chang'an's eyes were attracted to the grasshopper and he stared at it intently.

After a while, Song Baqi made one and carried it to Chang'an.

Chang'an then smiled and took the grasshopper.

"Grandpa, make up another one." She still didn't understand how to make it up, so she had to read it again.

Song Baqi was also very happy when he saw his granddaughter smiling, and made up a few more, including a praying mantis and a dragonfly.

Chang'an was carrying a bunch of grasshoppers, his smile turned into a flower: "Grandpa, you might as well make up grasshoppers and sell them for money!"

Song Baqi was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "Anyone can make this stuff up, but who will spend money to buy it?"

"Someone will buy it."

There was a buzzing sound in Chang An's mind, all filled with the sounds of little goldfish.

She knew that the little goldfish would definitely write another book on straw weaving crafts.

"There were people selling grasshopper cages at the temple fair, as well as straw grasshoppers and birds. I saw them all." Unfortunately, I was being held by my uncle at the time, and before I had time to touch it, the vendor left with his burden.

Song Baqi was a little moved when his granddaughter said this.

He now relies entirely on Sanshun's family for food and drink. Every time he sees Sanshun bringing rice, noodles and food, he feels extremely ashamed.

I am not yet fifty, my body is gradually recovering, I can still work, and I don’t want to burden my son.

But several acres of land at home were sold by his stepwife, leaving only a small vegetable patch in the backyard of the old house.

He has already planted a lot of vegetables in the vegetable field, so he has no worries about eating and drinking. However, he also wants to make up for his debt to his son. It is best to earn some money to supplement his son.

How about cutting some grass and weaving some grass, grasshoppers, and mantises?

Thinking of this, Song Baqi suddenly became energetic.

The materials for straw weaving can be obtained everywhere, such as palm leaves, palm grass, cattail grass or dogtail grass, asparagus grass, golden grass, wormwood, etc., or reed leaves can be used.

As long as the grass blades are long and tough, they can basically be used as weaving materials.

Even if a few grasshoppers were sold for a penny, he would not lose money. They were all made from local materials and did not cost a penny.

"Okay, grandpa will try to weave some grasshoppers. I will also go to the market to set up a stall at the next temple fair. When the money is earned, I will buy malt candies for Chang'an to eat." Song Baqi said happily.

Chang'an blinked: "Auntie said that if you eat too much candy, your teeth will fall out."

"What does Chang'an like to eat? Grandpa buys them all." Song Baqi's mind was completely occupied by straw insects.

Chang'an scratched his head: "I like to eat pig's trotters."

Song Baqi smiled and said, "Okay, when grandpa earns money, I will buy it for you."

Changan nodded.

If her grandfather really buys pig trotters for her to eat, she will show him the straw calligraphy and painting made by the little goldfish, so that her grandfather can learn more beautiful straw weaving.

In the next few days, Song Baqi actually went to cut a lot of grass leaves and came back to weave grasshoppers at home.

Sometimes Chang'an went to see him and sat next to him and learned to make up a few.

But Song Baqi was afraid that the grass would cut his granddaughter's hands, so he chose a handful of asparagus grass and knitted it for her to play with.

This dragon's beard is also the raw material for weaving straw sandals. It is tough and softer than ordinary grass stems, and will not hurt my granddaughter's hands.

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