Chapter 1120: Unbelievable (10)

Squatting down, catching the two babies thrown into her arms with open hands, Liu Yusheng buried his head on their shoulders, tears dazzled the corners of his eyes, and rushed out of his eyes.

After all, I didn't hold back.

Croton and Red Bean looked at her with the same strange look as the stranger, and the sound that made Liu Yusheng realize how much she owed to her child.

The two babies in her arms were not at rest, and her little head arched in Liu Yusheng's arms, her little nose shook and shook, and she kept sniffing her breath.

The feeling of familiarity grew stronger.

The four small claws grabbed Liu Yusheng's clothes together and squeezed tightly.

Liu Yusheng was immersed in the sadness of guilt and didn't notice it, but he saw it all around Feng Qingbai, Xue Qinglian, and even the Queen Mother.

"Croton, red bean, this is your mother-in-law. You can't call it Sensen, you have to call it mother-in-law." In the end, the queen queen still spoke up and corrected.

Although the young couple is not qualified to be a father and mother, their affairs are not so worth mentioning when she is angry, it is indeed a major thing that has to be done. excusable.

And Liu Yusheng's appearance softened her heart.

Mother, what kind of taste has she never experienced? How could she really embarrass Liu Yusheng.

My baby doesn't recognize himself, nothing is more sad than that.

Croton struggled from Liu Yusheng's arms and twisted his head, wanting to see the face of the woman lying on her body, the distance was too close to look at.

But that mother-in-law, naturally called out, without hesitation.



The two milk tones are unanimous.

Liu Yusheng's heart was more sour and astringent, but then the joy that surged over quickly covered and annihilated the darkness. Although the baby was not allowed to bite, she called her mother in the end.

Loosing the two babies a little, Liu Yusheng looked up, sucked his nose and smiled at the old lady sitting on the couch, "Mrs. Thank you."

"Mother, thank you very much." Feng Qingbai's gratitude followed closely behind.

But the queen queen's face was blackened, and she felt that Feng Qingbai had deliberately responded to her.

Who wants to listen to his mother?

Hearing another voice, Liang Douer turned her head and looked at the queen queen, her confused little eyes, waiting for the queen queen to tell them who this man was.

"Oh, this is King Nanling. He doesn't matter, don't shout." The empress instructed carefully.

Feng Qingbai, "..." rubbed his eyebrows, and then he had to think about how to make the old woman less hostile to him.

Although he didn't care much about Doudou calling his father immediately, but there was always a very heavy blocker that created obstacles for him, which was not what he wanted to see. The old lady's position in the hearts of Liang Douer couldn't be shaken at the moment, did he have to fight against the queen mother every day?

Xue Qinglian had already seen the situation in the field, and she found a place to sit down, so she had a lot of time to watch the drama.

The Empress Dowager was not easy to deal with. Feng Qingbai and Ye wanted to take away croton and red beans, but they had to work hard.

He looked at how Feng Qingbai solved the problem.

Then they saw Liu Yusheng sitting on the couch holding two beans, Feng Qingbai also followed.

Continuing his habit of thinking, he raised his hand to scoop up the croton tightly stuck in the woman's arms.

I was stunned, and the small wooden ruler who kept her hand still patted him, her eyes widened, her mouth dubbed, "Hit!"

Feng Qingbai tickled the corners of his lips, taunting, and easily attacked.

The small wooden ruler fell on the man's big palm, and the little baby girl tried her best to suckle, and she could not pull it out even if she blushed.

As soon as the little hand was loose, he kicked his legs in a stupefied posture, straightened the man's face, the man's head slightly deflected, he split and attacked, and the little foot fell on the man's shoulder.

"One after another, what else ..."

"Hmm--" It's raining like that.

Feng Qingbai escaped the sword and the stunner, and did not escape the covert attack covered by the sword.

With a face on his face, he just let the little baby girl urinate on his face with his hands on his hips, expressionless.

His eyes were cold.

This is the second urine attack in his life.

The Yangxin Temple was silent for a moment.



The onlookers laughed and broke their belly.

Xue Qinglian smiled on the chair directly, and opened her crotch pants with her fingers. "These pants are well dressed and hahaha!"

"Why didn't you have a diaper?" Water dripped from his face, Feng Qingbai twisted his face and looked at the queen mother who was about to die, gritted her teeth, and spoke every word.

"Go back to the Lord, the little master is very easy to bring. I haven't had to wear a diaper these months. When I can't hold it, the little master will ask someone to pee."

Feng Qingbai's face was cold.

So this bubble is completely intentional.

Turning her eyes back, looking in parallel with the little milk baby, the big and small expressions look like a withdrawal-no expression.

But the little baby has an advantage, his face is tender, so even if he doesn't look, when he blinks, he still looks full of innocence.

Especially when he was being held like this, he didn't struggle, he fell into the air, and he was quiet and quiet, not only innocent, but also pitiful.

Little bastard!

"Uncle, emperor! Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back? Anyway, I can go to the dock to pick up people!" Outside the hall, the voice of excitement came from the wind, breaking the father and son Invisible murderous spread between.

Feng Mo came quickly, and as soon as the voice fell, people rushed out of the hall door, but when they saw the situation inside the hall, a foot was stunned.

Uncle Huang's face was wet, his jaw was still dripping, and his **** were wet a lot. What happened?

Involuntarily, Feng Moyu's eyes fell on Croton, then his eyes moved down, and he slid to the crotch pants of the little baby.

Croton's small face that had been hung up suddenly tightened suddenly, his eyes flashed with vigilance, the two short hands quickly grasped the trousers, raised them up, and clenched.

This action made Feng Qingbai squint his eyes, clear.

That's it.

The shot is like electricity, and the small milk baby's clenched hands are pried open lightly. When the baby is confused, she picks off the open crotch pants, throws them away, and falls parabolically outside the hall door.

Hey, the small croton bowed his head and saw the small white tender legs, and the small meat folds squeezed on the legs.

After blinking my eyes twice, after a while, my mouth was flattened, and my eyes quickly gathered two tears. Wow, she burst into tears.

"Cool—Cool—Wow! Wow!"

Crying and shouting, don't forget to reach out and stretch hard in the direction of Liu Yusheng.

The tears were falling down, and all over his face, Mo Yu's eyes were immersed in water, and the eyes were red and pitiful.

The queen queen who had just smiled changed her face and looked angry at Feng Qingbai.

Liu Yusheng was even more embarrassed. He rushed up and hugged Croton into his arms, gritted his teeth at the man, "Wind green!"

Feng Qingbai, "..."

Feng Moyu was dumbfounded. "It's incredible, the means have been upgraded."

I hate double. I slept a few hundred more monthly tickets and disrupted my debt repayment plan! At least three more chapters every day! Can you understand how my egg hurts?

(End of this chapter)

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