Chapter 1133

On the wall of the capital city gate, four people with stripes were hung for more than half an hour before being rescued by the gate guard.

If it wasn't for obstruction, the guards at the gate would not be so dedicated.

The people below didn't see who was shot. The masters in the guard camp always saw one or two.

It was Wei Zi, the first personal guard next to Nanling King. He had been hiding in the dark before, and gradually became semi-public in the past year or two. Sometimes he even appeared directly behind Wang Ye. That was the first red man around Nanling King.

Ganchengmen guarding this line must remember clearly to the people around Beijing, not to mention the people of King Nanling?

Therefore, for those people who are responsible for the rectification of Lord Wei Zi, how dare they do anything? If it weren't for their responsibilities, they would simply ignore the white radishes on the city walls and let them air dry.

"Check, find that person for me! I'm going to crush him!"

Finally, his feet fell to the ground, and he had a guard's cloak to hide his shame. Tang Yan twisted his face.

He must search out that person, and don't chase that person into a thousand swords, it is hard to dispel his hatred! "Tanggong, you have to think twice about this. The other party dares to do so, but there is no background ..." The guard commander wanted to persuade him and was interrupted sharply by Tang Yan.

"Dare you dare to teach Lao Tzu what you are! Immediately go to the capital of Beijing, Yin, and talk to Jingzhaoyi for hunting! Tell him, the man is Wei Zi!"

Tang Xunzi pretends to be romantic, pretending to pretend to be a son, a self-proclaimed grandfather, and a self-proclaimed idiot like "Lao Tzu" who has always been disdainful. This time he was so angry that he lost his mind and exposed his nature.

Many people at the gate guard heard Tang Ying yelling at the leader, and his face was not embarrassed. Although Tang Yan's family background is quite large, but their leader is not a son of a senior official who can be called at will. What about a big clove?

The guard commander did not continue to persuade, but looked at the anxious person lightly, turned his head and instructed the hand to go down to the palace to deliver a message, and at the same time summoned the confidants around him, and whispered a few words.

His confidant took the lead to leave, and before he left, Tang Yan's eyes were cold.

The fact that there were four white radishes hanging at the gate of the city was too sensational, and one of them was the Tang son who many people in the city hated, and there were a lot of people who looked around at the joke and refused to leave.

The people in the Yamen came quickly, a large number of officers and soldiers rushed in, and their belts and sabers slaughtered indifferently. At the gate of the city, the four men went away without mentioning nonsense.

Tang Yan and others withdrew from the battlefield in scolding and scolding. Whatever happened, the people couldn't detect it, and people were caught at the gate.

Although I ca n’t see the follow-up, speculation is still possible. The officers and soldiers just came, but their faces are not quite right, and they have no previous courtesy to Tang Luo Tang Tang.

There are many articles in it.

Liu Yusheng followed the trend of green cypress to return to the palace, it was night, and today he still couldn't bring them back.

Nothing happened.

However, compared to yesterday's frustration, Liu Yusheng has been able to accept the facts calmly today.

Even if she is a mother-in-law, she is not as good as the queen queen who is accompanying her every day. Compared with her incompetent maiden, the queen's dedication to liang-dou is enough to make her feel ashamed.

She is no longer depressed, because no matter if Croton is by her side or in the Yangxin Temple, those who accompany them are those who truly love them.

Besides, as long as she appears now, Doudou will immediately come and stick to her, which is already very good.

Stronger than Feng Qingbai's father. Until now, every time he appeared, Croton still held his **** and slaps at him.

The two came back after having dinner in the Yangxin Hall, and it was already dinner time in the house. At this time, Qian Yi was entangled in Xue Qinglian's chattering in the living room, and talked about this morning's shock.

Looking at Xue Qinglian's painful expression, Liu Yusheng smirked, which made Xue Qinglian appear this kind of expression, besides Feng Qingbai, Qian Yi.

It's so rare, he didn't say the phrase "I've poisoned you".

As for the frightening incident in Qian Yi's mouth, Liu Yusheng and Feng Qingbai were already aware of it. At about noon, the gatekeeper of the city delivered a message to the palace and reported Wei Zi's remediation to Feng Qingbai.

"Sister Liu, are you back?" I am used to it, and the title of Sister Liu will not change for a while. Qian Yi follows this name.

"Come back, what about Liu Bu and Wei Zi?" Liu Yusheng asked.

"We came back to Wei Zi and disappeared. Liu Ya had eaten and returned to the room. Both were people who didn't like chatting." Qian Yi was helpless, so she could only cling to Xue Qinglian.

Taking advantage of Qian Yi's diversion of effort, Xue Qinglian quickly pulled out her grasped arm, and people quickly hurried out the door.

"Xue Qinglian, I haven't finished yet! You don't want to know the ending?"

"Feng Qingbai and Fu Yan haven't heard this story, you can tell them from the beginning."

Xue Qinglian answered in her mouth, slipping faster under her feet.

When passing the wind and cypress, he ignored his cool eyes.

It ’s boring to be alone. It ’s painful. Come together.

"Sheng Sheng, I went to the study, something was not finished." He explained to Liu Yusheng, Feng Qingbai didn't even enter the hall door, turned and followed Xue Qinglian's footsteps.

He's not afraid of talking, he's just afraid of noisy.

"So interesting things, why aren't you interested in listening to them one by one?" Qian Yi regretted, then stepped forward and took over Liu Yusheng who had no time to make excuses to sit down. Big deal! Wei Zi did it! "

Liu Yusheng, "..." She already knew, and knew more than Qian Yi, really.

In the other compartment, Feng Qingbai didn't catch Xue Qinglian. The guy slipped too fast. He didn't have to drive him out. He must remember that there will always be a return.

Turn around and go to the study.

The room was quiet, the desk was lit with wind-proof palace lights, and the whole room was smudged with a warm yellow.

"The next time you want to rectify people, use good means and good points." Sitting behind the desk, Feng Qingbai calmly said.

There is no second person in the room, and it looks more like talking to himself.

After a while, a low voice came from the man outside the window, "The next time my subordinates will handle it cleaner."

"Well, what I'm talking about is neat. Since it provokes you, it doesn't make much sense to hang in the city. If you want to take a shot, just cut off the root cause."

The outsider seemed to pause for a while, then responded, "Yes."

To cut off the root cause, others will not understand, Wei Zi will not understand.

Just like when the master and son dealt with the son of the **** in Cangzhou, he was made a **** directly. Without the roots of the descendants, no matter how big the heart is, he can only be weak.

In the dark, Wei Zi's mouth turned up, and since the protagonist's marriage with the princess, his temperament has also changed greatly, for example, he has become more and more short-lived.

New day, new month. Do you have a holiday on May 1st? Go out to play? I also go, hahaha, so apply for a three-day vacation, Orange takes the children to play, and relax by the way. This time is too tight, and every day after finishing the draft, I feel dizzy. During the orange leave period, the normal update will not change, and the debt will be repaid after returning. I owed 20 debts last month and postponed it to this month. I will double it in 8 days. Hahaha, my May is black ...

(End of this chapter)

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