Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 1134: Net six roots, self-cultivation

Chapter 1134 Net Six Roots, Self-cultivation

In the same night, the Nanling King's Mansion is quiet and peaceful, but the Royal Palace in the same city is shrouded in haze.

In the hall of the mansion, Yu Shi Tang Haiyuan walked around with his hands on his back, full of anger.

Tang Kui, the son of Tang, who was not alive, stood on one side, bowed his head, and did not dare to say a word. Even if the wounds that were nailed to the wall during the day were still faint, they did not dare to sit down.

On the other side, there were women such as Mrs. Yushi, and everyone was worried.

"You say you, how can you cause such a big thing! What can you do now!" Madam Yu Shi cried, hating iron and steel.

"Even if I usually make a small noise outside, most people outside will give the old man a face, but this is really a big disaster. Why is it that the son of a child has caused Nanling King!"

"In the past, the king of Nanling was difficult, not to mention that now there is more empress and general Qin behind him.

"I mentioned this to Madam for a long time to persuade her to converge, and she was scolded. Everyone thought I was jealous. Now it's good to see ..."

"Enough!" Tang Haiyuan drank stubbornly, interrupting your conversation with the women.

Saying this at this time is nothing more than falling into the ground and worrying about your mouth. Which one is not gloating except to be a mother-in-law?

Although the family members closed their mouths, the eyes before each other were extremely disapproving. Tang Yan is the eldest son of the elder lady. She is always guarded by the elder lady, and now she is finally in trouble. They are too happy to be too late. Where can you really worry?

Everyone was even anxious that this matter was so big. So, the status of Dafang and Tang Yan in the heart of the master would change.

"You all step back." Rubbing his eyebrows, Tang Haiyuan backed out the servants, and without looking at Tang Yan who was still there, he went to the chair and sat down.

Very silent, sighing in the end, always straight down, his energy seemed to be several years old.

"Dad, I, I really don't know that person is the guard of the Lord ..."

"Let's go down, too. I have no way to teach my son. I can't complain."

The old man spoke, Tang Yan did not dare to stay more, and left his head with a bowed head.

From the day he was detained by officers and men to the Yamen, he was panicked. Even now, his hands are still shaking uncontrollably.

I used to confuse Beijing, but who knows his identity and doesn't give him a face? Even the officers and men of the capital of Jingcheng, it was respectful to meet him.

But this time is different. He is not stupid. He has vaguely guessed what the officers and soldiers have changed in his attitude.

However, what really defeated him was after arriving at the Yamen, and Fu Yin personally told him that Wei Zi was the name of the Nanling King's personal guard.

Nanling King.

At that time, those three words were like a sharp sword, pierced into his heart fiercely, and pierced him with a spirit.

Launch officers and men to hunt across the city? Thousands of people broken?

Thinking of it again is a joke.

Son of Yushi, people are not afraid at all.

In the end, he not only dared not to touch a finger, but his Yushifu, starting from knowing what happened during the day and knowing who he offended, there were dark clouds over the residence.

Back in the room, Tang Yan walked around in the room, flustered, the six gods had no master.

If I had known that the two ordinary-dressed women had a relationship with King Nanling, he would not follow him even if he chopped his legs!

For so many years of fun, he only picked civilian women because civilians have no identity background. Even if something happened, those people would not be able to bear him and would not affect his father's official position.

How do you think you will lose your forefoot one day!

He has to think of a way to see how it can be remedied!

The darker and the darker the night, the quieter it was at midnight.

A dark shadow slipped into Yushifu silently without alarming anyone.

At this time, there were almost no lights in the Fuzhong area. The only room in the courtyard was still on. The shadow did not hesitate to go directly to that place.

After a short while, the lights in the room went out, and nothing came out.

Early the next morning, the Royal Palace once again exploded.

In the early morning, when the people in the middle of the house went to Tang's room to serve according to the habit, they found that the person was lying on the ground, drowsy silently, and there was no abnormality on his body, but a note was nailed to the bed beam next to it.

——Net six, self-cultivation.

The next man immediately took a note and stumbled to find the master.

Tang Haiyuan just went down at that moment, and when he saw the note, he felt a little guilty, and then his face was pale, and the whole man was filled with strong dark hair.

"Make evil, make evil!" He had already made up his mind, and after taking the dynasty, he took Tang Yan personally to the gate of the Nanling King's Mansion, and pleaded guilty.

I did not expect to be one step late.

Disused, his eldest son of Tang Haiyuan, annulled.

"Master, what's the matter with this? What do you mean by ... on the note?" Madam Yu Shi was pale and crumbling.

She vaguely guessed, but just refused to believe it.

"Chuan Yu Yi, in addition, go to the storeroom and pick out all the precious gifts you can pick up. Take that sinner and go with me to the Nanling Palace!"

The chaos of the Royal Historian soon spread out of his home, and he was full of enthusiasm in the area of ​​Beijing's official residence.

Only Nanling Wangfu was not affected.

Feng Qingbai came back down and was about to take Liu Yusheng to the palace, and halfway through a box in Liuyun Pavilion.

"If someone comes to you later, you'll send it."

The people inside didn't wake up and talked vaguely. "This is your house and not my house. Someone comes to the house and entertains yourself. Don't bother you."

"Privately breaking into the mansion of the government house, in accordance with Nanling law, is to use lynching and go to jail. The king always obeys the law and will hand you over at that time?"

"Wind green cypress, your uncle, I laughed at the door of Lao Tzu's room. Do you have more stops to try?"

"Oh, I have taken Baidu Pills, and it hasn't expired yet." After a pause, the man said again, "My uncle has been a century old, and I want to see him and send him off at any time."

In the room, Xue Qinglian opened her sleepy eyes and frantic.

Fuck this girl is simply his nemesis!

Farewell to him for his uncle? I'm looking for your sister!

Stubborn bullying is definitely not something!

He grabbed the pillow and smashed it at the door. Xue Qinglian covered himself in the quilt and wrapped himself tightly, lest he rush out and break the net with the girl.

Without much delay, Feng Qingbai brought Liu Yusheng to the palace and went directly to the palace. It seemed that it was two points more urgent than before, as if he was hiding something.

"What's wrong?" Liu Yusheng asked in a carriage.

"Nothing, avoid unnecessary trouble."

"What trouble?" Liu Yusheng asked again, this is not like Feng Qingbai's style.

When was he afraid of trouble?

She's the right person for fear of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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