Chapter 1145: Looking For Revenge

The carriage turned straight and went straight to Song Fu.

After the carriage left for a while, the dead crowd broke out. Someone with good things even ran away in the direction of Songfu. He drank his companion and watched the next bustle.

Fortunately, the minions who were ignored by Wei Zi and Liu Ya faced each other, struggling to get up, and quickly rushed back to Song Mansion, and wanted to report to the owner what happened here.

Although Song Jian is not a sister-in-law of the Song Dynasty, it is also from the second house's favored aunt and ranks second only to the sister-in-law in Fufu.

This time it was beaten like this on the street, and the assailants even came to the door, what happened?

Something big must happen!

Not only a few minions thought so, the people in the city also speculated.

If you do n’t have two brushes in your hand, would you dare to bring someone to the door like this?

Song government is also the famous gate of Yuzhou City, but it is not so easy for ordinary people to step on!

When the gatekeeper of the Songfu House stumbled to report that the second master was thrown away at the gate of the house, the few minions also slipped back from the side door. He said in front of the Song family owner what happened on the street and expressed his indignation Wei Zi became the cheap **** of the pioneers, not only cheap, but also arrogant, which not only hit Song Gongzi, but also dared to hit the door.

If he doesn't give him a lesson, how will the Song family stand in Yuzhou City in the future?

Song Jiangnan, the head of the Song family, was sitting on the main seat, his face was sinking into the water, listening to the minions, you spoke with one voice and I spoke without saying a word.

The minions' voices gradually lowered, and the excitement at the beginning dissipated, and there was a snoring in the bottom of the heart, and they couldn't figure out what the owner meant.

"Come here, carry the young master in, and invite the VIPs at the door."

"No need, please. I'm here." The black figure was not far from the hall, approaching gradually, his steps were strong and steady, his breath was cold, his face was not a little expression.

In his hand, dragged the unconscious Song Jian. Behind him were countless family members in Songfu, who looked at him in a semi-encirclement, but did not dare to approach.

In the distance, Song Jiangnan shrank his eyelids and stood up from the chair. "I don't know who this friend is, why is he so **** the dog?"

Being able to achieve the position of homeowner and leading the Song family to the ranks of famous people, Song Jiangnan is not a fool. He heard a few words of the minions, but did not immediately make a judgment.

In front of men, just looking at temperament is not an ordinary person. Such a person, dare to come to the door is arrogant, and after the arrogance, he carried an extraordinary courage.

Such people will never beat others for no reason. What's more, his son, does he know what Song Jian actually is?

So even when he saw his son being dragged into the house like a dead dog, Song Jiangnan endured, and did not have an immediate attack.

At least, he has to figure out the identity of the man in front of him. After you figure it out, follow up.

As long as there is a little bit of possibility, he will not let this man go out easily, otherwise Songfu will lose his face in Yuzhou.

To the family members who are also struggling to find a mobile phone conference, Wei Zi sees nothing. When he is about to walk to the entrance of the hall, he throws Song Jian in his hands, lifts his feet, and stumbles.

The unconscious person glanced and slid until he stopped at the foot of Song Jiangnan.

Looking down, looking at his unrecognizable son, Song Jiangnan's temples were full of blue muscles, and then he could bear it, and couldn't bear such a provocation.

He had given the face of a man enough, but the other side gave him his son in front of him, which was a contempt for him and the entire Song family.

Looking up, Song Jiangnan Yan's eyes were vulgar, "Brother Taiwan must not deceive people too much!"

Wei Zi smiled coldly, "He defiled the girl and humiliated him when he was on the street. This is his lesson. The farm in Chuanjiu Village has been sold to the Liu family, including Liu Ya, who is already a Liu family member. Before humiliating people, Let me know first, you ca n’t afford it. Once this time, if he dares to go to the farm to harass, I will let the owner of the Song family personally set up a tombstone for him. "

"It's presumptuous! Come on—"

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am the **** of Nanling King, Wei Zi. I want to seek revenge and be with me at any time."

"!!!" Song Jiangnan's throat seemed to be strangled in an instant, and he couldn't make any noise.

His eyes were so wide that he couldn't believe the man turning away.

Several minions still stranded in the hall have softened their legs and slumped on the ground.

King Nan and Nanling! Nanling King's personal guard!

No wonder they dare to come after they hit someone, they have that confidence!

A Song family, what do they think? Be a fart!

Song Jiang Nanxun watched the man go back, and then looked at the immature things next to his feet. He stepped back and fell into a chair.

The shock of my heart was lingering.

He had no doubt that the man had deliberately intimidated him by lying about his identity, without any doubt.

Because that's not possible at all.

He knew about the farm in Chuanjiu Village. Last year, he sold it to a large family named Liu because of poor harvest. Song Jian reported it to him.

If the man lies, there is a temple in Chuanjiu Village, and the monk in the temple cannot run away. As long as the identity is not verified, the Song family can retaliate with the farm at any time.

That man wouldn't know how to do such a stupid thing.

Moreover, it is no trivial matter to pretend to be the guard of Nanling King.

Liu Family ... King of Nanling ...

Song Jiangnan looked at a few soft-minded minions, gritted his teeth and asked, "What the **** happened !?"

Several minions are scared to pee.

Compared to Wei Zi's fierce and fierce, they are more afraid of the owner. Wei Zi will leave after a meal. After all, he is a passenger, but the owner is different. The owner is holding their selling contract. This is the one who can really kill and kill them at any time!

Seeing that things couldn't be hidden, how many people dared to lie and busy talked about the cause of the incident by pouring beans in bamboo tubes, including what happened a year and a half ago.

Song Jiangnan was dying. "Pull this evil animal down and immediately call the clan members to open the ancestral temple. Today, Song Jian is removed from the Song family tree!"

Sullying the maid is nothing more. People have already sold it and they have nothing to do with the Song family. Today, Song Jian wants to be the first to be cheap! Put your head up and let people chop it!

This time offended the people of King Nanling!

Is that what their Song family can offend? !!

If Song Jian is left behind, it will only bring disaster to the entire Song family! The only way to keep the Song family is to expel the culprits. From then on, everything in Song Jian has nothing to do with the Song family!

Poor Song Jian was still fainting, and he didn't know he was half-hearted at the moment, and the result was that he lost all his umbrellas.

Since then, the Song family has no place for him.

After leaving Song Mansion, Wei Zi jumped into the carriage, and the driver immediately turned the carriage and headed for Fangyuan County.

What happened just now, for Wei Zi, is just an episode that can't be too small.

At four o'clock in the morning, I'm still coding, try hard? Tickets should be encouraged here.

(End of this chapter)

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