Chapter 1121: Black Heart, Black Heart (11)

The baby girl cried Feng Qingbai and became the enemy of the people.

The pit father was so entrenched that Feng Moyu experienced more than ten years of life experience, but for the time being he was unable to find a second person.

I usually look at it, except for the one-and-a-half-year-old baby girl, she's really insignificant.

Seeing this scene with my own eyes today, Feng Moyu finally can confirm that the baby Croton has inherited the absolute hidden attributes of Uncle Huang.


Feng Qingbai has been rushed to the shortest side farthest from the chaise longue, and gathered together with Feng Moyu, Xue Qinglian, and Qian Yi who have been blank since entering the hall.

"Well, heaven is a good reincarnation, who has ever been spared by Cangtian." Xue Qinglian crouched on the chair, elated. "What do you think of planting it in your son's hand? Come on, listen and let me analyze it for you."

Feng Moyan refused to make fun of his uncle? "How can this be called a plant? How capable is a newly weaned baby doll? My uncle doesn't care about small crotons, so that he can't be counted as a urine pour?"

Xue Qinglian fell back on the chair again and couldn't get up.

"Girl Qianyi, I seemed to hear something quiet the day you rescued Xue Qinglian." Feng Qingbai slowly took hold of the tea cup and blew off the foam on the difference surface. "Speaking, does Xue Qinglian know how you saved him?"

Qian Yi, who was watching gossip with both hands, was stiff, and Xue Qinglian sat upright from her chair, "What do you mean?"

If there is no weirdness in it, Feng Qingbai will not say these things for no reason, and he is bickering. Can Feng Qingbai better see him? Whenever he says something without saying anything, there must be something inside.

This is one of his reasons, and one more thing, the little sparrow was so scared that his face changed?

What happened on the day he was lethargic?

"It's Xue Qinglian you saved? Do you understand Xie?" Feng Moji interjected, looking at Qian Yi's eyes full of inquiry, "Do you know good?"

"It's been a few days to be good, and you don't need to ask, neither of them has anything to do with it," Xue Qinglian forced Feng Mo Yan aside. "What happened that day, how can you save me?"

Qian Yi had already solved it, Qian Yi had never disclosed what method of tone used to save him, and even Fu Yi had not been able to find out the results. He thought that this might be a mystery of others. Naturally, he could not talk to others at will, and never thought about asking.

Just like himself, he will never tell others about his pharmaceutical secret.

But after listening to Feng Qingbai's words and Qian Yi's face, it was clear that something he did not know happened, and it must be no small matter.

Then he must ask, he Xue Qinglian has never been a fool.

His forced questioning made Qian Yi feel uncomfortable for a moment, and his expression was not natural, and he was vague. "The solution to my problems is my secret. How can I say it casually, and even if I say it, you ca n’t learn it. The only way Only women with a pure pedigree can learn, you are a man. "

It is very convincing. Only women can learn the arts. Xue Qinglian, as a man, does n’t even know about gender. It ’s useless to ask. What else can I ask?

Xue Qinglian almost had to believe her speech.

If her eyes weren't so erratic.

In a few words, a secret was selected, and the ancestor Feng Qingbai was very leisurely and did not have any sense of guilt.

When Xue Qinglian pressed Qianyi, her eyes fell to the chaise couch again.

Feng Qingbai sneered as she watched the sweet little **** in the arms of the empress queen and Liu Yusheng.

Dare to count him? Be courageous.

He first remembered this account, one day sooner or later, Xiao Wang Ba Dan would cry and cry.

Gaze moved to sitting between the queen queen and Liu Yusheng, and the red bean that appeared to be a good smile, Feng Qingbai's narrowed eyes relaxed, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

Her daughter was as cute and cute as Sheng Sheng was a child.

If there wasn't one more **** jumping around there, the picture in front would be more pleasing to the eye.

Liu Yusheng has eased from the sadness that his son and daughter didn't recognize him at first. With Croton and Red Beans sticking to her, the feeling of loss was comforted very quickly.

"Cool, bite," lying in Liu Yusheng's arms, Croton's short fingers pointed at the wind, and lifted his little feet up to his nose to show Liu Yusheng, "Bite, hit!"

Liu Yusheng's eyes fell on Bai Nen's feet.

"This morning, the emperor took a bite on Croton's feet. This is a revenge." The empress explained, calmly.

Although Feng Moyu was a little farther away, the ears of those who practiced martial arts saw clearly, how could they not hear anything here?

When I heard that Croton actually identified it as his bite, and the empress queen was responsible for corroborating it, my heart was cold. "Not me! Emperor, uncle, not me, Qian Qianjin did it!"

"When you're old Ai's family, you forget it a lot? What happened in the morning, the Ai's family will remember the wrong person?" The queen mother looked up, frowned and asked, full of anger and prestige.

"No, little Croton ..."

"You bully croton at a young age.

Feng Moyu was cold all over. He could understand it. The Empress Dowager and the grandchildren of Croton both joined forces and vowed to eat this dead cat!

He really didn't do the problem! If you want to change him wrongly, he will recognize it, but he accused him in the presence of the uncle and the emperor, and the means of the uncle is what he can bear?

Black heart, black heart!

"Oh?" Around him, the voice of the man faintly sounded, Feng Moyan looked at him in despair, and looked at the man's narrow eyes with cool eyes.

It's over.

He's settled for this dumb loss.

The queen queen and the little crocodile can't conceal the uncle's tricks, but in order to please the emperor's concubine, he still needs to find a reason?

No need at all.

"Croton, I'm your brother!" Feng Mo howled, hoping that the little baby could understand and seeing his life on relatives.

Croton blinked and looked over, Xiaoshou raised his trousers with his head, and turned his head, and did not respond to the emperor's pleading.

Red beans are even better. He ran to the Queen Mother's hand, picked up the feather duster thrown there, dragged her in front of Liu Yusheng and threw her arms, a little finger, "Cool, hit! Hit!"


Liu Yusheng is also desperate.

Can she not see Xiaofenger being wronged? But she just had a little relationship with Croton and Red Beans. If she didn't help them, would she simply ignore her?

Liu Yusheng twitched his brow and let go. "Xiaofenger, you're wronged."

Feng Moyu squeezed out a smiley face and cried, "Huanghuang, I'm not wronged."

Qian Yi was stunned by the change in the situation at hand.

Yes, two little baby girls, you can fight the emperor just after learning how to send a single note. You will definitely have a future when you grow up!

Sister Liu is really different from ordinary people. She gives birth to dolls, and she is extremely clever.

(End of this chapter)

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